Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838) [DB-5]

Document Transcript

Page 1

~ Wednesday

9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks
I there perused a letter from Viana Jaques
direct from the city far west it contained
many important things afmong ^concerning^ the Saints in
that place O when will the Saints rest from
their trials difficulties & tribulations &
Zion to esstablished forever may the Lord
hasten it I pray she stated some of the trials
of the Saints {shorthand}
We returned to Brother Holmes & there we had an
interview with Elder Joseph Ball & we were
happy to meet with each other we spent the
night at father Holmes distance 4 miles

~ Thursday

10th I took the parting hand with I Milton &
father Holmes family & walked in company
with Elder Ball to Salem pop 15000 17 miles
after visiting this town we travelled to numbers
were execute after being accused of witchery this
in the early days of the settlement we then walked
to Lynn ^5 m^ pop 10,000 we spent the night with Mr.
John Alley distance of this day 22 miles.
Page 2

~ Friday

May 11th this is a day long to be remembered by
mye because of the great variety of events that
transpired with me No day of my life was ever
attended with a greater variety of change, circum-
stances & places which my eyes syw [saw] & ears heard &
heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning
refreshed by sleep & took breakfast with father
Alley Sister Alley was rather [tare] in her mind
I endeavored to comforterher in the gospel. Father
Alley conversed freely with me & before I
left him he wished like a father to give me a
some advice which he did & it met a welcome
reception which was as follows to always keep
the outward as well as the inward form in the spirit
of God
& to be dictated & approbated of him in
all that we do We took the a farewell of them
& walked to chelsea from thence to Charleston we
here visited the Bunker Hill monument &
walked upon the entrenchment that was flung
up by our brave fathers during the night before
that memoreable & Bloody battle that was
fought upon Bunker Hill. But the roar of
cannon & clash of arms had long since ceased
& the green turf was now trod in He best ^her best^
Page 3

~ Friday

& the sound from the populous city of Boston
was now echoing through the air while our fathers
sleep in peace. We had a view of the Navy
yard as we passed alone from there we entered
the City of Boston Being the first day that min[e]
eyes ever beheld its welth or my foot steps
ever traced its streets I spent several hours
in visiting this city which contained as new
& beautiful & well furnished market perhaps
as any in America I visited the State House
which was splendid I walked to the cupalo &
had a fair view of the whole city containing
a pop of about 90000. I walked around
the commons which was enclosed with an
expensive cast iron railing of about 2 1/2 mile
in length. I visited the Tremont House the most
noted public House in the city & also the shiping
which was numerous. We dined at Mr Thayer's
in Bellknap street No [blank] we feasted upon a rich salmon
we visited several of the Sisters Saints in the city
during the day. We also visited the south Boston
& had a fair view of the splendid Mount Washington House
a place of entertainment for gentlemen
who wish to retire ^upon walks^ from the bustle of the city. we
then returned to Boston City & I walked over
Page 4

~ Friday

the long Bridge to Cambridge from there to Cam-
bridge point & went to the goal to in order to
have an interview & to comfort Elder Joshua^Albert P.^
who had been cast into prison by his
enemies for debts in order to trouble and distress
him, when I arived at the prison the Jailor permitted
me to enter in to the room whare he was & it
was truly an happy meeting for although we were stran-
gers after the flesh yet we were united in the spirit this
was the first time I ever entered into a prison to
see an Elder of Israel but after the jailor tu-
rned the key upon us & left us together to comfort
each other in the midst of Iron grates & bars I
began to inquire into the state of his mind & it
gladdened my soul to find him strong in the God of
Abram, Daniel & Elijah, he was rejoicing in God
contented in his mind & strong in the faith
once delivered to the Saints he had the Bible, Book
of Mormon & Parley's voice of warning as his
companions Also the Evening & Morning Star which
he earnestly read we conversed to gether about three
hours in this solitary abode & our souls were
made glad. he informed me of many things that
had transpired while he was there in goal & among the
variety he made mention of the goal taking fire a
few days before I visited him he said this looked
Page 5

