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Harold B. Lee Library |
Collection Name | Deseret News |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | Deseret News 1880-11-03 |
Collection Box | Volume 29 |
Collection Folder | Number 40 |
Collection Page | 626 |
Source Link | Brigham Young University |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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With regard to prophesying, I wish to say, that we have a great many times the revelations of God given unto us through his spirit, when we do not comprehend what revelation is. How many of you have had the still small voice of the spirit whisper things to you, and when you have followed the dictations of that spirit it has become in you a principle of revelation. I would not be here to- day if I had not listened to the whisperings of that still small voice which has guided me in my journey- ings; I never could have passed through the dangerous scenes and incidents of my life had I not fol- lowed the whisperings of the spirit of the Lord to me.
When in the western country, many years ago, before we came to the Rocky Mountains, I had a dream. I dreamed of being in these moun- tains, and of seeing a large fine look- ing temple erected in one of these valleys which was built of cut gran- ite stone, I saw that temple dedi- cated, and I attended the dedicatory services, and I saw a good many men there that are living to-day in the midst of this people. And I saw them called of God and sent forth unto the United States and to Baby- lon, or what is called the Christian world, to bind up the law and seal up the testimony against the nations of the earth, because they had re- jected the testimony of Jesus and of the establishment of the kingdom of God upon the earth. When the foundation of that temple was laid I thought of my dream and a great many times since. And whenever President Young held a council of the brethren of the Twelve and talk of building the temple of adobe or brick, which was done I would say to myself "No, you will never do it;" because I had seen it in my dream built of some other material. I men- tion these things to show you that things are manifested to the Latter- day Saints sometimes which we do not know any thing about, only as they are given by the Spirit of God.
I will say to Israel who are here to- day, we should take hold of this work in earnest and build this tem- ple and redeem the dead as well as the living; and have faith in God believing that this is the work of God which will roll on to its fulfil- ment in the earth. God will not dis- appoint you in these the last days; he will not disappoint the wicked, he will not disappoint the devils in hell, nor the angels of God in the heaven will not be disappointed with regard to the fulfilment of the revelations; whatever may be the unbelief of this generation it will make no differ- ence with regard to the fulfilment of the revelations of God and the predictions of his servants.
I pray God to bless you, and to pour out his spirit upon my brethren of the quorum of the Twelve, that we may walk in the light and be guided aright in all our ministra- tions. And I tell you again, God will not disappoint you; this king- dom will never go backward, neither will it ever be given into the hands of another people; but it will rest upon the shoulders of our sons and daughters when Christ comes in the clouds of heaven. We have no time to throw away, or spend in the fool- ish things of the flesh; what time is at our disposal should be used in building up the Zion of God, and in preparing ourselves and our families for the things that await us.
Oh, I wish many times that the veil was lifted from off the faces of the Lat- ter-day Saints; I wish we could see and know the things of God as they do who are laboring for the salvation of the human family who are in the spirit world; for if this were so, this whole people, with very few, if any, exceptions, would lose all interest in the riches of the world, and instead thereof their whole desires and la- bors would be directed to redeem their dead, to perform faithfully the work and mission given us on earth; so that when we ourselves should pass behind the veil and meet with Joseph and the ancient apostles, and others who are watching over us and who are deeply interested in our labors, we might feel satisfied in having done our duty.
This is how I feel, this is my faith. I read the Bible, the Book of Mor- mon and the Book of Covenants, and I look for everything contained in them to be fulfilled. We are making history day by day, and we are fulfilling the events which the old prophets saw, and which they predicted would transpire in the latter days. Isaiah, when he saw in vision this people in the mountains, exclaims: "Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into sing- ing, O mountains; for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy on his afflicted. "But Zion said, The Lord hath for- saken me, and my Lord hath for- gotten me. "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she could not have com- passion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." In the own due time of the Lord all things spoken by the prophets will be literally fulfilled.
I will say, do not, my brethren, allow the spirit of conten- tion and dissension to creep in among you. I am ashamed of some of our people who, instead of using their powers and influence in endeavoring to unite the people, go to work and stir up strife, and the result is that in some of our cities an opposition ticket is gotten up, and our own peo- ple in these places divide one against the other. I say, shame on the elder or man holding the priesthood, the authority delegated to him by high heaven, who will do this thing; the heavens are displeased with such a man, and unless he repents he will certainly be found numbered with those who are arrayed against God and his kingdom in the earth. We have the whole world against us, besides many evil spirits to contend with, and we certainly should not divide one against another.