Oct 24, 1893 F S Richards Account of the Bill giving us back our Money
was Recived we had quite a Number of callers
~ Wednesday
25 I received one Dozen cutting of grapes Black-
Scuppernong from the South called a vary valuable Grape Wm W Cluff called upon us for some council. I wrote
^^ 2 letters one to Bishop Farrell & one to Sylvia M Thompson
~ Thursday
26 Legrand Young called spoke about the Atorney General
interfereing with our Money Bill that Passed
Congress & signed By the President interfered with
By the Atorney General Legrand Young says He
cannot hender the Payment of the Money
~ Friday
27. We were visited By A Mr Lewis from Honolulu
~ Saturday
28. I spent the day at home and in the Evening I went on
Board of a Private car twith the Apostles to attend the conference
we arived at Logan about midnight 100 Miles
~ Sunday
29. Sunday we stoped at Brother Moses Thatcher & took
Breakfast & Met the Saints in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
At which time conference opened By Prayer By Bishop Farrill ^M W Merrill^, W. Woodruff spoke 15 MinutsG Q Cannon465, B Young 15 M. Afternoon sacrament Administered
And an overflow Meeting of several Hundred below
W Woodruff spoke to the general congregation 45 Minuts J F Smith 50 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening & WW.
spoke 20 GQC. 40 M, F. M. Lyman 42.
Oct 24, 1893F S Richards Account of the Bill giving us back our Money
was Recived we had quite a Number of callers
~ Wednesday
25 I received one Dozen cutting of grapes BlackScuppernong from the South called a vary valuable Grape
Wm W Cluff called upon us for some council. I wrote
[FIGURE] 2 letters one to Bishop Farrell & one to Sylvia M Thompson
~ Thursday
26 Legrand Young called spoke about the Atorney General
interfereing with our Money Bill that Passed
Congress & signed By the President interfered with
By the Atorney General Legrand Young says He
cannot hender the Payment of the Money
~ Friday
27. We were visited By A Mr Lewis from Honolulu
~ Saturday
28. I spent the day at home and in the Evening I went on
Board of a Private carwith the Apostles to attend the conference
we arived at Logan about midnight 100 Miles
~ Sunday
29. Sunday we stoped at Brother Moses Thatcher & took
Breakfast & Met the Saints in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
At which time conference opened By Prayer By
M W Merrill, G Q Cannon65,
B Young 15 M. Afternoon sacrament Administered
And an overflow Meeting of several Hundred below
W Woodruff spoke to the general congregation 45 Minuts
J F Smith 50 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening & WW.
spoke 20 GQC. 40 M, F. M. Lyman 42.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," October 24, 1893 - October 30, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Q6n9