Dear Parents, I hope you nor none of my friends will think me
assuming while addressing you upon spiritual Subjects I have but one
motive in view & that to clean my garments of all whether they be Parents
Brethren Sisters Neighbours Priest or People Kings or rullers whareever
my My Master calls. My motive is ^to^ act for the best good of all my
fellowmen. But O how changed the scene a few months since my
mind was flushed with the idea of accumilateing something of this worlds
goods that I might enjoy the society of my Parents in their decline of
life with other friends not knowing because the prophets were dead &
the fathers fallen asleep but what all things would continue as they were
from the beginning. But now the scene is changed while I am called
to forsake Parents Brethren Sisters houses lands to go fourth as a lamb
among wolfs, to assist in pruning the vineyard for the last time yea
to Jews as well as gentile to visit foreign climes & the Islands of
Sea to endure the perils of chains, vaults, dungeons, scourgings, &
every epithet than^t^ an indignant wicked generation can heap
upon my head for the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the . With these Eternal truths resting upon my mind
I say unto you my Dear friends in the name of Jesus Christ &
by the authority of the Priesthood confered upon me that I do not
war at uncertainty I do not fight as those that beat the air I know
in whohm whom I trust. I was not called by man nor by the
will of a man by^u^t by the revelation of Jesus Christ therefore I intreat
you to receieve my testimony when I say to one & all of my friends to
whom my pen or voice may reach to repent & be Baptized for the
that you may receieve the Holy Ghost by the of those who are ordained unto that power for this promise is
unto you & unto your Children & to all that are afar off even as many
as the Lord our God shall call. [Acts 2:38-39] I say again the cause of Latter Day Saints
is not fals, is not quakerisms, Catholicism, or secret it is openly manifest
before the world as much as the Church was in the days of Jesus Christ. The
Book of Mormon is the word of God it is true it is a precious treasure, it
is the record of the tribe of it is the stick of Joseph in the hands of
we hold it as sacred as we do the Bible & no more so for Testimony see
Gen 49ch 22: to 27 Deut 33ch 13 to 18, Psalms 85ch 11:12 Rev 14ch6, Isaiah 29ch 8 to 24: Ezekiel 37ch
16 to 28 Gen 48ch 16; 1st Chron 5ch 1:2 Jer 31ch 9, Hosea 8ch 12, St John 10ch 16. Now I say is not
Ephraim a multitude of nations in the midst of the Earth upon this continent
were not the tribe of Joseph sheep as much as much as the tribe of at
is not the Book of Mormon the record of the tribe of Joseph as much
as the Bible of the tribe of Judah it certainly is All the meek & honest
of the Earth that will read the Book of Mormon without prejudice & ask
God in the name of Jesus Christ for his spirit & light & truth & are willing
to obey His commands to such I say they will have the Spirit of God to
lead them into the light of the Book of Mormon they will receieve it & believe
it is true as their is a God in Israel
Dear Parents, I hope you nor none of my friends will think me
assuming while addressing you upon spiritual Subjects I have but one
motive in view & that to clean my garments of all whether they be Parents
Brethren Sisters Neighbours Priest or People Kings or rullers whareever
My Master calls. My motive is to act for the best good of all my
fellowmen. But O how changed the scene a few months since my
mind was flushed with the idea of accumilateing something of this worlds
goods that I might enjoy the society of my Parents in their decline of
life with other friends not knowing because the prophets were dead &
the fathers fallen asleep but what all things would continue as they were
from the beginning. But now the scene is changed while I am called
to forsake Parents Brethren Sisters houses lands to go fourth as a lamb
among wolfs, to assist in pruning the vineyard for the last time yea
to Jews as well as gentile to visit foreign climes & the Islands of
Sea to endure the perils of chains, vaults, dungeons, scourgings, &
every epithet that an indignant wicked generation can heap
upon my head for the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the spirit
of prophecy. With these Eternal truths resting upon my mind
I say unto you my Dear friends in the name of Jesus Christ &
by the authority of the Priesthood confered upon me that I do not
war at uncertainty I do not fight as those that beat the air I know
in whom I trust. I was not called by man nor by the
will of a man but by the revelation of Jesus Christ therefore I intreat
you to receieve my testimony when I say to one & all of my friends to
whom my pen or voice may reach to repent & be Baptized for the
remishion of your sins that you may receieve the Holy Ghost by the laying
on of hands of those who are ordained unto that power for this promise is
unto you & unto your Children & to all that are afar off even as many
as the Lord our God shall call. I say again the cause of Latter Day Saints
is not fals, is not quakerisms, Catholicism, or secret it is openly manifest
before the world as much as the Church was in the days of Jesus Christ. The
Book of Mormon is the word of God it is true it is a precious treasure, it
is the record of the tribe of Joseph it is the stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim
we hold it as sacred as we do the Bible & no more so for Testimony see
Gen 49ch 22: to 27 Deut 33ch 13 to 18, Psalms 85ch 11:12 Rev 14ch6, Isaiah 29ch 8 to 24: Ezekiel 37ch
16 to 28 Gen 48ch 16; 1st Chron 5ch 1:2 Jer 31ch 9, Hosea 8ch 12, St John 10ch 16. Now I say is not
Ephraim a multitude of nations in the midst of the Earth upon this continent
were not the tribe of Joseph sheep as much as much as the tribe of Judah at
Asia is not the Book of Mormon the record of the tribe of Joseph as much
as the Bible of the tribe of Judah it certainly is All the meek & honest
of the Earth that will read the Book of Mormon without prejudice & ask
God in the name of Jesus Christ for his spirit & light & truth & are willing
to obey His commands to such I say they will have the Spirit of God to
lead them into the light of the Book of Mormon they will receieve it & believe
it is true as their is a God in Israel