My friends I marvel at the wonderous work of God in this 19th century
which he is performing in the Earth & I have the greatest desire that
all my relatives may be benefited by the same. I know of a truth
that the Lord is giving to his Church yea to the Church of Latter Day
Saints the gifts blessings & grace that the Ancients possesed yea
he hath esstablished in his Church in these last days Prophets Apostles Evangel[i]st[s]
pastors, Teachers &c. & the signs follow the believers as they did anciently
persecution not excepted yea they speak with new tongues interpet
languages lay hands on the sick & they recover the lame walk
the blind see the deaf hear they preach the gospel to the poor they
have the Administeration of Angels, Dream, & see vishions & have
the heavens opened unto them as it was unto Stephen [Acts 7:55-56] & find Israels
God yet to be a God of revelation yea & shout O Earth & rejoice O heavens
for he is about to reveal himself & redeem his people. These are
not idleol specalations nor fancy's of the brain but they are Eternal
truths but no more true than the Book of Mormon yes that despised stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim it is a good Book it is true it is
the word of God it will stand recorded on the ARCHIVES of heaven as the [illegible] revelations of God [against] the lies of this Adulterous generation [burn mark]
swept from of the Earth by the voice of God of judgment & of burning
O my Beloved Parents I would to God that you would receieve the fullness
of the gospel of Jesus Christ that you might partake of the blessing
of the same they are great they are unspeakable & cannot be enjoyed
while out of the covenant yea the covenant which God hath Esstablished
in these la[st] days yes that covenant which hath lain breaken for centuries
on the part of man but God hath again renewed it by the administration
of Angels from heaven & bringing forth the fulness of the gospel contained
in the Book of mormon which is a fulfillment of the prophesys containd
in the Bible also by esstablishing the priesthood again that priesthood
that is after the order of Melchisedec the same priesthood that the Apostles
stood in in the days of Christ & being ordained under his hand they
were prepared to administer in the ordinances of the gospel as Christ
was a high Priest himself which qualified him to ordain others to
the same priesthood. Now men have again authority to baptize & administer
in all the ordinances of the house of the Lord & now those who come
foreward & are baptized for the remishion of their sins by those who have
authority they receieve the gift of the holy Ghost by the laying on of hands as did Peter
& other Apostles [Matthew 10:1]
My friends I marvel at the wonderous work of God in this 19th century
which he is performing in the Earth & I have the greatest desire that
all my relatives may be benefited by the same. I know of a truth
that the Lord is giving to his Church yea to the Church of Latter Day
Saints the gifts blessings & grace that the Ancients possesed yea
he hath esstablished in his Church in these last days Prophets Apostles Evangelists
pastors, Teachers &c. & the signs follow the believers as they did anciently
persecution not excepted yea they speak with new tongues interpet
languages lay hands on the sick & they recover the lame walk
the blind see the deaf hear they preach the gospel to the poor they
have the Administration of Angels, Dream, & see vishions & have
the heavens opened unto them as it was unto Stephen & find Israels
God yet to be a God of revelation yea & shout O Earth & rejoice O heavens
for he is about to reveal himself & redeem his people. These are
not idol specalations nor fancy's of the brain but they are Eternal
truths but no more true than the Book of Mormon yes that despised
stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim it is a good Book it is true it is
the word of God it will stand recorded on the ARCHIVES of heaven as the
great revelations of God [illegible] the lies of this Adulterous generation page stained
swept from of the Earth by the voice of God of judgment & of burning
O my Beloved Parents I would to God that you would receieve the fullness
of the gospel of Jesus Christ that you might partake of the blessing
of the same they are great they are unspeakable & cannot be enjoyed
while out of the covenant yea the covenant which God hath Esstablished
in these last days yes that covenant which hath lain breaken for centuries
on the part of man but God hath again renewed it by the administration
of Angels from heaven & bringing forth the fulness of the gospel contained
in the Book of mormon which is a fulfillment of the prophesys containd
in the Bible also by establishing the priesthood again that priesthood
that is after the order of Melchisedec the same priesthood that the Apostles
stood in in the days of Christ & being ordained under his hand they
were prepared to administer in the ordinances of the gospel as Christ
was a high Priest himself which qualified him to ordain others to
the same priesthood. Now men have again authority to baptize & administer
in all the ordinances of the house of the Lord & now those who come
foreward & are baptized for the remishion of their sins by those who have
authority they receieve the gift of the holy Ghost by the laying on of hands as did Peter
& other Apostles
"Letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 7 May 1836," p. 2, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,