Sunday I did not attend meeting in the Forenoon Milo Andrus
spoke in the forenoon Afternoon G. A. Smith spoke 25 Minutes and
President Y[ou]ng 58 Minutes He spoke upon the gospel & made Evry
thing Plain if the religions of the sectarian world did not
ketch or save us our religion would if sprinkling children was
not Baptism & not acceptable to God Baptism By immeresion
was & what harm was there in keeping the commandm[en]t of God it
would save a man while rejecting them would destroy a man
we met in the Prayer Circle with the Presidency & 12. I called upon
Brother Cannon in the Evening to see his Babies He had 4 young children
1 pair of Tweiens I then called upon the family of Brother James
Brown, He was gone North preaching. I then called upon Mother Russell spent a few Moments I then called upon Elias Smith
& spent the Evening G. A. Smith & Brother Collester was there &
several other N. H. Felt had searched the Ancient records of
the Smith Family & sent an acc[ou]nt of some wills & other
Accounts of the family of Joseph Smith to G A Smith &
they were read over during the Evening with much interest
& comments made upon them
~ Monday
21. The Legislature of the State of Deserett met
to day & organized I was a Member of the senate Gov Brigham Y[ou]ng delivered a short written Message & an oral one He
spoke plain these are interesting & important times all the United
States as it were are at war with us triying to pass Bills through
Congress to destroy us for our religion I received a long letter from R. W. Scott upon the sheep Question & wrote
one in return I held a meeting with the Board of directors
$5. I wrote a letter to Wilford sent him $5 & a sack of
goods & shoes & a sack of dried fruit all By Joseph W. Y[ou]ng
I attended a Milaitary Ball in the Evening at the Theater. I met
with Dr. H. Lathram & Lady from Laramie
~ Wednesday
23rd $10 I wrote a letter to Betsey Alvord & sent her $10 By Richard
Barrett. I went to the field in the evening
~ Sunday
Feb 20, 1870.
Sunday I did not attend meeting in the Forenoon Milo Andrus
spoke in the forenoon Afternoon G. A. Smith spoke 25 Minutes and
President Young 58 Minutes He spoke upon the gospel & made Evry
thing Plain if the religion of the Sectarian world did not
ketch or save us our religion would if sprinkling children was
not Baptism & not acceptable to God Baptism By immersion
was & what harm was there in keeping the commandment of God it
would save a man while rejecting them would destroy a man
we met in the Prayer Circle with the Presidency & 12. I called upon
Brother Cannon in the Evening to see his Babies He had 4 young children
1 pair of Twins I then called upon the family of Brother James
Brown, He was gone North preaching. I then called upon Mother
Russell spent a few Moments I then called upon Elias Smith
& spent the Evening G. A. Smith & Brother Collester was there &
several other N. H. Felt had searched the Ancient Records of
the Smith Family & sent an account of some wills & other
Accounts of the family of Joseph Smith to G A Smith &
they were read over during the Evening with much interest
& comments made upon them
~ Monday
21. FIGURES The Legislature of the State of Deserett met
to day & organized I was a Member of the senate Gov
Brigham Young delivered a short written Message & an oral one He
spoke plain these are interesting & important times all the United
States as it were are at war with us trying to pass Bills through
Congress to destroy us for our religion I received a long
FIGURES letter from R. W. Scott upon the sheep Question & wrote
one in return I held a meeting with the Board of directors
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," February 20, 1870 - February 23, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,