~ Friday

sumthing like a dark hour the fire was roar-
ing over his head while a scene of uproar distress
& confusion was upon every hand, engines were
rapidly plsying around the building water pouring into
every room the people holloring in the streets the
prisoners crying for mercy to be let out lest they
be consumed in the fire & one person was
strugling in the agonies of death ^some were cursing & swearing^ yet Brother Rock-
said he felt composed through the whole con-
fusion untill the fire was extinguished & silenced
on[c]e more was known in the prison. Brother Rock-
wood was writing his life while in this plac[e] of con-
finement in which he gives an account of these things.
he sent a rooll of the same by me to his wife wife in
Holliston. At half past 8 oclock in the evening the
jailor came & unlocked the prison & I took
the parting hand with my Brother while he manifested
much joy for my visit, well whose soul would
not be cheered to have a friend visit them while cast
into prison I left him in good spirits & bent my
way back again to the city of Boston while crossing
the long brige [bridge] I herd the cry of fire the ringing of Bells
the rolling of the engines I soon beheld the flames begin
to lighten the city it was how ever extinguished in about
half an hour by the flood of water that was poured upon
it from the engines. I then escaped into the city
Page 6

~ Friday

& being alone & a Stranger & in the darkness
of the night I lost my way in the midst of the
city but after wandering awile I called into
Myrtle Street No 9 i& I there found Elder Ball with
a company of Saints ^in the room of Sister Vose^ who were patiently waiting
for me it was a happy meeting although it [was]
late in the evening yet I spent a season in tea-
ching them the things of God I then left these
sisters who are patient in tribulation & walked in
company with Elder Ball to Butolph Street No 12
whare his Mrs Ball resides, & we spent the night thus
ends this day of variety distance of the day 25 miles.

~ Saturday

May 12th I spent the fore part of the day in visiting different
parts of the city I saw many curiosities & varieties
from different parts of the world. {Shorthand} I
visited south Boston in the afternoon & spent a
part of the day in writing. We again met the Sisters
who were the members of the Church of Latter Day Say
at the House of Sister Vose in Myrtle Street No 9 to
speak unto them the records of life we had an
interesting interview & felt refreshed by the spirit of
. wI then returned & spent the night with Brother
Ball at his Mothers ^report of fire again^ distance of the day 6 miles

~ Sunday

13th Sunday after hearing of several distressing Steam-
Boat disasters which shows that the destroyer rideth upon
the waters. I read an account this morning from
a foreign port dated Berlin that the sea had flung
Page 7

~ Sunday

itself beyond its bounds & overflowed the order & in
less than quarter of an hour had inundated &
destroyed More than 70 towns. Sur[e]ly the word of God
is fullfilling the Sea troubled & waves roaring. I
spent a short time in the morning in visiting
the Roman Catholic Church they were attending
Mass when I entered the house. after visiting the
house & beholding their priests, Images, & Mockery
I left the hou & use their Holy water I left the
house disgusted with the[i]r religion. I met with
Elder Ball & the Saints in the Morning fore part
of the day at Sister Vose's room to convers
upon the things of the Kingdom. We again
met with them also a small congregation
of citizens at the same place at 3 oclock P.M.
& I spoke unto them from the 2nd Peter 1st ch
20-21 V
The Saints appeared edefyed & the minds of
some enquiring a certain physician by the name
of Salmon S Wilder manifested great firmness
in the cause After meeting I walked to Mr Thayre's
in Belknap Street & took supper with Sisters Vose &
Holman. We again met the Saints in the eve-
ning at Sister vose room & had a very interesting
time in speaking of the goodness of God & breaking
bread unto the church the spirit of God rested upon
us & our souls were edefyed & the Sisters manifested
their faith & Strength in the work of God in which they
were engaged & not withstanding some
Page 8

~ Sunday

had taken great advantage of their liberality yet
they had not lost confidence in God or his Ser-
vants & their charity was manifested towards
us we took the parting with these beloved Saints
of God & again spent the night with Brother Balls
friends distance 3 miles

