I dined with her state coachman, his wife made me a present for Mrs . 12th I wrote a few lines to Phebe Br letter. 16th I
received an interesting letter from sister . Phebe requests me to get my portrait taken. I have complyed with her request
& taken my first sitting Dec 23rd by an Italian Artist of the first class By the name of I formed an acquaintance with him by
means of Mr the Italian that married the of Br that lived joining our room. we have visited him a number of times
she was happy to see us & wishes to be baptized. Mr Pistrucci, one of the best Artist but he charges high for his work. He freequently charges £10 or $50
for the same that he is taking for me, but for friends £5. half price. But he does mine for £2.10 about $12 $12. Dec 25 spent a Christmas in
took supper the Day following with Mr & Mrs Sangiovanni. 27th Sunday I preached in an Independant chapel, would seat about 2000 (I have
since Baptized the Preachers Daughter, & the Preacher & his wife is going forward to be Baptized next Saturday) 28th herd a lecture delivered by
the celebrated who has just returned to London from a tour of three years in the U. S. A. he spoke highly of America
January 1st 1841 I wrote a lengthy peace in my Journal upon the close of the year & the signs of (1840) I looked over my Journal of 1840 & the following
is a brief synopsis of my labours during the past Year (Travled in England & visited the following Towns & Cities , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , LONDON
many other places not named.) Travled 4319 Miles, Held 230 meetings, Esstablished 53 Preaching Places, Planted 47 Church & Jointly
organized the same which numbers 1500 Saints 28 Elders, 110 Priest 24 Teachers & 10 Deacons, Atteneded 14 Conferences, Baptized
336. 57 were Preachers assisted at the Baptism of 86 others. Confirmed 420, Assisted in confirming 50 others, Ordained 18 Elders
97 Priest, 34 Teachers & 1 Deacon. Blessed 120 children. Administered unto 120 sick persons by prayer, annointing, & laying on of hands
in many Instances the sick were healed, the lame walked, & Devils were cast out. I wrot 200 Letters & Recieved 120 Letters.
Assisted Jointly procured £1000 pounds, for Publishing the Latter Day Saints , 3000 copies of the Hymn Book
5000 copies of the Book of Mormon, & to assist 200 Saints to Emigrate to & so you can see I have not been Idle
During 1840. Jan 1st 1841. Another year has begun, I celebrated the New Years Day by Baptizing 2 persons in . Jan 4th [FIGURE] I wrote A few lines to Phebe & Sister in a letter which Br wrote home. 5th I took a second
sitting for my Portrait. [FIGURE] 4th I dreamed of seeing Phebe & , had a plesant interview with them attended or held a meeting
together may the Lord hasten the time. 7th I received a letter form Phebe Dated Nov 2nd felt thankful to hear from her so
often. Pardon me for hastily overlooking one vary important letter Dated Oct 16th & signed W. O. Woodruff, who makes a request
for me to come home as he wishes to se me. His request is certainly consistant & Just & shall be complyed with in April next the
Lord willing & I feel that he is. I also have just received a letter from bearing a message from Mrs Woodruff which
shall be complyed with. Jan 8th coldest day in London for four years yet I went into the water & Baptized the Daughter of
an Independant Minister. 10th Sunday Elder Kimball has gone to to Preach I held 3 meetings in London & while breaking
bread with the Saints A entered the door presented me a letter of Recommendation to the church from under the hands of Elder Presiding Elder of the church in the city of . It was Sister (Ellen Balfour Redman) Br & myself staid at at
her house the night before we left New York she is a Scotch Lady of the first Rank & education, she has traveld much through the
East Indies others parts of the world, ship wrecked a number of times, taken once by Indians, once by Pirates, then come to London w[page torn]
Governess in several families of the first Lords in London, taught the La[n]guages, & French, Italic, & music, then went to N[page torn]
herd the fulness of the gospel, received it, Has returned to London, Is visiting frends & acqunintance sitting in high places, & la[page torn]
fullness of the gospel before them, is about to present a Book of Mormon to Her Majesty the Queen, for us through the instrumentali[page torn]
of a member of Parliament with whom she is acquainted. She wishes to write a few lines to you in this sheet, which will be granted
Jan 12th We Baptized 5, Doctor one of the Number, a man of talent, learning, & influence, & will do good. Jan 13th
I comme-
nced a long letter to Phebe had not wrote but a few lines before I received one from her Dated in New York on her way to
her House, & before this time I trust she is in the midst of the family circle. 15th Baptized 3 & confirmed them
16th Saturday night Elder Kimball has just written a little in this letter to Phebe & has gone to Woolwich 10 miles out of the city
