Jan 25 [22] 1897
22. I spent the Day in the office had much company
I met with the Irrigation celebration of the
P[i]oneers committee & talked over the Matters
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day at home resting
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I spent the day at home Resting
~ Monday
25 I spent the day in the office was met by a committee
to get up a Reservoir at the severe River
~ Tuesday
26 We had a great Deal of company. Met with grass creek coal co
~ Wednesday
27. I spent the day in the office I met with Brother Hess
~ Thursday
28 I met with the Twelve in the Temple A number of
subjects were brought up for discussion, one was to
Do away with the Juvenile ^instructor^womans Exponent, Young Ladies Journal, and Publish a work to take
the place of the other works President Cannon
thought they better remain as they are
~ Friday
29. I spent the day in the office in the power Dam
Meeting untill 1 oclock I spent a vary bad night
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at home & was nearly sick all
& night with the asthma
Jan 25 22 1897
22. I spent the Day in the office had much company
I met with the celebration of the
Pioneers committee & talked over the Matters
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day at home resting
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I spent the day at home Resting
~ Monday
25 I spent the day in the office was met by a committee
to get up a Reservoir at the severe River
~ Tuesday
26 We had a great Deal of company. Met with grass creek coal co
~ Wednesday
27. I spent the day in the office I met with Brother Hess
~ Thursday
28 I met with the Twelve in the Temple A number of
subjects were brought up for discussion, one was to
Do away with the Juvenile instructor womans Exponent,
Young Ladies Journal, and Publish a work to take
the place of the other works President Cannon
thought they better remain as they are
~ Friday
29. I spent the day in the office in the power Dam
Meeting untill 1 oclock I spent a vary bad night
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at home & was nearly sick all
& night with the asthma
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," January 22, 1897 - January 31, 1897, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ngr5