of Christ disappeared with that generation. What is the History
of that generation, it is vary short. The four Evangelist Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, gives the History Biirth life and
death of the sSaviour. as near as we can learn Luke kept
the Journals & done most of the writing He recorded the Acts
of the Apostles. Then Paul wrote his Epistles to the various
churches. Then James wrote one short Epistles. Then Peter
wrote two short Epistles about as much as one of our
reporters would write in one short discourse. Then Jude
wrote one short chapter. Then John the Revelator when
he was Banished to the Isle of Patmos under the reign
of Domician Cezar wrote his Revelations after He was
recalled under the reign of Nervya He wrote his three
Epistles, this maks 8 writers in the New Testam[en]t
and there testimony was vary limited, also their writings
as far as they have come to us, at least when we take into
consideration the great work which they performed
The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this con-
tinent were commanded of God to write their history upon Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth
in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power
of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon
and is the purest translation of ancient records that we
have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but
a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet
what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God.
But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I
need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God. Esstablished
by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms
upon Earth and we are the People ordained of God to esstab-
lish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare
the way for the coming of Jeussus Christ. Now should we
not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings
of God with [us] as they transpire day by day before our Eyes
we should. This Church & kingdom is organized in all
the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the
of Christ disappeared with that generation. What is the History
of that generation? it is vary short. The four Evangelist
Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, gives the History Biirth life and
death of theSaviour. as near as we can learn Luke kept
the Journals & done most of the writing He recorded the Acts
of the Apostles. Then Paul wrote his Epistles to the various
churches. Then James wrote one short Epistles. Then Peter
wrote two short Epistles about as much as one of our
reporters would write in one short discourse. Then Jude
wrote one short chapter. Then John the Revelator when
he was Banished to the Isle of Patmos under the reign
of Domician Cezar wrote his Revelations after He was
recalled under the reign of Nerva He wrote his three
Epistles. this maks 8 writers in the New Testament
and there testimony was vary limited, also their writings
as far as they have come to us, at least when we take into
consideration the great work which they performed
The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this continent were commanded of God to write their history upon
Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth
in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power
of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon
and is the purest translation of ancient records that we
have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but
a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet
what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God.
But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I
need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God, Esstablished
by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms
upon Earth and we are the People Ordained of God to Esstablish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare
the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. Now should we
not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings
of God with us as they transpire day by day before our Eyes?
we should. This Church & Kingdom is organized in all
the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lOZ5