to preach tomorrow so I held my meeting alone in London. Now Phebe I must draw to a close, as sister Redman wishes
to write a few lines to you, I have made these extracts from my Journal to let you know the letters I have written to you some
of these things I have written you before in other letters but as you have not obtained them, I thought it proper to speak of them in this letter
Though I have said much in this sheet I have much more I wish to say, had I room, I wish you to write me Immediately after the reception
of this & give me all the news about our friends in tell me if sister Kimball has sent you any of the letters which I wrote you & sent to
to Nauvoo, you wish me to bring means to pay your fare back with me in the spring, I shall of course want your company on my return west
& I wish you in your next to tell me what the fare was from Nauvoo to that I may be prepared if possible with means so as to be com[fort][page torn]
able in our journey. My expences have been great in esstablinshing the work in London, But thank the Lord he hath put means into my ha[nds] [page torn]
it, & the work is now going on well, & many favorable doors now opening for a rapid spread of the work in London. I have laboured [consid][page torn]
erable in London Elder Kimball is with me now, I have also just been procur[i]ng several choice articles which I [page torn]
use for instance I wanted me A Pocket watch that I could depend upon in all circumstances & in order to perfect this I t[page torn]
would improve the opportunity while I had it so I got Br to make me one according to my liking, so he has made [page torn]
which he warrants to keep good time, as long as I live unless some accident happens to it, he did not charge any thing for his work ownly the
materials & expens out & that came to £6.10 or $30. It is a Patent Lever caped & di^a^mond or jeweld in 8 holes, Roman Dial with my name on it
& a double Bottom Hunter, He says he never made a better watch. He is also making me a Patent Lever House time Peace set in a small brass
stand for Phebe instead of a clock. Though this article costs more than a clock yet it is much more convenient to set in any part of the room
I shall sell the first watch that I spoke of in this letter when I arive in America to assist me with means as I do not want but one, I will
try to remember your collar & Veil, I sent you & sister each a Hymn Book with your naimes names on it in guilt. I will bring
a coppy of the Star, I have sent them to Father Carter, Father , & to you at Nauvoo. I have a present of three china
pitchers, quart, Pint, & half pint, bearing the following names in gold Willford Woodruff. Phebe W. Woodruff & . which I shall take with me & some other articles for little Sarah, But the poor child is gone, but I must c[o]me to a close
I have many other things I wish to speak of give my respects to all of Father Carters Houshold. father mother Brothers & Sisters,
& take a good share to yourself & little willford kiss the lad for me, I want to see you both there is no mistake about it, Please
not expose this Letter out of the family, esspecially upon temporal things (write soon & Direct your next Letter to W. Woodruff
40 Ironmonger ^Row^ London, & you will much obliege you[r] companion in a foreign land
Willford Woodruff
[upside-down text] My dear
Your companion, dear Brother Woodruff has been so kindly indulgent as to
permit me the privelege of adding a few lines to his letter -- which I esteem a great favour. I understand, My
dear Sister that you propose passing the intervening time of your Husband's absence, with your family --
it is very natural that your heart should turn to your parental home in your desolate Situation — but let
me ^charge you^ in the language of sincere Sisterly affection to remember that you belong to the Covenant people of the
Lord. Remember the trials you have already endured for Righteousness' sake -- and how great will be your
reward in Heaven. Now beloved Sister that you are for a time removed from the body of the Church, it behooves you
to be doubly watchful and prayerful that so you may not fall into a lukewarm state — let your light shine — you know
not the good effect it may have under the influence of the Divine Spirit upon the Souls of those among whom you may
be thrown nor how many it may be the means of adding to the Kingdom -- of our great Redeemer hold fast then
that to which you have attained that no man take your crown. The most fervent prayers of my Soul shall daily
be offered up to the throne of Grace for you and . I will pray the Eternal Father in the name of his
Son that he pour upon you every needful Blessing temporal or spiritual — that he support and uphold you by
his Grace and grant you to live day by day, by faith in the Son of God that he supply by his presence the loss of
your Husband's Society — comfort and cheer your drooping Spirits until My dear Brother shall return to make
glad your heart — accept my best love yourself — and a sweet kiss for your Babe — from your truly affectionate
Sister in the Lord —