~ Monday

14th We left the city of Boston & walked
to Cambridge, passed through Brighton, Newton,
Needham, & Framingham, from there to Deacon
John Haven's in the edge of Holliston & spent the
night beneath his roof in company with several
of the Saints. Sister Rockwood was present we
found her enjoying her [mind] & appeared reconciled
to the will of God notwithstanding her husband
was in prison. I unfortunate[ly] lost the roll
that Brother Rockwood sent to his wife but trust
it will be obtained. We spent a few moments
in visiting the paper mill in Newton & surely
man has sought out many inventions. when
we arived at Dea[con] Haven I had the happy privilege of
perusing Elder P P Pratt's pamphlet in answer to
Mr LaRoy Sunderland's peaces in the Zion's watchman
against the Book of Mormon & Parley's voice of
warning & other peaces. I never was more edefyed
in reading a pamphlet he does justice in exposing the
lies of Mr Sunderland & also gives an important prophecy
distance 30 miles
Page 9

~ Tuesday

15th We walked from Brother Joseph Palmer's
to Holliston & spent the day at Brother Newel
& preached at night at his house
We enjoyed ourselves well with the Saints 6 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

16 Walked to Brother Palmers & preached at nite
in his house the spirit of the Lord rested upon
me & we had a good time walked after
meeting to Brother Elder Nurs distance 10 m[iles]

~ Thursday

17 Took the parting hand with the household
of Elder Nurs & walked from Holliston
to Franklin to Wrentham to pawtucket
to providence R I. this is the first time I
was ever in the State of R.I. distance from
Holliston to providence 32 miles we went
on board the steemer Rhodeisland at half
past 4 oclock P.M. for New York City. called at Nor-
the whole distance of the day by land
& water 140 miles

~ Friday

18th Passed by Long Island also through Hurl gate
& had a view of Blackwells Island & the New prison
at 6 oclock had a view of Williamsburg & Brooklin
I had a splendid view of the Shipping of NY the [spires]
stood as thick as a forest for miles we landed at
the battery & castle garden at 7 oclock A.M. distance
100 miles the whole distance from providence to NY 209 [miles].
this is the first time mine eyes ever beheld the
city of Newyork. the largest city in NAmerica
Page 10

~ Friday

pop serving of 300000 we spent several hours in
traveling through this great city in search of
some of the Saints. we finally found a
Brother David W. Rogers & his houshold who
were saints dwelling in Greenwich Street
corner of Spring Street No 515 we were truly rejo-
iced to find a Saint in the midst of Such a city
we dined with these friends from there we
walked to Hamersly Street No 26 I there found Elder
Orson Pratt & his family I was truly rejoiced to
again meet with this brother I also found another
family of Saints residing in the same house
viz. Brother Lucian R Foster I spent the remain-
der of the day conversing with Brother Pratt
upon the things of the kingdom we met at
early candle light in Varrick Street to hold
a meeting & the congregation was princip[ally]
composed of Saints as their had been from 80 to
100 baptized many of them were present IElder
Eligah Fordham was with us also I was
called to preach to the people I arose & address[ed]
the saints & the spirit of God rested upon me
& I was much edifyed the saints were
Page 11

~ Friday

noble & Strong in God we spent the Night
with Brother Rogers in Greenwich Street

~ Saturday

May 19th walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took break-
fasted with Brother Rogers Brother L Foster we walked
out in the city in the morning visited the post
office we then returned to Brother Fosters & prepared
1 doz of parley's pamphlets & forwarded them
to our friends abroad we I had a plesent walk
with Elders O pratt & Elijah Fordham I also
visited Mr [blank] pratts & his family his wife & daughter
were Saints & both sick we lade hands upon
them & they recieved a blessing they reside in
Watt's Street No [blank] We purchased a [card] of
Gillott's steel pens represented as being the best in
use. We nex visited Brother Parker in King
Street No 324. we then returned to Brother Fosters
in Hamersly Street No 26. I accompanyed Bro
& Sister parker in the evening to market & it was
peculiar scene to me. It put me in my mi-
nd of the merchandize of Babylon that the Reve-
lator john spoke of, the market was one uni-
versal mass of human being crowded together
perchasing food from the Market which co-
ntained every variety of both, meat, fish, &
vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass
through the Streets which was illuminated
for miles by gas th& other lights I returned
with Brother Foster & spent the night with
him distance of the day 6 miles
Page 12

