June 25 1894
Much of the Spirit of God rested upon us in our meeting
last Evening we took carriages this morning and
rode to Willard on the way we stoped a short
time to speak to several hundred children who were
paraded in the street as we passed. At Willard we
held a Meeting with the people in the Meeting House
W Woodruff read the 49 chapter of Isaiah
from the 13 verse and spoke to the people was follow
By G Q. Cannon & J F Smith. We then took
dinner 150 persons seated at the Table At the close
of the feast the children gathered in the Meeting House
and Addressed By the Presidency we then rode
to the cars & went onto Ogden & spent 2 Hours
at Ogden then took cars to Salt Lake 60 Miles
I was quite weary when I got home
27. I Attended to the business of the office I received
^^ a Letter from Owen to Father & Ovando I mailed
a Letter to Owen & one from Blanche I also received
^^ A letter from Owen to Mother & Blanch
~ Thursday
28 I met with Brother CM Cowley about his Mothers
Debts with H J Grant Met with F D Richards
upon Utah silk business, & with H J Grant
on giving stake organization to Randolph Woodruff & Lake town. We met with the Twelve in the Temple (The subject of the Holy Ghost was discustsed)
Wisdom says let mysteries alone
~ Monday
June 25 1894
Much of the Spirit of God rested upon us in our meeting
last Evening we took carriages this morning and
rode to Willard on the way we stoped a short
time to speak to several hundred children who were
paraded in the street as we passed. At Willard we
held a Meeting with the people in the Meeting House
W Woodruff read the 49 chapter of Isaiah
from the 13 verse and spoke to the people was follow
By G Q. Cannon & J F Smith. We then took
dinner 150 persons seated at the Table At the close
of the feast the children gathered in the Meeting House
and Addressed By the Presidency we then rode
to the cars & went onto Ogden & spent 2 Hours
at Ogden then took cars to Salt Lake 60 Miles
I was quite weary when I got home
27. I Attended to the business of the office I received
FIGURES a Letter from Owen to Father & Ovando I mailed
a Letter to Owen & one from Blanche I also received
[FIGURE] A letter from Owen to Mother & Blanch
~ Thursday
28 I met with Brother M Cowley about his Mothers
Debts with H J Grant Met with F D Richards
upon Utah silk business, & with H J Grant
on giving stake organization to RandolphWoodruff & Lake town. We met with the Twelve in the
Temple (The subject of the Holy Ghost was discussed)
Wisdom says let mysteries alone
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," June 25, 1894 - June 28, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/KLYY