[FIGURE] As soon as I got my Daughter on board of the cars I took cars
& returned to Salt Lake to cast my vote for George Q Cannon & in the
afternoon I returned again to Ogden making 80 miles travel
to cast my vote I took Utah Northern in the evening & rode to Smithfield arived at midnight and spent the rest of the night
with my family there Distance of the day 170 Miles
~ Wednesday
3rd I went with Newton to bear River we shot 4 ducks & returned 12 M[iles] Mary had bruisedd her knee caught cold in it and was in
great pain in the night I got up held her limb over the
smoke of burnt Wool & put on a peace of salt Bacon and she fell
asleep and rested
~ Thursday
4. I spent the Day in Smithfield and mostly at home Attended fast ^Meeting^
6. In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan
to Attend the Quarterly Conference Met at 10 oclok Wm M Merrill
prayed statiscital report of the stake was then read
Total Officer & Members 10133, children 4417, Total Souls, 14550
Apostles 1, Patriarchs 7, High Priests 433, Seventies 359, Elders 1407
Priests 293, Teachers 337, Deacons 485, Total Temple funds $257,271.41 G Q Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 25 M[inutes]. Afternoon Wm B Preston
spoke 12 M[inutes]. F. D. Richards one hour & 10 M[inutes]. on the Law of Tithing
At the close of the Meeting we visited the Temple two Bants [Banks] of the roof
was on we could see that it will crowd hard to get the roof on this
fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles
Nov 2nd 1880
[FIGURE] I then took cars & returned to Salt Lake to
cast my vote for G Q Cannon as our delegate to Congress
In the Afternoon I returned again to Ogden making 80 M
Miles travel to cast my vote. I took Utah Northern in the
Evening rode to Smithfield arived at Midnight Distance of the day 170 miles
3rd I went with Newton to bear River we shot 4 ducks and
returned Mary had burned her knee caught cold in it and was
in great Pain in the night I got up held her limb over the
smoke of burnt wool, and Put on a peace of salt Bacon
& she went to sleep & rested
6. In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan
to attend the quarterly conference Met at 10 oclok Br Merrill
Prayed Statiscital report read Total souls 14550. Total of
Temple funds $257,271.41. G. Q. Cannon spoke 25 Minutes, W Wood
ruff 25 Minutes Afternoon Wm B Preston spoke 12 Minutes. F. D. Richards
one hour & 10 Minutes on the Law of Tithing At the close of the Meeting we visited
the Temple, two banks of the Roof was on we could see that it will crowd
hard to get the roof on this fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles
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