immortality, and shalt be caught up to meet the Lord
in the air when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to
meet with the saints on the earth. [1 Thessalonians 4:17] thou shalt be a great
man on the Earth. thou shalt have posterity and thy sons
shalt bear the priesthood after thee. thou shalt be a comfort
and consolation to thy father & Mother in their declining
years. thou shalt cause the heart of thy mother to rejoice
who has laboured hard to preserve thy life from thy
infancy up to this day. thou shalt have power to teach
the great things of the kingdom of God and do great
miracles thou shalt heal the sick & cast out Devils
in the name of Jesus Christ. thou shalt see visions &
dream dreams and angels shall administer unto thee
and teach thee great things. thou shalt see Zion Zion
esstablished in great power and glory. I seal all
these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
theis Blessing was sealed upon the head of my son Wilford and recorded under my hand on this the
3rd day of Feb A.D 1854 Wilford Woodruff sen
I spent most of this day in school with my children
during the evening Sisters Whitney & Eliza Snow called upon
us and spent the evening we talked over the days of Kirtland &
others times I red over several of the old sermons of Joseph not
recorded any whare ownly in my Journal. we spent a plesant evening
before they left Sister Whitney sung in tongues in the pure
language which Adam & Eve made use of in the garden of Eden
this gift was obtained while in Kirtland through the promise of Joseph
He told her if she would rise upon her feet (while in a meeting)
she should have the pure Language she done so and immediately
commenced singing in that language. it was as near heavenly
music as any thing I ever herd.
~ Saturday
4th I spent the day in school with my children
~ Sunday
5 Sunday Brothers Kimball & Benson Preached to the people in
the foorenoon & President Brigham Young in the afternoon and it was a choice feast one of the best sermons ever
deliverd to the people it was rich in principles & Godliness the
hearts of the people were feasted and all rejeoicd. At the close
of the meeting I attended the prayer circle then I went
to the 9th ward and preached &
~ Monday
6th I attended meeting with the perpetual fund company
Adjurned till 1st monday in ma[r]ch I took out of the
Library the 1st vol of Benjamin Franklin By J Sparks
which consisted of 10 vol I red the first vol through which
I found Highly instructing & interesting the following is an extrct
of his rules of perfection which He endeavored to carry out in his
immortality, and shall be caught up to meet the Lord
in the air when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to
meet with the saints on the earth. thou shalt be a great
man on the Earth. thou shall have posterity and thy sons
shall bear the priesthood after thee. thou shall be a comfort
and consolation to thy father & Mother in their declining
years. thou shall cause the heart of thy mother to rejoice
who has laboured hard to preserve thy life from thy
infancy up to this day. thou shall have power to teach
the great things of the Kingdom of God and do great
miracles thou shalt heal the sick & cast out Devils
in the name of Jesus Christ. thou shalt see visions &
dream dreams and angels shall administer unto thee
and teach thee great things. thou shalt see Zion
esstablished in great power and glory. I seal all
these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
this Blessing was sealed upon the head of my son
Wilford and recorded under my hand on this the
3rd day of Feb A.D 1854 Wilford Woodruff sen
I spent most of this day in school with my children
during the evening sisters Whitney & Eliza Snow called upon
us and spent the evening we talked over the days of Kirtland &
other times I red over several of the old sermons of Joseph not
recorded any whare ownly in my Journal. We spent a plesant evening
before they left sister Whitney sung in tongues in the pure
language which Adam & Eve made use of in the garden of Eden
this gift was obtained while in Kirtland through the promise of Joseph
He told her if she would rise upon her feet (while in a meeting)
she should have the pure Language she done so and immediately
commenced singing in that language. it was as near heavenly
music as any thing I ever herd.
~ Saturday
4th I spent the day in school with my children
~ Sunday
5 Sunday Brothers Kimball & Benson Preached to the people in
the forenoon & President Brigham Young in the afternoon
[FIGURE] and it was a choice feast one of the best sermons ever
deliverd to the people it was rich in principles & Godliness the
hearts of the people were feasted and all rejoiced. At the close
of the meeting I attended the prayer circle then I went
to the 9th ward and preached &
~ Monday
6th I attended meeting with the perpetual fund company
Adjurned till 1st monday in march I took out of the
Library the 1st vol of Benjamin Franklin by J Spenby
which consisted of 10 vol I red the first vol through which
I found Highly instructing & interesting the following is an extract
of his rules of perfection which He endeavored to carry out in his
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 3, 1854 - February 6, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,