~ Sunday

May 20th Sunday I accompanyed the Brethren
to the place of meeting in Varick Street [by]
Vandan & Charlton which is the stated place
of preaching for the Saints Elder pratt ca-
lled upon me to preach to the people I
arose & spoke to them from the parable of
the prophet Zenos in the Book of Mor-
mon the spirit of the Lord rested upon me
a noon we dined with Brother Hardenbrook
in carlton Street Brother David W. Roger's
dined with us brother Rogers was an inter-
esting man he had been a Methodist for
several years but had been looking
for greater things than that Church had Brother
Rogers was a Teacher among the Saints
he was the true & literal desendant of John
who was burnt at the stake he
was the Six 6 generation from John Rogers
We visited a woman sick with the palsy
we prayed for her. We again returned
to the place of meeting Elder O. Pratt
delivered us a very interesting discours from
Nephi's vision in the 3rd chapter of the first
Book of Nephi
^communed with the saints^ their was one man from Phelid-
attended meeting during this day & was
much believing after meeting in company
with Elder E Fordham & Brother Rogers I
walked to father Pratts the Englishman we prayed
with his wife & daughter who was still ill
Elder Fordham lives in Cherry Street 327
Page 13

~ Sunday

we supped with them & after supper I walked
again to the place of meeting & during this
walk I was in company with priest Addison
boarding at corner of Spring & Renw-
ick Street this was truly an interesting Brother
my heart burned within me while walking
arm in arm through the city & land at seeing
a relation from this Brother & I felt to rejoice
that the city of New York was producing such
Saints. This Brother was of the literal desendant
of the tribe of Ephraim they had always kept
the name of Ephraim in the family of all their
progenitors & down to the present day
Brother Everett about one year ago had an
interview with 40 Lamanite chiefs in
this city they graspe[d] his hand when he first entered
the room as though they were inspired to know
who he was, he gave them an account of the Book
of Mormon & of their fore fathers & that the
Book of Mormon & the fulness of the gospel
would soon go to them they recieved
it with the greatest degree of interest he
told them to recieve it & teach their
tribes to do so when it comes which they
promised to do & wished him to come
among them we arived at the place of meeting
of the Saints which closed this interesting
subject. Elder O Pratt preached a highly edifying
discourse to us from the 102 Psalm the Lord
should build up Zion & appear in his glor[y]
Willcox of Phelidelphia will {shorthand}
Page 14

~ Sunday

when he closed I followed him & also
Elder Ball & many others bore testimony
to the truth clothen in the Spirit of God
meeting was dismissed between 10 & 11 oclock
& I took the parting hand with those beloved
Saints of God whose bosoms were
burning with light, Spirit & the love
of God we returned with Brother Foster
& spent the night.

~ Monday

21st I rote a letter to the Saints upon the Islands
directed to Brother Nathaniel Thomas we dined
with Brother Foster & after taking the parting hand with
Elder O Pratt & family & the remainder of the Saints
in the city of New York Elder E Fordham acc-
ompanyed us to the north river & there parted
with Elder Ball & myself & we went on board
the Steam Boat ^foot of Murry Newburg peer^ Highlander bound for Newburg
at 5 oclock PM we past Stoney point lighthouse
& arived at Newburg at 9 oclock we tarried
on board during the night fare $0.75 distance 60 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

22nd Left the Highlander & walked through New-
to Middletown from their to westtown
we took supper at Mr. John Abers where
we found Sister Elizabeth More an interesting
Saint spent the night at S. M. Cooks Eagle
Hotel. Distance of the day 35 miles

~ Wednesday

23rd we spent the day in Westtown we dined
in company with Sister More at Mr Henry
C. Halsey's
a merchant in the place. We held a
meeting at Early candlelight in the
Page 15

~ Wednesday

Academy not withstanding it was vary
rainy we had quite a full house I preached
to the people from Gal 1st ch 8v but one gospel is
{shorthand}, I gave out an appointment for a
meeting next night at the same place we
spent the night at the Eagle Tavern.

