Sunday I took cars to Kays ward to attend the funeral of Mary Philips
who died in her 98 year. I Baptized her into this Church in 1840
31 years ago the funeral commenced at 11 oclok we had a large congre-
gation. I spoke one hour but had a severe cold upon my lungs which
troubled me much about speaking. G. D. Watt reported my Discourse
I was followed By Brother Wm Kay & Bishop Layton. The corps was foll[ow]ed
to the grave By 61 full loaded waggons & carriages & some Horsmen
At the close of the servises I dined at Brother Philips & rode with Brother
Layton to visit Sister Smith who has been sick a long time. we adm-
inistered to her. On our return to the settlement we visited Brother
Latons Farm & saw his flock of 200 fine fat sheep I spent the night at
Brother Philips
~ Monday
23 I Attended the meeting of the Parent Stock society
23. I returned to Salt Lake City By the cars distance to & from Kaysville 50 M
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
24 to 27. I spent the week at the farm & choreing ^I Paid Rydolch $552.50 for A Bull^
29. Sunday I was quite unwell with a cold on my lungs yet I Administered to 2 children Jacob Townsend & James Brown son
I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon President Joseph
Young spoke one hour & 15 Minutes I met with the 12 for prayer in the
Evening & Administered to Sister Riggs with Orson Pratt
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
30 & 31. I spent the time at the farm but was vary unwell with a cold upon
My lungs I returned to the city & found 3 of my children sick 2
of Sarah's her babe Charles Henry was vary low ^ I ordained him an Elder^
~ Wednesday
Feb 1. I was quite unwell Sarah'schild was sinking vary fast
~ Thursday
2nd Charles Henry died this morning at 2 oclok near 2 months
old it was a great trial to his mother
~ Friday
3rd I buried my child to day Joseph F Smith spoke at the funeral, which was
Attended at 11 oclok, at the closed of the funeral & buriel I went to the field
& spent the night
~ Saturday
4. I returned to the city & Attended the school of the Prophets. John Taylor
spoke to the people I followed him I spoke upon the subject of our Brethren
renting or selling their houses & lands, to the Gentiles. I was followed by others
upon the same subject President Wells made the closing speech. 6 M[iles].
~ Sunday
Jan 22nd 1871
[FIGURE] Sunday I took cars to Kays ward to attend the funeral of Mary Philips
who died in her 98 year I Baptized her into this Church in 1840
31 years ago the funeral commenced at 11 oclok we had a large congregation. I spoke one hour but had a severe cold upon my lungs which
troubled me much about speaking G. D. Watt reported my Discourse
I was followed By Brother Wm Kay & Bishop Layton. The corps was followed
to the grave By 61 full loaded waggons & carriges & some Horsmen
At the close of the services I dined at Brother Philips & rode with Brother
Layton to visit Sister Smith who has been sick a long time, we administered to her on our return to the settlement we visited Brother
Latons Farm & saw his flock of 200 fine fat sheep I spent the night at
Brother Philips
~ Monday
23 I Attended the meeting of the Parent Stock society
23. I returned to Salt Lake City By the cars distance to & from Kaysville 50 Miles
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
24 to 27. I spent the week at the farm & choreing. I Paid Rydolch $552.50 for A Bull
~ Saturday
FIGURES 28. I received 5 letters & wrote one to Wilford I attended the
school of the Prophets & spoke upon the subject of forming Cooperative
Stock Herds & was followed By many others upon the same subject. I
administered to 2 sick children Jacob Townsend & Mary Woodruff
~ Sunday
29. Sunday I was quite unwell with a cold on my lungs yet I
Administered to 2 children Jacob Townsend & James Brown son
I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon President Joseph
Young spoke one hour & 15 Minutes. I met with the 12 for prayer in the
Evening & Administered to Sister Riggs with Orson Pratt
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
30, & 31. I spent the time at the farm but was vary unwell with a cold upon
My lungs I returned to the City & found 3 of my children sick 2
of Sarah's her babe Charles Henry was vary low FIGURES I ordained him an Elder
~ Wednesday
Feb 1. I was quite unwell Sarah's child was sinking vary fast
~ Thursday
2nd [FIGURE] Charles Henry died this morning at 2 oclok near 2 months
old it was a great trial to his mother
~ Friday
3rd I buried my child to day Joseph F Smith spoke at the Funeral, which was
Attended at 11 oclok, at the closed of the funeral & buriel I went to the field
& spent the night
~ Saturday
4. I returned to the City & Attended the School of the Prophets. John Taylor
spoke to the people I followed him I spoke upon the subject of our Brethren
renting or selling their houses & lands, to the Gentiles. I was followed by others
upon the same subject President Wells made the closing speech. 6 Miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 22, 1871 - February 4, 1871, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,