selves, and all books, documents, and
papers appertaining to the office of the
recorder, likewise the library with all
the books, maps, instruments, etc., that
may belong thereto. We also present
before thee, for thine acceptance, all the
additions and buildings not forming a
part of the main edifice, but being ap-
pendages thereto; and we pray thee to
bless all the furniture, seats, cushions,
curtains, hangings, locks and fastenings
and multitudinous other appliances and
appurtenances found in and belonging
to this and its annexes, with all
the work of ornamentation thereon, the
painting and plastering, the gilding and
bronzing, the fine work in wood and
metal of every kind, the embroidery
and needlework, the pictures and stat-
uary, the carved work and canopies.
Also the materials of which the build-
ings and their contents are made or
composed—the rock, lime, mortar and
plaster, the timbers and lath, the wood
of various trees, the gold and silver, the
brass and iron, and all other metals, the
silk, wool, and cotton, the skins and
furs, the glass, china and precious stones,
all these and all else herein we humbly
present for thine acceptance and sancti-
fying blessing.
Our , we present
before thee the altars which we have
prepared for thy servants and hand-
maidens to receive their sealing bless-
ings. We dedicate them in the name of
the Lord , unto thy most
holy name, and we ask thee to sanctify
these altars that those who come unto
them may feel the power of the resting upon them, and realize
the sacredness of the covenants they
enter into. And we pray that our cove-
nants and contracts which we make with
thee and with each other may be di-
rected by thy , be sacredly
kept by us, and accepted by thee, and
that all the blessings pronounced may
be realized, by all thy Saints who come
to these altars, in the morning of the
resurrection of the just.
O Lord, we pray thee to bless and
sanctify the whole of this block or piece
of ground on which these buildings
stand, with the surrounding walls and
fences, the walks, paths, and ornamental
beds, also the trees, plants, flowers and
shrubbery that grow in its soil; may
they bloom and blossom and become
exceedingly beautiful and fragrant; and
may thy Spirit dwell in the midst thereof,
that this plot of ground may be a place
of rest and peace, for holy meditation
and inspired thought.
Preserve these buildings, we beseech
thee, from injury or destruction by flood
or fire; from the rage of the elements,
the shafts of the vivid lightning, the
overwhelming blasts of the hurricane,
the flames of consuming fire, and the
upheavals of the earthquake, O Lord,
protect them.
Bless, we pray thee, ,
all who may be workers in this house.
Remember continually thy servant who
shall be appointed to preside within its
wall, endow him richly with the wisdom
of the Holy Ones, with the spirit of his
calling, with the power of his Priest-
hood, and with the gift of discernment.
Bless, according to their calling, his
assistants and all who are associated
with him in the performance of the
ordinances, — baptisms, confirmations,
washings, anointings, sealings, , and ordinations which are per-
formed herein, that all that is done may
be holy and acceptable unto thee, thou
God of our salvation. Bless the record-
ers and copyists, that the records of the
Temple may be kept perfect, and with-
out omissions and errors, and that they
may also be accepted of thee. Bless, in
their several positions, the engineers,
watchmen, guards, and all others who
have duties to perform in connection
with the house, that they may perform
them unto thee with an eye single to thy
Remember also in thy mercy all those
who have labored in the erection of this
house, or who have, in any way, by their
means or influence aided in its comple-
tion; may they in no wise lose their
O thou God of our fathers ,
and , whose God thou de-
lightest to be called, we thank thee with
all the fervor of overflowing gratitude
that thou hast revealed the powers by
which the hearts of the children are
being turned to their fathers and the
hearts of the fathers to the children, [Malachi 4:6]
that the sons of men in all their genera-
tions can be made partakers of the
glories and joys of the . Confirm upon us the of
, we pray thee, that we may thus
and also connect our-
selves with our fathers who have passed
behind the veil, and furthermore seal up
our dead to come forth in the that we who dwell on the earth may
be bound to those who dwell in heaven.
