In the Afternoon I attended meeting President Young gave liberty
for any of the saints to confess or bear their testimony to the truth
several of the brethren & sisters spoke then President Brigham
Young arose & delivered unto the saints one of the strongest
addresses that was ever delivered chto this Church & kingdom there
was neither of the regular reporters present but Leo Hawkins
reported the Latter Day Saints or people called Mormons were
justly, &strictly, & strongly chastized & rebuked by President Young for
lying, stealing, swareing, commiting Adultery, quarielling with Husbands
wives & children & many other Evils. He spoke in the power of God &
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost & his voice & words were like
the Thunderings of Mount Sina.
I Attended the prayer circle in the Evening. I officiated in Brother Bullocks place in keeping minutes as he had gone on his mission Sarah was taken sick in the evening I administered to her by the laying
on of hands & she recovered we had a vary strong wind & some
rain during the night
~ Monday
15 I met with the brethren in the morning in the Historians office I told
them my feelings were to dedicate the office unto the Lord to which
they all agreed so we all knelt down except J. V. Long who wrote
the prayer I was mouth the following was a synopsis of what was spoken
in the dedication prayer there was present Elders Leo Hawkins Robert L Campbell & J. V. Lond & W. Woodruff
Prayer offered by W Woodruff
O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath
this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto
the Lord our God. We feel this to be our duty as we consider that
this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located
in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples
Tabernacles & cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make
us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand
O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given
unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which
& the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin
ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the
priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies
of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with
thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an office
built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of
thy Church & kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privi-
lege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our
Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us we do
& in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & consecrate it unto the
Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records
of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that
it may be sanctified & hHoly unto thy name. And we pray that we may
be inspiried by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians
or clerks for the Church & may we keep a true & faithful record
& History of thy Church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be
kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord
~ Sunday
Sunday 14th I was unwell & did not attend meeting
two lines blank
In the Afternoon I attended meeting President Young gave liberty
for any of the saints to confess or bear their testimony to the truth
several of the brethren & sisters spoke then President Brigham
Young arose & delivered unto the saints one of the strongest
addresses that was ever delivered to this church & kingdom there
was neither of the regular reporters present but Leo Hawkins
reported the Latter Day Saints or people called Mormons were
justly, Strictly & strongly chastized & rebuked by President Young for
lying, stealing, swareing, commiting Adultery, quarelling with Husbands
wives & children & many other Evils. He spoke in the power of God &
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost & his voice & words were like
the Thunderings of Mount Sina.
I Attended the prayer Circle in the Evening. I officiated in Brother
Bullocks place in keeping minutes as he had gone on his mission
Sarah was taken sick in the evening I administered to her by the laying
on of hands & she recovered we had a vary strong wind & some
rain during the night
~ Monday
15 [FIGURE] I met with the brethren in the morning in the Historians office I told
them my feelings were to dedicate the office unto the Lord to which
they all agreed so we all knelt down except J. V. Long who wrote
the prayer I was mouth the following was a synopsis of what was spoken
in the dedication Prayer there was present Elders Leo HawkinsRobert L Campbell & J. V. Lond & W. Woodruff
Prayer offered by W Woodruff
O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath
this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto
the Lord our God we feel this to be our duty as we consider that
this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located
in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples
Tabernacles & Cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make
us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand
O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given
unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which
& the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin
ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the
priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies
of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with
thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an Office
built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of
thy Church & Kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privilege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our
Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us
& in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & Consecrate it unto the
Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records
of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that
it may be sanctified & Holy unto thy name And we pray that we may
be inspired by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians
or clerks for the church & may we keep a true & faithful record
& History of thy church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be
kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," September 14, 1856 - September 15, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,