March 1, 1889
I receivd the following Present from John Galager
A vary nice cake with the following Motto
To President Wilford Woodruff, Four score & tow long
long Eyears have fled in work for Zions cause on
Earth This day we greet our Honored head
to show our love and tell his worth, we pray that
Heaven may long Extend your life to testify,
unmoved. Then with your family in the End
find welcome By the Gods Approvd
This was one of the Most satisfactory Birth day
Meetings I Ever had we had a vary interesting time we had
a Quire of singing we went to bed at abot 2 oclok
~ Saturday
2 I signed 8 public Letters and spent the day at the House
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I took cars with G Q CannonReynolds & Winters & rode to Provo to Attend Conference we met in
to the Big Tabernacle with about 3,500 people Prayer By
George Reynolds W. Woodruff spoke 40 Minuts ^J^ Gates
18 M[inutes]. Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 20 Minuts A. O. Smoot spoke 25 Minuts The Spirit of the Lord was
with all the speakers At the close of the Meeting I met
with the Officers of the Young Mens Mutual & spoke to them
15 Minuts & Br Cannon 10 Minuts. I signed 12 Recommends
I met with the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening Prayer
By George Halladay. G Q Cannon spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff
25 Minuts The Power of God was with us we stoped with
A O Smoot I wrote one Letter to G Teasdale
^^ we Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclk The House full Prayer
By Karl G Maeser G Q Cannon spoke 60 Minuts
March 1, 1889
I receivd the following Present from John Galager
A vary nice cake with the following Motto
To President Wilford Woodruff, Four score & tow long
longyears have fled in work for Zions cause on
Earth This day we greet our Honored head
to show our love and tell his worth, we pray that
Heaven may long Extend your life to testify,
unmoved. Then with your family in the End
find welcome By the Gods Approvd
This was one of the Most satisfactory Birth day
Meetings I Ever had we had a vary interesting time we had
a Quire of singing we went to bed at abot 2 oclok
~ Saturday
2 [FIGURE] I signed 8 public Letters and spent the day at the House
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I took cars with G Q CannonReynolds &
Winters & rode to Provo to Attend Conference we met in
to the Big Tabernacle with about 3,500 people Prayer By
George Reynolds W. Woodruff spoke 40 Minuts J Gates
18 Minutes. Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 20 Minuts
A. O. Smoot spoke 25 Minuts The Spirit of the Lord was
with all the speakers At the close of the Meeting I met
with the Officers of the Young Mens Mutual & spoke to them
15 Minuts & Br Cannon 10 Minuts. I signed 12 Recommends
I met with the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening Prayer
By George Halladay. G Q Cannon spoke 35 Minutes, W Woodruff
25 Minuts The Power of God was with us we stoped with
A O Smoot I wrote one Letter to G Teasdale
[FIGURE] we Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclk The House full Prayer
By Karl G Maeser G Q Cannon spoke 60 Minuts
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," March 2, 1889 - March 3, 1889, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025,