Bishop Hoagland spoke a short time & closed the meeting
The Bishops of this city were baptized to day & confirmed
~ Friday
10th I called upon A Carrington found him unwell. I called
upon President Young & asked him to hear History read. It was a cold
day I spent the day in the office. ElderPresidents Kimball & Grant were about
home attending to their duties. I attended meeting in the 14th ward Wm Taylor spoke to the people rather cold & dry. Followed by Brother Horn who spoke good sentiment not vary spirited. I followed him
spoke of the various sins which we were liable to commit among others
fals promises in deal spoke of the great Blessings which God had
given us from the begining through his servants had revealed great
& mighty principles unto us through the prophets who lead us for which
we ought to be thankful & live our religion I had a measure of
the spirit of the Lord but not as much as I would have liked
I was followed by Bishop Hoagland who had a good deal of the
spirit of the Lord. He reproved his councellors & said they were asleep
& did him no good if he got any thing out of them He had to go after
them they should come to him. He said the people were not suffic[ien]tly
awake he wanted them to wake up & get more of the spirit of God
He spoke well
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day in the office making a commencement upon the History
of Brigham Young. Presidents Brigham Young H. C. KimballJoseph
Young & John Young came into the office & herd read what whe had
written & corrected what was wrong. The Texan Company arived
in this city at 4 oclok P.M. I attended meeting with the Board of direct-
ors at 7 oclok in the evening
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. President Daniel Spencer
spoke to the people followed By President Grant then By President Young
all of which spoke in the power of God. J. V. Long Reported. in the
Afternoon Heber C. Kimball addressed the meeting & he spoke in
the spirit & power of God. J. V. Long & Leo Hawkins reported
I met inwith the circle in prayer being 17 persons present
At the close of prayer Elder Leonard Wilford Hardy was called
forward & presidents B Young H. C. Kimball J M Grant F. D. Richards
& W Woodruff laid hands upon his head & ordained him to the
office of an High Priest and a Bishop & also the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of his blessing
President Young was mouth
Brother Leonard HardyWilford Hardy in the name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head & in
ordain you to be a High Priest & a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints And we also ordain you to be the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter, who is the Chief Bishop in the Church & we
seal upon your head all the power & Authority of this priesthood & Bishopprick & we seal upon you the spir[it] of Counscil & Revelation that
you may council the people to pay their tithing & we bless you with the gift of Disernment that you may have power to magnify your calling
& you shall have the spirit of Prophesy & revelation visions Dreams
& the Administering of Angels & you shall be filled with wisdom
& shall assist in building up the kingdom of God on the Earth &
Bishop Hoagland spoke a short time & closed the meeting
The Bishops of this City were baptized to day & confirmed
~ Friday
10th I called upon A Carrington found him unwell I called
upon President Young & asked him to hear History read. It was a Cold
day I spent the day in the office.Presidents Kimball & Grant were about
home attending to their duties. I attended meeting in the 14th ward
Wm Taylor spoke to the people rather Cold & dry. Followed by Brother
Horn who spoke good sentiment not vary spirited. I followed him
spoke of the various sins which we were liable to commit among others
fals promises in deal spoke of the great Blessings which God had
given us from the begining through his servants had revealed great
& mighty principles unto us through the prophets who lead us for which
we ought to be thankful & live our religion I had a measure of
the spirit of the Lord but not as much as I would have liked
I was followed by Bishop Hoagland who had a good deal of the
spirit of the Lord. He reproved his councellors & said they were asleep
& did him no good if he got any thing out of them He had to go after
them they should come to him He said the people were not sufficently
awake he wanted them to wake up & get more of the spirit of God
He spoke well
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day in the office making a commencement upon the History
of Brigham Young. Presidents Brigham Young H. C. KimballJoseph
Young & John Young came into the office & herd read what we had
written & corrected what was wrong. The Texan Company arived
in this City at 4 oclok P.M. I attended meeting with the Board of directors at 7 oclok in the evening
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. President Daniel Spencer
Spoke to the people followed By President Grant then By President Young
all of which spoke in the power of God. J. V. Long Reported. in the
Afternoon Heber C. Kimball addressed the meeting & he spoke in
the spirit & power of God. J. V. Long & Leo Hawkins reported
I met with the Circle in prayer being 17 persons present
At the Close of prayer Elder Leonard Wilford Hardy was called
forward & presidents B. Young H. C. Kimball J M Grant F. D. Richards
& W Woodruff laid hands upon his head & ordained him to the
office of an High Priest and a Bishop & also the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of his blessing
President Young was mouth
Brother LeonardWilford Hardy in the name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head &
ordain you to be a High Priest & a Bishop in the church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints And we also ordain you to be the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter, who is the Chief Bishop in the Church & we
seal upon your head all the power & Authority of this priesthood &
Bishopprick & we seal upon you the spirit of Council & Revelation that
you may council the people to pay their tithing & we bless you with the
gift of Disernment that you may have power to magnify your Calling
& you shall have the spirit of Prophesy & revelation visions Dreams
& the Administering of Angels & you shall be filled with wisdom
& shall assist in building up the kingdom of God on the Earth &
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 9, 1856 - October 12, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,