Ellen Balfour Redman [end of upside-down text]
I dined with her state coachman, his wife made me a present for Mrs . 12th I wrote a few lines to Phebe Br letter. 16th I
received an interesting letter from sister . Phebe requests me to get my portrait taken. I have complyed with her request
& taken my first sitting Dec 23rd by an Italian Artist of the first class By the name of I formed an acquaintance with him by
means of Mr the Italian that married the of Br that lived joining our room. we have visited him a number of times
she was happy to see us & wishes to be baptized. Mr Pistrucci, one of the best Artist but he charges high for his work. He freequently charges £10 or $50
for the same that he is taking for me, but for friends £5. half price. But he does mine for £2.10 about $12. Dec 25 spent a Christmas in
took supper the Day following with Mr & Mrs Sangiovanni. 27th Sunday I preached in an Independant chapel, would seat about 2000 (I have
since Baptized the Preachers Daughter, & the Preacher & his wife is going forward to be Baptized next Saturday) 28th herd a lecture delivered by
the celebrated who has just returned to London from a tour of three years in the U. S. A. he spoke highly of America
January 1st 1841 I wrote a lengthy peace in my Journal upon the close of the year & the signs of (1840) I looked over my Journal of 1840 & the following
is a brief synopsis of my labours during the past Year (Travled in England & visited the following Towns & Cities , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , LONDON
many other places not named.) Travled 4319 Miles, Held 230 meetings, Esstablished 53 Preaching Places, Planted 47 Church & Jointly
organized the same which numbers 1500 Saints 28 Elders, 110 Priest 24 Teachers & 10 Deacons, Atteneded 14 Conferences, Baptized
336. 57 were Preachers assisted at the Baptism of 86 others. Confirmed 420, Assisted in confirming 50 others, Ordained 18 Elders
97 Priest, 34 Teachers & 1 Deacon. Blessed 120 children. Administered unto 120 sick persons by prayer, annointing, & laying on of hands
in many Instances the sick were healed, the lame walked, & Devils were cast out. I wrot 200 Letters & Recieved 120 Letters.
Jointly procured £1000 pounds, for Publishing the Latter Day Saints , 3000 copies of the Hymn Book
5000 copies of the Book of Mormon, & to assist 200 Saints to Emigrate to & so you can see I have not been Idle
During 1840. Jan 1st 1841. Another year has begun, I celebrated the New Years Day by Baptizing 2 persons in . Jan 4th [FIGURE] I wrote A few lines to Phebe & Sister in a letter which Br wrote home. 5th I took a second
sitting for my Portrait. [FIGURE] 4th I dreamed of seeing Phebe & , had a plesant interview with them attended or held a meeting
together may the Lord hasten the time. 7th I received a letter form Phebe Dated Nov 2nd felt thankful to hear from her so
often. Pardon me for hastily overlooking one vary important letter Dated Oct 16th & signed W. O. Woodruff, who makes a request
for me to come home as he wishes to se me. His request is certainly consistant & Just & shall be complyed with in April next the
Lord willing & I feel that he is. I also have just received a letter from bearing a message from Mrs Woodruff which
shall be complyed with. Jan 8th coldest day in London for four years yet I went into the water & Baptized the Daughter of
an Independant Minister. 10th Sunday Elder Kimball has gone to to Preach I held 3 meetings in London & while breaking
bread with the Saints A entered the door presented me a letter of Recommendation to the church from under the hands of Elder Presiding Elder of the church in the city of . It was Sister (Ellen Balfour Redman) Br & myself staid at
her house the night before we left New York she is a Scotch Lady of the first Rank & education, she has traveld much through the
East Indies others parts of the world, ship wrecked a number of times, taken once by Indians, once by Pirates, then come to London wpage torn
Governess in several families of the first Lords in London, taught the Languages, & French, Italic, & music, then went to Npage torn
herd the fulness of the gospel, received it, Has returned to London, Is visiting frends & acqunintance sitting in high places, & lapage torn
fullness of the gospel before them, is about to present a Book of Mormon to Her Majesty the Queen, for us through the instrumentalipage torn
of a member of Parliament with whom she is acquainted. She wishes to write a few lines to you in this sheet, which will be granted
Jan 12th We Baptized 5, Doctor one of the Number, a man of talent, learning, & influence, & will do good. Jan 13th [FIGURE] I commenced a long letter to Phebe had not wrote but a few lines before I received one from her Dated in New York on her way to
her House, & before this time I trust she is in the midst of the family circle. 15th Baptized 3 & confirmed them
16th Saturday night Elder Kimball has just written a little in this letter to Phebe & has gone to Woolwich 10 miles out of the city
