to me with a flying roll from Gladden Bishop & wished to tech
me I herd him awhile I then asked him if He believed Joseph Smith was a prophet of God & set up the kingdom of God
on the Earth & ordained Twelve Apostles to build up that kingdom
in all the world He said He did I then told him as I was
one of those Twelve Apostles that I should be damned if I
was not in a situation to Judge him & all other men that that
I come in contact with whether their work was of God
or the Devil And I know your Rooll & work is of the Devil
& not of God while you say I shall be damned if I dont
received it, we know the Lord is with the leaders of this
people we know through the wisdom which God has given
president Young he has fed & preserved this people in the wilderness
& in other places & has done well we know he has done well &
that He is the good shepherd that feeds the flock A true shephrd
does not stand in need of telling the flock all the time that
He is the good [shepherd] for the flock knows it without being told of it
met for prayer in the evening
Brother David Fulmer made some good rem[ar]ks & was followed
by brother Kimball who brought up the parable of the threshing
floor & compared it with this place & people He gave good
instruction was follow by W. Woodruff who requested
the people to contine their labours on the Temple
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
21, , 23 I spent the time on the Temple Ground On the 23rd
the large barn owned by Hornor & Egan was burned to the
ground with several horses
27th Sunday Elder John L Smith Addressed the meeting
& spoke well After He closed
President Brigham Young Arose & said many interesting
things concerning the Gladdenites & Apostates in this pla[c]e
his discours is published in the Deserett News vol 3, No 10
which is Highly interesting was followed By P P PrattJ Taylor
& W Woodruf I also preached in the evening in the 14 ward school hous
[FIGURE] I sent $1000 by Levi Stewart to Sanbon & Carter
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
April 1 & 2nd I spent the time on the temple ground
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday Meeting was Addressed by Erastus Snow &
followed by A Lyman we had a good meeting Attended
praying circle in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
4 & 5 I spent my time at hard labour to prepare
the Temple ground for laying the cornor Stones of the Temple
to me with a flying Roll from Gladden Bishop & wished to tech
me I herd him awhile I then asked him if He believed
Joseph Smith was a prophet of God & set up the Kingdom of God
on the Earth & ordained Twelve Apostles to build up that Kingdom
in all the world He said he did I then told him as I was
one of those Twelve Apostles that I should be damned if I
was not in a situation to Judge him & all other men that that
I come in contact with whether their work was of God
or the Devil and I know your Roll & work is of the Devil
& not of God while you say I shall be damned if I dont
received it. we know the Lord is with the leaders of this
people we know through the wisdom which God has given
president Young he has fed & preserved this people in the wilderness
& in other places & has done well we know he has done well &
that he is the good shepherd that feeds the flock A true shephrd
does not stand in need of telling the flock all the time that
He is the good shepherd for the flock knows it without being told of it
met for prayer in the evening
Brother David Fulmer made some good remarks & was followed
by brother Kimball who brought up the parable of the threshing
floor & compared it with this place & people He gave good
instruction was follow by W. Woodruff who requested
the people to contine their labours on the Temple
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
21, 22, 23 I spent the time on the Temple Ground On the 23rd
the large barn owned by Hornor & Egan was burned to the
ground with several horses
27th Sunday Elder John L Smith addressed the meeting
& spoke well after he closed
President Brigham Young arose & said many interesting
things concerning the Gladdenites & Apostates in this place
his discours is published in the Deserett News vol 3, No 10
which is highly interesting was followed by P P PrattJ Taylor
& W Woodruf I also preached in the evening in the 14 ward school hous
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," March 20, 1853 - April 5, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,