Brother Petted killed 40 ducks to day I killed several
~ Friday
26. We started to go to the North End of the Lake we had a hard
wind from the North which made the lake vary rough we
Beat against the wind till in the night it was vary cold we then
rowed to Pelican Point & camped for the night distance 25 m[iles]
~ Saturday
27. We went to Camp Hitched up our Horses & drove to S. L. City
we had 100 ducks 6 geese & 5 Rabbits distance of the day 45 [Miles].
5 Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Wm King spoke 15 Minutes Henry H Cluff spoke 15 M[inutes] Joseph F Smith spoke 45 Minutes G Q Cannon 80 M[inutes] ^in the Evening^ W W in the 13 ward
7 & 8. I spent the time cleaning up my stock yard at the farm
~ Thursday
9 I took my Boys in a waggon & drove to the point of the mountain
to look up my stock I stoped with Porter family 14 M[iles]
~ Friday
10. Keets rode am[on]g the Herds to look up our stock I returned home
with David & Brigham 14 M[iles]
~ Saturday
11 A snow storm I attended the school of the Prophets
I received A Letter from Azmon Woodruff it was published
in the News. I wrote 23 letters to Owen Smith to Brother
Fuller & Willford & sent Wilford $5 in money
W Woodruff opened the school By Prayer Questions were asked
By seven of the school President Young spoke 30 Minutes the following is a synopsis of Presid[en]t Y[ou]ngs remarks He said
A Bill of Divorce that is given to many is no Better than
a peace of Blank paper A woman who is sealed to a good
man who bears the Priesthood if that man honors that Priesthood
if that woman leaves him of her own accord & she is sealed
to a dozen other men the first man will hold her in the
resurrection if he wants her unless she should be sealed to a
~ Thursday
Nov 25 1869
Brother Petted killed 40 ducks to day I killed several
~ Friday
26. We started to go to the North End of the Lake we had a hard
wind from the North which made the lake vary rough we
Beat against the wind till in the night it was vary cold we then
rowed to Pelican Point & camped for the night distance 25 miles
~ Saturday
27. we went to Camp Hitched up our Horses & drove to S. L. City
we had 100 ducks 6 geese & 5 Rabbits distance of the day 45.
7 & 8. I spent the time cleaning up my stock yard at the farm
~ Thursday
9 I took my Boys in a waggon & drove to the point of the mountain
to look up my stock I stoped with Porter family 14 Miles
~ Friday
10. Keets rode among the Herds to look up our stock I returned home
with David & Brigham 14 Miles
~ Saturday
11 A snow storm I attended the school of the Prophets
I received A Letter from Azmon Woodruff it was published
in the News. I wrote3 letters to Owen Smith to Brother
Fuller & Willford & sent Wilford $5 in money
W Woodruff opened the school By Prayer Questions were asked
By seven of the school President Young spoke 30 Minutes the
[FIGURE] following is a synopsis of President Youngs remarks He said
A Bill of Divorce that is given to many is no Better than
a peace of Blank paper A woman who is sealed to a good
man who bears the Priesthood if that man honors that Priesthood
if that woman leaves him of her own accord & she is sealed
to a dozen other men the first man will hold her in the
resurrection if he wants her unless she should be sealed to a
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 25, 1869 - December 11, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025,