to preach tomorrow so I held my meeting alone in London. Now Phebe I must draw to a close, as sister Redman wishes
to write a few lines to you, I have made these extracts from my Journal to let you know the letters I have written to you some
of these things I have written you before in other letters but as you have not obtained them, I thought it proper to speak of them in this letter
Though I have said much in this sheet I have much more I wish to say, had I room, I wish you to write me Immediately after the reception
of this & give me all the news about our friends in tell me if sister Kimball has sent you any of the letters which I wrote you & sent to
to Nauvoo, you wish me to bring means to pay your fare back with me in the spring, I shall of course want your company on my return west
& I wish you in your next to tell me what the fare was from Nauvoo to that I may be prepared if possible with means so as to be comfortpage torn
able in our journey. My expences have been great in esstablinshing the work in London, But thank the Lord he hath put means into my hands page torn
it, & the work is now going on well, & many favorable doors now opening for a rapid spread of the work in London. I have laboured considpage torn
erable in London Elder Kimball is with me now, I have also just been procuring several choice articles which I page torn
use for instance I wanted me A Pocket watch that I could depend upon in all circumstances & in order to perfect this I tpage torn
would improve the opportunity while I had it so I got Br to make me one according to my liking, so he has made page torn
which he warrants to keep good time, as long as I live unless some accident happens to it, he did not charge any thing for his work ownly the
materials & expens out & that came to £6.10 or $30. It is a Patent Lever caped & diamond or jeweld in 8 holes, Roman Dial with my name on it
& a double Bottom Hunter, He says he never made a better watch. He is also making me a Patent Lever House time Peace set in a small brass
stand for Phebe instead of a clock. Though this article costs more than a clock yet it is much more convenient to set in any part of the room
I shall sell the first watch that I spoke of in this letter when I arive in America to assist me with means as I do not want but one, I will
try to remember your collar & Veil, I sent you & sister each a Hymn Book with your names on it in guilt. I will bring
a coppy of the Star, I have sent them to Father Carter, Father , & to you at Nauvoo. I have a present of three china
pitchers, quart, Pint, & half pint, bearing the following names in gold Willford Woodruff. Phebe W. Woodruff & . which I shall take with me & some other articles for little Sarah, But the poor child is gone, but I must come to a close
I have many other things I wish to speak of give my respects to all of Father Carters Houshold. father mother Brothers & Sisters,
& take a good share to yourself & little willford kiss the lad for me, I want to see you both there is no mistake about it, Please
not expose this Letter out of the family, esspecially upon temporal things (write soon & Direct your next Letter to W. Woodruff
40 Ironmonger Row London, & you will much obliege your companion in a foreign land
Willford Woodruff
My dear
Your companion, dear Brother Woodruff has been so kindly indulgent as to
permit me the privelege of adding a few lines to his letter -- which I esteem a great favour. I understand, My
dear Sister that you propose passing the intervening time of your Husband's absence, with your family --
it is very natural that your heart should turn to your parental home in your desolate Situation — but let
me charge you in the language of sincere Sisterly affection to remember that you belong to the Covenant people of the
Lord. Remember the trials you have already endured for Righteousness' sake -- and how great will be your
reward in Heaven. Now beloved Sister that you are for a time removed from the body of the Church, it behooves you
to be doubly watchful and prayerful that so you may not fall into a lukewarm state — let your light shine — you know
not the good effect it may have under the influence of the Divine Spirit upon the Souls of those among whom you may
be thrown nor how many it may be the means of adding to the Kingdom -- of our great Redeemer hold fast then
that to which you have attained that no man take your crown. The most fervent prayers of my Soul shall daily
be offered up to the throne of Grace for you and . I will pray the Eternal Father in the name of his
Son that he pour upon you every needful Blessing temporal or spiritual — that he support and uphold you by
his Grace and grant you to live day by day, by faith in the Son of God that he supply by his presence the loss of
your Husband's Society — comfort and cheer your drooping Spirits until My dear Brother shall return to make
glad your heart — accept my best love yourself — and a sweet kiss for your Babe — from your truly affectionate
Sister in the Lord —
Ellen Balfour Redman end of upside-down text