W H Mills spoke 20 Minutes Brother Teasdale 38 M[inutes]
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], & J F Smith 60 M[inutes]
I met with Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & in the Evening I
Preached in the 15 ward followed Bry Brother R T Burton
~ Monday
8 Nov. 1869 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endow[men]ts to 79 D H Wells sealed 33, J F Smith 27, &
W Woodruff 20 couple total 80 sealings. I sealed 6 dead
persons to Daniel H. Wells & J F Smith
Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was sealed
By Joseph F. Smith in the Endowm[en]t House for the following persons Nov 8.
W H Mills spoke 20 Minutes Brother Teasdale 38 Minutes
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 45 Minutes, & J F Smith 60 Minutes
I met with Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & in the Evening I
Preached in the 15 ward followed By Brother R T Burton
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 5, 1869 - November 14, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rkkp