We thank thee for their sake who have
finished their work in mortality, as well
as for our own, that the prison doors have
been opened, that deliverance has been
proclaimed to the captive, and the bonds
have been loosened from those who were
bound. We praise thee that our fathers,
from last to first, from now back to the
beginning, can be united with us in
indissoluble links, welded by the holy
Priesthood, and that as one great family
united in thee and cemented by thy
power we shall together stand before
thee, and by the power of the atoning
blood of thy Son be delivered from all
evil, be saved and sanctified, exalted
and glorified. Wilt thou also permit
holy messengers to visit us within these
sacred walls and make known unto us
with regard to the work we should per-
form in behalf of our dead. And, as
thou has inclined the hearts of many
who have not yet entered into covenant
with thee to search out their progenitors
and in so doing they have traced the
ancestry of many of thy Saints, we pray
thee, that thou wilt increase this desire
in their bosoms, that they may in
this way aid in the accomplishment of
thy work. Bless them, we pray thee, in
their labors, that they may not fall into
errors in preparing their genealogies;
and furthermore, we ask thee to open
before them new avenues of information,
and place in their hands the records of
the past, that their work may not only
be correct but complete also.
O thou Great Father of the spirits of
all flesh, graciously bless and fully
qualify those upon whom thou hast
placed a portion of thine authority and
who bear the responsibilities and powers
of the Priesthood which is after the
order of thy Son. Bless them all from
first to last, from thy servant who repre-
sents thee in all the world to the latest
who has been ordained to the Deacon's
office. Upon each and all confer the
spirit of their calling, with a compre-
hension of its duties and a loving zeal to
fulfill them. Endow them with faith,
patience and understanding. May their
lives be strong in virtue and adorned
with humility; may their ministrations
be effectual, their prayers be availing
and their teachings the path of salvation.
May they be united by the and
in all their labors, and in
every thought, word and act may they
glorify thy name and vindicate the wis-
dom that has made them kings and
priests unto thee.
For thy servants of the First Presi-
dency of the Church we first of all pray.
Reveal in great clearness, thy mind and
will unto them in all things essential for
the welfare of thy people; give them
heavenly wisdom, abounding faith and
the power and gifts necessary to enable
them to preside acceptably unto thee
over the officers and members of thy
Church. Remember in love thy servant
whom thou hast called to be a Prophet,
Seer and Revelator to all mankind, whose
days have been many upon the earth;
yet lengthen out his span of mortal life,
we pray thee, and grant unto him all the
powers and gifts, in their completeness,
of the office thou hast conferred upon
him; and in like manner bless his asso-
ciates in the Presidency of thy Church.
Confer upon thy servants the Twelve
Apostles, a rich endowment of thy
Spirit. Under their guidance may
the Gospel of the kingdom go forth into
all the world, to be preached to all
nations, kindreds, tongues, and people,
that the honest in heart in every land
may hear the glad tidings of joy and
salvation. Overrule, we pray thee, in
the midst of the governments of the
earth, that the barriers that now stand
in the way of the spread of thy truths
may be removed, and liberty of con-
science be accorded to all peoples.
Remember in loving kindness thy
servants, the Patriarchs. May they be
full of blessings for thy people Israel.
May they bear with them the seeds of
comfort and consolation, of encourage-
ment and blessing. Fill them with the
, and be gracious-
ly pleased to fulfill their words of
prophecy, that thy name may be extolled
by the people of thy Church and their
faith in thee and in the promises of thy
ministering servants be increasingly
With thy servants of the Twelve,
bless their associates the Seventies;
may they be powerful in the preaching of
thy word and in bearing it to the four
quarters of the earth. May an ever-
widening way be opened before them
until they shall have raised the Gospel
standard in every land and proclaimed
its saving truths in every tongue, that all
[t]he islands and the continents may re-
joice in the testimony of the great work
thou art in these performing
on the earth.
Bless abundantly, O Lord, the High
Priests in all the varied duties and posi-
tions to which thou hast called them. As
standing ministers of thy word in the
multiplying Stakes of Zion, wilt thou
endow them richly with the spirit of
their exalted callings. As Presidents,
Counselors, Bishops, members of High
Councils, and in every other office
which their Priesthood gives them the
right to fill, may they be righteous
ministers of thy holy law, loving fathers
of the people, and as judges in the midst
of the Saints may they deal out just and
impartial judgment tempered with mercy
and love.
