Letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 7 May 1836


Letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 7 May 1836
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    Eagle Creek, Benton County, Tennessee. May 7th 1836 Aphek & Azubah Woodruff, Beloved & Respected Parents With a heart raised to heaven filled with gratitude towards God & the warmest desire for your salvation in the Celestial Kingdom. I again take the responsibility upon me of addressing a few lines to you & I ask my heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ to give me his spirit & inspire my pen while I address you for I know neither your ...
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    My friends I marvel at the wonderous work of God in this 19th century which he is performing in the Earth & I have the greatest desire that all my relatives may be benefited by the same. I know of a truth that the Lord is giving to his Church yea to the Church of Latter Day Saints the gifts blessings & grace that the Ancients possesed yea he hath esstablished in his Church in these last days Prophets Apostles Evangel[i]st[s] pastors, Teachers &c. & the signs follow the believers as they did anciently persecution not excepted yea they speak ...
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    I cannot but believe but ^that^ what my relatives in the east will receieve the gospel when they have the privilege of investigating the subject for themselves yea I have confidence to believe to believe they will & I expect that most of them will have the privileg the ensuing season the endowment hath taken place I do not know whether you have all understanding of the endowment & state of the church or not but the first Elders of the Church were commanded of God by revelation to assemble & tarry at Kirtland Ohio untill ...
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    I wrote a letter to Brother Asahel a while since I would like to hear from him I have paid for your papers the ensuing year I hope you get them when you write let me know they contain many interesting things. I bid you farewell for the present may peace feath & prosperity attend you—{shorthand} I am enjoying the best of health & have been since I began to travel I have not herd from any of my relatives for a long time I had a letter from you about one year since & ...