~ Thursday

24th the morning rainy the temporal &
spiritual horizons both rather dark we
took breakfast at the tavern & walked to
Mr Abers we wrote a letter to the Saints
in Boston, we took supper with Mr Stephen
we met at the Academy according
to appointment & we had a crowded congregation
I preached upon the authenticity of the Book
of mormon
the spirit of God rested upon me
& I had liberty after meeting we went home
& spent the night with Mr Charles W Reeves

~ Friday

25th I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff in
Scarborough it was still rainy & some gloom
we again met the people at the Academy at
night. Elder Ball spoke upon the gospel & I
followed him we spent the night with Mr
Reevs I was some troubled with sore eyes

~ Saturday

26th I returned to Mr Abers & spent a part
of the day in prayer reading & meditation we
walked in the afternoon to Greenville & spent
the night at Mr Benjamin Abers whare we were
kindly recieved & entertained distance 4 miles

~ Sunday

27th Sunday we preached at Mr Abers upon the first
principles of the gospel and spent the night at Mr Abers
Page 16

~ Monday

May 28th Spent the day at Mr Abers & preached at
his house at early candle light to a large con-
gregation who herd with attention while I spoke
upon the authenticity of the Book of mormon

~ Tuesday

29th spent the day at Mr Abers & preached at night
at his house upon the coming & reign of Christ to
a full & attentive congregation

~ Tuesday

30 walked from Mr Abers to Mr Ebenezar Elston
at Waterloo ^[to] family members [& friends]^ We held a meeting in the evening
at the school house by request of Mr Isaiah
a preacher of the Christian order
we had a full house & they herd with attention
while Elder Ball spoke unto them & I followed
him Mr Scott manifested much interestest
in our principles they being new to him
he purchased a voice of warning of us we spent
the night with Mr Ebenezar Elston 4 miles

~ Thursday

31st This is the last day of may & a beautiful
& serene morning. After taking breakfast with
Mr Elston I took a walke in company with
Elder Ball into the State of New jersey it was
a pleasant walked indeed. We passed the school
house whare stat the youth studying his Book
to prepare himself to occupy the place of his pa-
rents in the rising generation the view of it brought
fresh to our memory the days of our youth & van-
ity. We next passed itthe farm house crowned with
the fruits of a day which was so large that it
Page 17

~ Thursday

required a hors mill to churn the butter the
hors was upon the tread wheal for that purpose
as we passed by, smaller wheels are often made
whare the dairy is not so large & turned by a dog
a sheep or boy. We soon came to the New [jers]
line, we took a long path & rose a high hill the
road was strewed with a great variety of flowers
the honey suckle &c. we soon came to the
top of the hill whare we had a beautiful view
of the surrounding country we sat down in
the shade of a chesnut & took a survey of the
distant fields of grain which presented a pleasing
prospect & while the bird tuned the melodious
note we bowed our knea in prayer to the giver
of every blessing. What reflections occupy the
mind of man amid the speed of time. This is the first
time my feet ever pressed the soil o[f] New Jersey this
adds another state to the list that I have visited in
my perigrinations O time how swift thou art! One
year ago this morning I left Kirtland this m-
rning in company with Elder Hale to go to the
Islands of the Sea the Lord hath prospered our way
& blessed be his name. whare will another May
day find me O Lord thou knowest. After being
refreshed by the breeze I drew my pencil & pened those
lines & then arose & returned to Mr. E. Elstons house
& felt refreshed by our morning walked we dined
with Mr Elston & walked to Westtown &
appointed a meeting at candle light it was
expected that we should meet with some
Page 18

~ Thursday

disturbance from a company led by
two drunken Doctorrs who were
parading the streets at an early hour
with there drums, fifes, & other instruments
of music, but they attended the meeting
in silence I preached to the people from
Jer 31 ch 22v {shorthand} Elder Ball followed
me we delt with the people in plainness
we spent the night with Mr Clarke
Mr. Walter Clark 8 miles

