March 20th 1890
I signed 26 Recommends I received 19 Letters I
wrote 4 Letters I met in prayer circle, and had
interviews with several parties went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Friday
21 I signed 240 Recommends I signedReceived 16 Letters
I met with the Bank Board Meeting
~ Saturday
22 I went to the City with Alice she had 2 teeh
pulled I then returned 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
23. Sunday I spent the day at the House
~ Monday
24 I signed 8 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 10 pub[lic] letters spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
25 I signed 10 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 4 pub[lic] letters. I had an interview with J W Young
& wife & several others spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters I signed 45 pub[lic] letters. I had an interview with Badlam & Trombow
and they had come to Salt Lake City once more to
offer the olive leaves of peace to M. ThatcherJ. W Taylor H B PrestonAlonzo E Hyde & those associated with to
settle the disgraceful peace of work they were Engaged
in in the Beck Mine business we had a snow
storm in the night I attended the Bank board Meeting
28 I signed the 10 Recommends I received 15 Letters
~ Saturday
29. I spent the day at the farm wrote 6 Letter 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
30. Sunday I spent the day Reading
~ Thursday
March 20th 1890
I signed 26 Recommends I received 19 Letters I
wrote 4 Letters I met in prayer circle, and had
interviews with several parties went to the farm 6 miles
~ Friday
21 I signed40 Recommends IReceived 16 Letters
I met with the Bank Board Meeting
~ Saturday
22 I went to the City with Alice she had 2 teeh
pulled I then returned 6 Miles
~ Sunday
23. Sunday I spent the day at the House
~ Monday
24 I signed 8 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 10 public letters spent the night at the farm 6 miles
~ Tuesday
25 I signed 10 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 4 public letters. I had an interview with J W Young
& wife & several others spent the night at the farm 6 miles
~ Wednesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters I signed
5 public letters. I had an interview with Badlam & Trombow
and they had come to Salt Lake City once more to
offer the olive leaves of peace to M. ThatcherJ. W TaylorH B PrestonAlonzo E Hyde & those associated with to
settle the disgraceful peace of work they were Engaged
in in the Beck Mine business we had a snow
storm in the night I attended the Bank board Meeting
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," March 20, 1890 - March 30, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,