In the first place, I will say that
the Prophet taught us that
Father was the first man on
the earth to whom God gave the
keys of the Everlasting Priesthood.
He held the keys of the Presidency,
and was the first man who did hold
them. stood next to him.
These keys were given to Noah, he
being the father of all living in his
day, as Adam was in his day. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:40-52]
These two men were the first who
received the Priesthood in the eter-
nal worlds, before the worlds were
formed. They were the first who
received the Everlasting Priesthood
or Presidency on the earth. Father
Adam stands at the head, so far as
this world is concerned. Of course,
Jesus Christ is the Great of the salvation of the human
family. But Adam holds those keys
in the world today; he will hold
them to the endless ages of eternity.
And Noah, and every man who has
ever held or will hold the keys of
Presidency of the Kingdom of God,
from that day until the scene is
wound up, will have to stand before
Father Adam and give an account
of the keys of that Priesthood, as
we all will have to give an account
unto the Lord, of the principles that
we have received, when our work is
done in the flesh.
Brother has given my
mind with regard to Joseph Smith.
I look upon Joseph Smith as the
greatest Prophet that ever breathed
the breath of life, excepting Jesus
Christ. Father Adam, as I have
said, stands at the head; but Joseph
Smith was reserved to lay the foun-
dation of this great Kingdom and
dispensation of salvation to the
whole human family in these last
days, to build up Zion, to establish
God's Kingdom, and to prepare it
for the coming of the Son of Man.
He held those keys. Brother Can-
non has told you the truth. No other
man held those keys while he lived.
After him, as has been said, came
Brother . I have traveled
with Joseph Smith thousands of
miles. There are some here tonight
who were in Zion's Camp. He was
a boy, in one sense of the word.
He was but a young man when he
was martyred and passed into the
presence of God. His days were
comparatively few. But he was a
great man. He lived a long life for
a few days. He performed an al-
mighty work—as great a work as
any man, save Jesus Christ, that
ever lived on the earth. We knew
him. We knew the Apostles. We
knew Brother Brigham; he was a
glazier and painter, and, in one
sense of the word, an illiterate man.
But God raised him up to do a great
work and to follow in the channel of
Joseph Smith. He magnified his
calling. He led this people to these
mountains, and he built up this
country almost from one end of it
to the other, by his counsel. The
Lord took him to Himself. Brother
followed, until he was taken
Now, all of these men were what
the world would call weak instru-
ments in the hands of God. I have
been asked the question many times,
"Why did the Lord choose Joseph
Smith to bring forth the and to lay the foundation
of this great Kingdom here on the
earth? Why didn't He choose Dr.
, Dr. , Mr. , or
some great man?" I have never
had but one answer in my life to all
such men, and that is, "The Lord
could not do anything with them,
because of their unbelief, and their
unwillingness to acknowledge His
hand in all things." That is the
reason the Lord has chosen weak
instruments to do His work. And
I will say here, if any of you want
a weaker instrument than Wilford
Woodruff to hold the of God, you ought to be
ashamed of yourselves. The Lord,
however, is just as able to inspire
me, or Brother Cannon, or any
other man, when the time comes, as
He has inspired other men in past
ages. I know what the will of God
is concerning this people, and if
they will take the counsel we give
them, all will be well with them.
Now, I want to make a few re-
marks concerning myself. I never
like to do this; but I want to give
you a little of my experience in a
few things, and I want to tell you
where my strength lies, and the
greatest evidence that any Elder of
Israel can have, ever did have, or
ever will have on the face of the
earth with regard to the work of God.