~ Friday

June 1st We preached at the Academy at night
& spent the night Mr Walter Clark

~ Saturday

2nd Preached at night at the Academy & spent
the night with Mr Clark

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday left numbers in westtown believing
& walked to Mr Benjamin Abers & preached
in the afternoon {shorthand}
Spent the night at Mr Abers Distance 4 miles

~ Monday

4th Spent the Day at Mr Abers & preached at his
house at early candle light {shorthand}
the spirit of God rested upon us & we delivered unto
them our farwell address & last warning

~ Tuesday

5th We left Mr Abers & walked to westtown
we held another meeting at the Academy
I preached to them in the spirit of God &
warned them to repent & obey the gospel
we returned to Mr Clarks who was the
teacher of the Academy a presbyterian
by profession he had kindly opened his doors
to recieve us & was believeing the gospel
Page 19

~ Tuesday

he made up his mind after we returned
to his house to obey the gospel in company
with his wife on the following day but
O what power Satean has over the herts
of men for during the night Sa[tan] tempted
him & he gave way to the temptation &
was ready to say to us go thy way for
this time distance 4 miles

~ Wednesday

6 Mr Clark gave up the Idea of reciving
the gospel truly the path is twoo strait for
the gentiles we walked to Mr John Abers
& spent the day Sister More was present
we preached our farewell discours at
night in the Academy I closed by relating
to the people an Anacdote which inclu-
ded the days from Joseph to the reign
of Christ from that time to the end of
the world spent the night with Mr. Clark.

~ Thursday

7th spent the nightday in westtown I took the
parting hand with sister Elizabeth More & Mr
John Abers & his family in the evening &
spent the night with Mr Clark

~ Friday

8th We left Mr Clark's in Westtown &
walked to philips Mills from thence to Newburg
here I took the parting hand with Elder Ball
he took the steem Boat for NY & I crossed
the ferry to Fishkill landing I then walked to
Mattawan & spent the night with Brother Cel
I was much fatigued & weary with my
journey distance of the day 37 miles
Page 20

~ Saturday

June 9th I arose & felt sore in body I spent
the day in Matteawan I visited Mr Peter H Skanks
plantation Summer house & expensive garden
the orange tree was bending with fruit I dined
with Mr pane Stillwell his wife was a
Latter Day Saint Matteawan abounds with prea-
chers & religion of different kinds Also with cotton
factories sin & abominations and persecutions
against the Saints we I preached at night
at the house of Brother Selah Lane in Mattawan
Fishkill Dutchess County N.Y. I spent the night with Mr. Lane

~ Sunday

10 Sunday Left Mattawan walked to Fishkill
to Mr Lanes & preached at his house after meeting
I walked to Stormsville to green haven &
spent the night inI slept in a store house con-
taining paints which made me stomach sick 20 miles.

~ Monday

11 walked to Bulls Bridge to New preston & to
Bradleysville th[r]ough a mountaineous & rough
country distance 37

~ Tuesday

12 walked to Litchfield to
12 walked to Litchfield from there to Burlington
& to Farmington it was amid many medi-
tations that I again visited my own native land
whare I had spent many of my youthful days with
parents & Brethren & a sister but now some of
us seperated far apart. I soon arived at my
fathers house & was truly rejoiced to be permitted
to again take my father father & Mother by the hand
& Sister Eunice & also Brother Ozem Woodruff
Page 21

~ Tuesday

we all sat down &to our fathers table &
took supper together I truly had an inter-
esting time I took an evening walk with
Sister Eunice after prayer I was rejoiced to
find her mind engaged in the spiritual things
of the Kingdom of God. I spent the night at
My Fathers house distance 24 miles

~ Wednesday

13 spent the day at My fathers house I
had some most interesting & important
Letters read from Broth[er] Asahel directed to
fathers family Eunice & C. ^the voice of Thunder^ & lightning I ^will^ recieve

~ Thursday

14th spent the day at fathers house
an highly interesting letter from Elder
Ball from the city it contained glorious
knews from Zion

~ Friday

15 spent the day at Fathers house in com-
pany with Mother, Eunice, & c.