So also, in their various callings, con-
fer precious gifts of wisdom, faith and
knowledge upon thy servants the Elders,
selves, and all books, documents, and
papers appertaining to the office of the
recorder, likewise the library with all
the books, maps, instruments, etc., that
may belong thereto. We also present
before thee, for thine acceptance, all the
additions and buildings not forming a
part of the main edifice, but being appendages thereto; and we pray thee to
bless all the furniture, seats, cushions,
curtains, hangings, locks and fastenings
and multitudinous other appliances and
appurtenances found in and belonging
to this and its annexes, with all
the work of ornamentation thereon, the
painting and plastering, the gilding and
bronzing, the fine work in wood and
metal of every kind, the embroidery
and needlework, the pictures and statuary, the carved work and canopies.
Also the materials of which the buildings and their contents are made or
composed—the rock, lime, mortar and
plaster, the timbers and lath, the wood
of various trees, the gold and silver, the
brass and iron, and all other metals, the
silk, wool, and cotton, the skins and
furs, the glass, china and precious stones,
all these and all else herein we humbly
present for thine acceptance and sanctifying blessing.
Our , we present
before thee the altars which we have
prepared for thy servants and handmaidens to receive their sealing blessings. We dedicate them in the name of
the Lord , unto thy most
holy name, and we ask thee to sanctify
these altars that those who come unto
them may feel the power of the resting upon them, and realize
the sacredness of the covenants they
enter into. And we pray that our covenants and contracts which we make with
thee and with each other may be directed by thy , be sacredly
kept by us, and accepted by thee, and
that all the blessings pronounced may
be realized, by all thy Saints who come
to these altars, in the morning of the
resurrection of the just.
O Lord, we pray thee to bless and
sanctify the whole of this block or piece
of ground on which these buildings
stand, with the surrounding walls and
fences, the walks, paths, and ornamental
beds, also the trees, plants, flowers and
shrubbery that grow in its soil; may
they bloom and blossom and become
exceedingly beautiful and fragrant; and
may thy Spirit dwell in the midst thereof,
that this plot of ground may be a place
of rest and peace, for holy meditation
and inspired thought.
Preserve these buildings, we beseech
thee, from injury or destruction by flood
or fire; from the rage of the elements,
the shafts of the vivid lightning, the
overwhelming blasts of the hurricane,
the flames of consuming fire, and the
upheavals of the earthquake, O Lord,
protect them.
Bless, we pray thee, ,
all who may be in this house.
Remember continually thy servant who
shall be appointed to preside within its
wall, endow him richly with the wisdom
of the Holy Ones, with the spirit of his
calling, with the power of his Priesthood, and with the gift of discernment.
Bless, according to their calling, his
assistants and all who are associated
with him in the performance of the
ordinances, — baptisms, confirmations,
washings, anointings, sealings, , and ordinations which are performed herein, that all that is done may
be holy and acceptable unto thee, thou
God of our salvation. Bless the recorders and copyists, that the records of the
Temple may be kept perfect, and without omissions and errors, and that they
may also be accepted of thee. Bless, in
their several positions, the engineers,
watchmen, guards, and all others who
have duties to perform in connection
with the house, that they may perform
them unto thee with an eye single to thy
Remember also in thy mercy all those
who have labored in the erection of this
house, or who have, in any way, by their
means or influence aided in its completion; may they in no wise lose their
O thou God of our fathers ,
and , whose God thou delightest to be called, we thank thee with
all the fervor of overflowing gratitude
that thou hast revealed the powers by
which the hearts of the children are
being turned to their fathers and the
hearts of the fathers to the children,
that the sons of men in all their generations can be made partakers of the
glories and joys of the . Confirm upon us the of
, we pray thee, that we may thus
and also connect ourselves with our fathers who have passed
behind the veil, and furthermore seal up
our dead to come forth in the that we who dwell on the earth may
be bound to those who dwell in heaven.
