I attended the Prayer Circle in the evening I however spoke in the afternoon
a short time at the close of the meeting & had the spirit of the Lord at the close
of prayers I went in company with H. C. KimballF D RichardsJ. C.
LittleD. H. Wells & we all laid Hands upon J. M. Grant & rebuked his
sickness he was vary sick. There was a call made at noon for more
men & Animals to go into the mountains about 100 men arose in the congrega gation to go with Teams. President Young said that if they had to send
many into the Mountains He thought it best to move the City into the Mountains
& spend the winter
~ Monday
24th Presidents B. Young & H. C. Kimball called & spent the fore part of
the day Hearing the History read. Brother Grant is still vary sick the pres-
idencylaid hands upon him. The Missionaries met at the Historians
office. President B. Young was present. The meeting opened by prayer &
singing W. Woodruff made a report of the progress of the work of the refer-
mation & was followed by a report of all the Missionaries through
the City which took till 9 oclok then we had an address from Presi-
dent Young & it was glorious. G. D. Watt reported. President Young
is filled with the spirit & power of God & is Like God is filled with
Mercy & evry other good Principle
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon in the office
I attended the bishops meeting in the evening Bishop Edward Hunter
addressed the people followed by L. W. HardyE. D. Woolley & W. Woodruff
all spoke plain & had the spirit of God
~ Wednesday
26th I called upon President J. M. Grant & found him
vary sick indeed I laid hands upon him & prayed for
him & rebuked his disease I spent most of the day in
the office. I Paid Silas Richards $29.25 to pay the taxes
of J. M. Bernhisel for 1856, & took receipt for the same
I attended meeting at the 7th ward with the Priesthood. Bishop perkins 27thwas present the teachers were asleep & it was cold & dull I herd the ward
represented then Brother Richards spoke & I followed him & we both exhorted
them to wake out of sleep
~ Thursday
27th I called upon Brother Grant to see how he was I found him vary
weak & restless. Brother Sprague & Ivins were attending upon him as
Physicians J. C. Little & L. Hardy were watching with him & unursing
him I spent the day in the office
~ Friday
28th I went to Mill this morning. I attended the trial of Luke Johnson & the settlement in Rush valley before Bishop Hunter
& council the Bishop decided that Colwell should leave that valley
& the company should pay him $165 dollars for his improvement
Brother Porter agreed to take the place & pay for it. President J. M. Jrant is still vary sick I spent the evening at home my
family all came together & had a good supper together
~ Saturday
29th President Grant Had a vary sick night the worst that He has
since he had been sick the Devil worked hard all night to kill his body
the brethren laid on hands upon hism many times & rebuked the devel
the devel would lay upon him a strong hand from his feet to his head
all through his limbs & stomach & a rib at a time & it seemed as though He
would crush his body. Brother Grant though vary weak would rebuke him for
an hour at a time from Limb to Limb & rib to rib & it was a perfect
I attended the Prayer Circle in the evening I however spoke in the afternoon
a short time at the close of the meeting & had the spirit of the Lord at the close
of prayers I went in company with H. C. KimballF D RichardsJ. C.
LittleD. H. Wells & we all laid Hands upon J. M. Grant & rebuked his
sickness he was vary sick. There was a call made at noon for more
men & animals to go into the mountains about 100 men arose in the Congrega
gation to go with Teams. President Young said that if they had to send
many into the Mountains He thought it best to move the City into the Mountains
& spend the winter
~ Monday
24th Presidents B. Young & H. C. Kimball Called & spent the fore part of
the day Hearing the History read Brother Grant is still vary sick the presidency laid hands upon him. The missionaries met at the Historians
office President B. Young was present. The meeting opened by prayer &
singing W. Woodruff made a report of the progress of the work of the refermation & was followed by a report of all the Missionaries through
the City which took till 9 oclok then we had an address from President Young & it was glorious. G. D. Watt reported President Young
is filled with the spirit & power of God & is Like God is filled with
Mercy & evry other good Principle
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon in the office
I attended the bishops meeting in the evening Bishop Edward Hunter
addressed the people followed by L. W. HardyE. D. Woolley & W. Woodruff
all spoke plain & had the spirit of God
~ Wednesday
26th I called upon President J. M. Grant & found him
vary sick indeed I laid hands upon him & Prayed for
him & rebuked his disease I spent most of the day in
the office. I Paid Silas Richards $29.25 to pay the taxes
of J. M. Bernhisel for 1856, & took receipt for the same
I attended meeting at the 7th ward with the Priesthood Bishop perkins
was present the teachers were asleep & it was cold & dull I herd the ward
represented then Brother Richards spoke & I followed him & we both exhorted
them to wake out of sleep
~ Thursday
27th I called upon Brother Grant to see how he was I found him vary
weak & restless. Brother Sprague & Ivins were attending upon him as
Physicians J. C. Little & L. Hardy were watching with him &nursing
him I spent the day in the office
~ Friday
28th I went to Mill this morning. I attended the trial of
Luke Johnson & the settlement in Rush valley before Bishop Hunter
& council the Bishop decided that Colwell should leave that valley
& the company should pay him $165 dollars for his improvement
Brother Porter agreed to take the place & pay for it. President
J. M. Grant is still vary sick I spent the evening at home my
family all came together & had a good supper together
~ Saturday
29th President Grant Had a vary sick night the worst that He has
since he had been sick the Devil worked hard all night to kill his body
the brethren laid on hands upon him many times & rebuked the devel
the devel would lay upon him a strong hand from his feet to his head
all through his limbs & stomach & a rib at a time & it seemed as though He
would crush his body Brother Grant though vary weak would rebuke him for
an hour at a time from Limb to Limb & rib to rib & it was a perfect
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 23, 1856 - November 29, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/NxWz