~ Saturday

16 spent the day at My fathers

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I attended meeting at the Methodist
meeting house & herd Mr Clark preach
I applyed to him for the privilege of
preaching in their meeting house at night
but I did not obtain the privilege &
I appointed at meeting at Fathers house
the congregation came together at
candle light & crowded the house
full & many could not get in
Page 22

~ Sunday

I preached upon the scattering & gathering
of Israel

~ Monday

18 I walked in company with Sister Eunice
to Mr Chancey Hills. Miss Mary Ann was
present after supper we walked to Capt Richard
from thence to Gen George Cowles
here I had spent two years of my youth they
all appeared glad to see us we then returned
to fathers house distance 3 miles

~ Tuesday

19 I spent the day at fathers house &
preached at candle light upon the authenticity
of the Book of mormon {shorthand}

~ Wednesday

20th I had an interview with cousin Seth
which had become a young man
of about 16 he left us & returned home I
took a walk alone as the Sun was setting
in the western sky I walked upon the bank
of the canal & also I went up the old
mill lane It brought pass to recollection
the days of my youth when I was wont to
travel this road with Philo & Asahel & others
but time waits for no man. I preached
at fathers house at early candle light to
a congregation of rich men I had the
spirit of preaching I spoke upon the second
coming & reign of Christ job 19 ch I thank
God for giving me this privlige of preaching
to my former acquaintance & friends
Page 23

~ Thursday

21 I spent the day at my fathers

~ Friday

22 I left my fathers & walked through
Farmington meadows into Avon
I called & spent most of the day with
Uncle Adna Hart I found a valuable
[Bea] ^massive^ tree standing on the bank of the ca-
nall. I had an interview with Aunt Han-
nah Woodruff
at Adna Hart's she
was in a distressed situation being possessed
with a Devil & bound fast in his chains
I conversed & prayed with her in the evening
I walked to Woodfords mills formerly owned
by my father I had a view of the place
of my nativity & birth From thence to
west Street & I spent the night with uncle
Thadeus Thompson distance 7 miles

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day visiting my relatives &
acquaintances I called upon Grandmother
, Aunt Abie, Michael Woodruff
& family little Joseph Hart Also Mich-
ael Barber
I dined with cousin Eldad
& Carlos Day at Roger Woo-
I next called upon Uncle
Page 24

~ Saturday

Woodruff from there I walked to Capt
Francis & Erastus Woodruff I saw
Adna & Silus from thence to Julius
I had an interview with
cousin Horace Woodruff I spent
the night with uncle Alson Thompson
Distance of the day 4 miles

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I walked to Julius Fuller I had
an interview with Uncle Ozem Woodruff.
I Preached in the Lovely Street School
house in the forenoon I preached upon
the reign of Christ from Job 19th 23 to 2[8]
I also preached in the afternoon at the same
place it being the last time I ever preached
to my friends in that place I dismissed the
meeting & bid them farewell & walked
in company with Brother Ozem Woodruff to
Adna Harts I also preached at his house
to a congregation of neighbours & relatives
upon the authenticity of the Book of mormon
during the night we prayed with Sister Hanah
who was possessed with the devil
the spirit of the Lord rested with us in some degree
I spent the night at Adna Harts distance 6 miles.
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~ Monday

25 I left Adna Harts & took the canal boat
for Farmington in
company with Aunt Anna
we arived at Fathers house in farmington
& took breakfast & spent the day at Fathers house
we spent the day plesantly in conversing upon spiritual things 4 miles

~ Tuesday

26th I wrote a letter to cousin Betsey Crossett &
also to Brother Asahel H. Woodruff in company
with Sister Eunice