Speaking of the . I never asked the Lord in
my life to send me an angel or to
show me any miracle. I wanted
the Gospel of Christ; and the first
sermon I ever heard preached in
this Church I had a testimony for
myself that it was the Gospel of
Christ. I had a testimony to satisfy
myself when I was baptized. I had
been looking, praying, hungering
and thirsting to find some man on
the face of the earth who had the
Priesthood, and who could teach me
the Gospel. When I heard this ser-
mon, I knew the voice; I knew the
shepherd; I knew it was true. And
from that day until this, I have
never seen one moment in my life
that I have ever had doubts with
regard to it. I have never had any
trial in this Church with regard to
my faith. My trials have been of
another nature. I have had the
administration of angels in my day
and time, though I never prayed for
an angel. I have had, in several
instances, the administration of
holy messengers. In 1835, at Broth-
er house
in , I received a letter
one day from Joseph Smith and
, requesting me to
stay in Kentucky and
and take charge of the Church
there. He wanted
and to go to to receive their endowments.
Joseph said in that letter: "You
shall lose no blessing by pursuing
this course." That letter was a great
joy, a great comfort and consolation
to me. I had traveled with Joseph
Smith to . I had been
acquainted with him, and I knew
he was a Prophet of God. In the
evening of that day I went into a
little back room, in which was a
small settee. I was alone. I was
overwhe[lm]ed with joy and consola-
tion at the letter I had received and
the encouraging words it contained.
I knelt down and prayed. I arose
from my knees and sat down. The
room was filled with light. A mes-
senger came to me. We had a long
conversation. He laid before me
as if in a panorama, the signs of the
last days, and told me what was
coming to pass. I saw the sun
turned to darkness, the moon to
blood, the stars fall from heaven.
I saw the resurrection day. I saw
armies of men in the , clothed with the robes of the
Holy Priesthood. I saw the second
resurrection. I saw a great many
signs that were presented before me.
by this personage; and among the
rest, there were seven lions, as of
burning brass, set in the heavens.
He says, "That is one of the signs
that will appear in the heavens be-
fore the coming of the Son of Man.
It is a sign of the various dispensa-
Now, had I been an artist, on the
next day I could have sat down
at my table and drawn, as clearly as
though I had studied them all my
life, everything I saw. I went to
meeting the next day, with Brother
Smoot. I hardly knew where I
was. I did not comprehend a being,
scarcely. I was entirely over-
whelmed with what I had seen the
night before.
In the first place, I will say that
the Prophet taught us that
Father was the first man on
the earth to whom God gave the
keys of the Everlasting Priesthood.
He held the keys of the Presidency,
and was the first man who did hold
them. stood next to him.
These keys were given to Noah, he
being the father of all living in his
day, as Adam was in his day.
These two men were the first who
received the Priesthood in the eternal worlds, before the worlds were
formed. They were the first who
received the Everlasting Priesthood
or Presidency on the earth. Father
Adam stands at the head, so far as
this world is concerned. Of course,
Jesus Christ is the Great High
Priest of the salvation of the human
family. But Adam holds those keys
in the world today; he will hold
them to the endless ages of eternity.
And Noah, and every man who has
ever held or will hold the keys of
Presidency of the Kingdom of God,
from that day until the scene is
wound up, will have to stand before
Father Adam and give an account
of the keys of that Priesthood, as
we all will have to give an account
unto the Lord, of the principles that
we have received, when our work is
done in the flesh.
Brother has given my
mind with regard to Joseph Smith.
I look upon Joseph Smith as the
greatest Prophet that ever breathed
the breath of life, excepting Jesus
Christ. Father Adam, as I have
said, stands at the head; but Joseph
Smith was reserved to lay the foundation of this great Kingdom and
dispensation of salvation to the
whole human family in these last
days, to build up Zion, to establish
God's Kingdom, and to prepare it
for the coming of the Son of Man.
He held those keys. Brother Cannon has told you the truth. No other
man held those keys while he lived.
After him, as has been said, came
Brother . I have traveled
with Joseph Smith thousands of
miles. There are some here tonight
who were in Zion's Camp. He was
a boy, in one sense of the word.
He was but a young man when he
was martyred and passed into the
presence of God. His days were
comparatively few. But he was a
great man. He lived a long life for
a few days. He performed an almighty work—as great a work as
any man, save Jesus Christ, that
ever lived on the earth. We knew
him. We knew the Apostles. We
knew Brother Brigham; he was a
glazier and painter, and, in one
sense of the word, an illiterate man.
