Aug 6, 1888
I signed 63 recommends. I received 40 Letters I wrote one Letter & sent $15. I had an
interview with Franklin J Cannon direct
from Washington spoke of his interview
with President Cleveland & Atorney General
8 I signed 56 recommends. I received 28 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 7 Public & to Emma & Asahel & sent
Asahel a copy of Halls Accounts
~ Thursday
9. I signed 60 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote Letters 5 public 2 private Total 7. I went to
the farm at night wrote to Sarah 3 Miles
~ Friday
10 I spent the day at the farm spent most of the day
at work. I signed 12 recommends I received 10 Letters I wrote 1 Letter to Wm H Thompson
~ Saturday
11 We finished our second crop of Lucern today Azmon is now living at Emmas House and
doing as well as He can But He is naturly an
unhappy Man He is one of that kind of Men
that must Mourn about sumthing or they cannot
be hapy
~ Sunday
12 Sunday Emma & Clara went to Meeting
I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
13. I signed 19 recommends I received 15 Letters I had
an interview with D. H. Wells, Parkinson & Bulah
~ Monday
Aug 6, 1888
I signed 63 Recommends, I received 40 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote one Letter & sent $15. I had an
interview with Franklin J Cannon direct
from Washington spoke of his interview
with President Cleveland & Atorney General
~ Tuesday
7 [FIGURE] I signed 27 Recommends I received 18 Letters I
wrote 11 Letters 8 Public & to JacobsonB. F Johnson
& Lucy S Woodruff I sent her $5. I had an interview
with James H Hart & others
~ Wednesday
8 [FIGURE] I signed 56 Recommends, I received 28 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 7 Public & to Emma & Asahel & sent
Asahel a copy of Halls Accounts
~ Thursday
9. [FIGURE] I signed 60 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote Letters 5 public 2 private Total 7. I went to
the farm at night wrote to Sarah 3 Miles
~ Friday
10 I spent the day at the farm spent most of the day
at work I signed 12 Recommends I received 10 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 1 Letter to Wm H Thompson
~ Saturday
11 We finished our second crop of Lucern today
Azmon is now living at Emmas House and
doing as well as He can But He is naturly an
unhappy Man He is one of that kind of Men
that must Mourn about sumthing or they cannot
be hapy
~ Sunday
12 Sunday Emma & Clara went to Meeting
I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
13. I signed 19 Recommends I received 15 Letters I had
an interview with D. H. Wells, Parkinson & Bulah
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," August 6, 1888 - August 13, 1888, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,