~ Wednesday

27 Spent the day at fathers house

~ Thursday

28th Spent the day at my fathers {shorthand}

~ Friday

29th Spent the day at my fathers house
had a vary plesant walk with Sister Eunice
upon the canal bank walked to Mr Simeon
had an interview with cousin Achsah
I made some exertions
to obtain the Hall to preach in but
the people fearing their foundation would
fall because of light & truth refused to
give me the privilege, But O Babylon
thou canst not speak the Scripture or
stop the work of God for I say in the
name of the Lord the standard shall
be set up in Farmington & the honest
in heart come unto it for light &
truth is mighty & must prevail
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~ Saturday

30 I spent the day at fathers house these
are days of great suspens with me I
am now looking for my fathers house
to come in to the Kingdom of
God O Lord grant it I pray

~ Sunday

July 1st Shout O heavens rejoice ofO Earth
& prays the Lord O my Soul for the glorious
events of this day yes prays the Lord for
certain victory is gained for Satan
has pitched upon my fathers houshold each
one of us feeling his grasp for 24 hours
but now we can Shout victory over
him. I preached at my fathers house in
the afternoon & after meeting I led
my father & all his houshold with several
others into the waters of Baptism the
company consisted of father Mother Sister
Eunice Aunt Anna Cosset cousin
Seth Woodruff & Mr. Dwight Webster
a Methodist class leader making 6 in
all we had an interesting time in the
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~ Sunday

at half past 5 oclock I met at early
candle light with the Church & unbo-
somed my Soul unto them according
to the voice of the church I ordained
Brother Webster unto the office of
a priest. I then broke bread unto
the Saints which closed the scenes
of this interesting day which have come
to pass in fulfillment of revelation
under the hands of the patriarch cousin
Betsey & Ann Cossett spent the day &
night with us remember this day forever.

~ Monday

2nd I took the parting hand with Brother
Webster who returned to his friends
I also took the parting hand with
Sister Anna Cossett Betsey &c [ink smear]
I enjoyed a plesant walk in the
evening with Sister Eunice upon
the canal we viewed the river & plesant
fields & partook of some berries by
the way this is the last walk I ever
enjoyed with her after prayer with
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~ Monday

the family I spent a Short time with
Eunice before retiring we mingled
our sympathys tears & prayers
to gether before a throne of grace

~ Tuesday

3rd I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep &
after having prayers with the family I took
the parting hand with Father Mother &
Sister Eunice & bid them with my
native home once more fare well may
the Lord delivere those of my friends from
the powers of temptation that try the
Souls of men that dwell upon the ear[th]
I walked to Mr Whitmans & took carriage
from there into Hartford I then walked to
Tolland from thence to Stafford & spent
the night distance of the day 36 miles

~ Wednesday

4th I walked to Holland to Stubbridge
from there to Worrcester the whol distance
of the day 40 miles the thermometer
stood at 90 in the shade & 104 in the sun
I spent the night at the USA Hotel

~ Thursday

5th I took the rail car at Worcester
at 6 oclock & reached Boston
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~ Thursday

at 8 oclock distance 46 miles I had an
interview with Elder Ball ^butoph street No 12^ & spent
the day with him in the city of Boston
I also had an interview with Sister
Voice ^Murtle St 9^ I took the steam Boat
portland at 7 o'clock P.M. she left the
wharf & started for the city of portland
we passed through a heavy thunder storm
the fore part of the night at 12 oclock
we were half way to portland the whole
distance I traveled this day was 106 miles

~ Friday

6th In the morning we saw a flag
Spanish flag of distress at sea we
approached her & found her to be a wr-
eck of a Spanish brig they had been wreked
about 10 days the crue all on board no
lives lost her main mast was carried
away & her for top mast & damaged after
ways the steam boat took her in tow
& caried her into portland on saying to
her captain, parley vo franc mon shire
he answered We mon shire & english to
Page 30

~ Friday

we arived at portland at 8 olok tI took
Breakfast with Ezra carter & after visiting
some of the Book Stores in the city &
perchasing Mrs Woodruff an Ablum [Album]
{shorthand} (125) {shorthand} I walked out to Scarborough
& had the privilege of again greeting my
companion & friends in peace &
prosperity & spent the nigh at father
distance of this day 6^7^0 miles

~ Saturday

7th I wrote a Letter to Elder Milton
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