But God raised him up to do a great
work and to follow in the channel of
Joseph Smith. He magnified his
calling. He led this people to these
mountains, and he built up this
country almost from one end of it
to the other, by his counsel. The
Lord took him to Himself. Brother
followed, until he was taken
Now, all of these men were what
the world would call weak instruments in the hands of God. I have
been asked the question many times,
"Why did the Lord choose Joseph
Smith to bring forth the Book of
Mormon and to lay the foundation
of this great Kingdom here on the
earth? Why didn't He choose Dr.
Haws, Dr. , Mr. Beecher, or
some great man?" I have never
had but one answer in my life to all
such men, and that is, "The Lord
could not do anything with them,
because of their unbelief, and their
unwillingness to acknowledge His
hand in all things." That is the
reason the Lord has chosen weak
instruments to do His work. And
I will say here, if any of you want
a weaker instrument than Wilford
Woodruff to hold the keys of the
Kingdom of God, you ought to be
ashamed of yourselves. The Lord,
however, is just as able to inspire
me, or Brother Cannon, or any
other man, when the time comes, as
He has inspired other men in past
ages. I know what the will of God
is concerning this people, and if
they will take the counsel we give
them, all will be well with them.
Now, I want to make a few remarks concerning myself. I never
like to do this; but I want to give
you a little of my experience in a
few things, and I want to tell you
where my strength lies, and the
greatest evidence that any Elder of
Israel can have, ever did have, or
ever will have on the face of the
earth with regard to the work of God.
Speaking of the administration of
angels. I never asked the Lord in
my life to send me an angel or to
show me any miracle. I wanted
the Gospel of Christ; and the first
sermon I ever heard preached in
this Church I had a testimony for
myself that it was the Gospel of
Christ. I had a testimony to satisfy
myself when I was baptized. I had
been looking, praying, hungering
and thirsting to find some man on
the face of the earth who had the
Priesthood, and who could teach me
the Gospel. When I heard this sermon, I knew the voice; I knew the
shepherd; I knew it was true. And
from that day until this, I have
never seen one moment in my life
that I have ever had doubts with
regard to it. I have never had any
trial in this Church with regard to
my faith. My trials have been of
another nature. I have had the
administration of angels in my day
and time, though I never prayed for
an angel. I have had, in several
instances, the administration of
holy messengers. In 1835, at Brother house
in , I received a letter
one day from Joseph Smith and
, requesting me to
stay in Kentucky and
and take charge of the Church
there. He wanted
and to go to to receive their endowments.
Joseph said in that letter: "You
shall lose no blessing by pursuing
this course." That letter was a great
joy, a great comfort and consolation
to me. I had traveled with Joseph
Smith to . I had been
acquainted with him, and I knew
he was a Prophet of God. In the
evening of that day I went into a
little back room, in which was a
small settee. I was alone. I was
overwhelmed with joy and consolation at the letter I had received and
the encouraging words it contained.
I knelt down and prayed. I arose
from my knees and sat down. The
room was filled with light. A messenger came to me. We had a long
conversation. He laid before me
as if in a panorama, the signs of the
last days, and told me what was
coming to pass. I saw the sun
turned to darkness, the moon to
blood, the stars fall from heaven.
I saw the resurrection day. I saw
armies of men in the first resurrection, clothed with the robes of the
Holy Priesthood. I saw the second
resurrection. I saw a great many
signs that were presented before me.
by this personage; and among the
rest, there were seven lions, as of
burning brass, set in the heavens.
He says, "That is one of the signs
that will appear in the heavens before the coming of the Son of Man.
It is a sign of the various dispensations."
Now, had I been an artist, on the
next day I could have sat down
at my table and drawn, as clearly as
though I had studied them all my
life, everything I saw. I went to
meeting the next day, with Brother
Smoot. I hardly knew where I
was. I did not comprehend a being,
scarcely. I was entirely overwhelmed with what I had seen the
night before.