We thank thee for their sake who have
finished their work in mortality, as well
as for our own, that the prison doors have
been opened, that deliverance has been
proclaimed to the captive, and the bonds
have been loosened from those who were
bound. We praise thee that our fathers,
from last to first, from now back to the
beginning, can be united with us in
indissoluble links, welded by the holy
Priesthood, and that as one great family
united in thee and cemented by thy
power we shall together stand before
thee, and by the power of the atoning
blood of thy Son be delivered from all
evil, be saved and sanctified, exalted
and glorified. Wilt thou also permit
holy messengers to visit us within these
sacred walls and make known unto us
with regard to the work we should perform in behalf of our dead. And, as
thou has inclined the hearts of many
who have not yet entered into covenant
with thee to search out their progenitors
and in so doing they have traced the
ancestry of many of thy Saints, we pray
thee, that thou wilt increase this desire
in their bosoms, that they may in
this way aid in the accomplishment of
thy work. Bless them, we pray thee, in
their labors, that they may not fall into
errors in preparing their genealogies;
and furthermore, we ask thee to open
before them new avenues of information,
and place in their hands the records of
the past, that their work may not only
be correct but complete also.
O thou Great Father of the spirits of
all flesh, graciously bless and fully
qualify those upon whom thou hast
placed a portion of thine authority and
who bear the responsibilities and powers
of the Priesthood which is after the
order of thy Son. Bless them all from
first to last, from thy servant who represents thee in all the world to the latest
who has been ordained to the Deacon's
office. Upon each and all confer the
spirit of their calling, with a comprehension of its duties and a loving zeal to
fulfill them. Endow them with faith,
patience and understanding. May their
lives be strong in virtue and adorned
with humility; may their ministrations
be effectual, their prayers be availing
and their teachings the path of salvation.
May they be united by the and
in all their labors, and in
every thought, word and act may they
glorify thy name and vindicate the wisdom that has made them kings and
priests unto thee.
For thy servants of the First Presidency of the Church we first of all pray.
Reveal in great clearness, thy mind and
will unto them in all things essential for
the welfare of thy people; give them
heavenly wisdom, abounding faith and
the power and gifts necessary to enable
them to preside acceptably unto thee
over the officers and members of thy
Church. Remember in love thy servant
whom thou hast called to be a Prophet,
Seer and Revelator to all mankind, whose
days have been many upon the earth;
yet lengthen out his span of mortal life,
we pray thee, and grant unto him all the
powers and gifts, in their completeness,
of the office thou hast conferred upon
him; and in like manner bless his associates in the Presidency of thy Church.
Confer upon thy servants the Twelve
Apostles, a rich endowment of thy
Spirit. Under their guidance may
the Gospel of the kingdom go forth into
all the world, to be preached to all
nations, kindreds, tongues, and people,
that the honest in heart in every land
may hear the glad tidings of joy and
salvation. Overrule, we pray thee, in
the midst of the governments of the
earth, that the barriers that now stand
in the way of the spread of thy truths
may be removed, and liberty of conscience be accorded to all peoples.
Remember in loving kindness thy
servants, the Patriarchs. May they be
full of blessings for thy people Israel.
May they bear with them the seeds of
comfort and consolation, of encouragement and blessing. Fill them with the
, and be graciously pleased to fulfill their words of
prophecy, that thy name may be extolled
by the people of thy Church and their
faith in thee and in the promises of thy
ministering servants be increasingly
With thy servants of the Twelve,
bless their associates the Seventies;
may they be powerful in the preaching of
thy word and in bearing it to the four
quarters of the earth. May an everwidening way be opened before them
until they shall have raised the Gospel
standard in every land and proclaimed
its saving truths in every tongue, that all
the islands and the continents may rejoice in the testimony of the great work
thou art in these performing
on the earth.
Bless abundantly, O Lord, the High
Priests in all the varied duties and positions to which thou hast called them. As
standing ministers of thy word in the
multiplying Stakes of Zion, wilt thou
endow them richly with the spirit of
their exalted callings. As Presidents,
Counselors, Bishops, members of High
Councils, and in every other office
which their Priesthood gives them the
right to fill, may they be righteous
ministers of thy holy law, loving fathers
of the people, and as judges in the midst
of the Saints may they deal out just and
impartial judgment tempered with mercy
and love.
So also, in their various callings, confer precious gifts of wisdom, faith and
knowledge upon thy servants the Elders,