sins for the day has come when it will not do to trifle with the Things of
God nor with his servants who hold the keys of the kingdom & are called to
lead us I called upon the Presidents of the seventies & all the seventies
to begin this hour to call upon God for the Holy spirit & advised them
to stop work & give themselves to prayer untill they could get the spirit
of God. I had the spirit of God in speaking unto the people I told them
I had recorded what Elder Grant had said & I should keep it on
I was followed by Joseph Young who spoke well & in a good spir[it]
~ Wednesday
^^ 8th I spent most of the day in the office President Young called upon
me in the evening & spent about half an hour with me. It was a vary
cold windy rainy day considerable snow fell upon the mountains
I spent the evening at home I wrote a Letter to Brother James Bosnell
~ Thursday
9th I called upon President Young at his office found also H C Kimb J M GrantD ^H^ WellsA. CarringtonN. V. Jones & others. I herd a
difficulty between N. V. Jones & Bringhurst stadted before the presidency which resulted in sustaining Elder Jones & cutting off
Elder Bringhurst or disfel[low]shiping him. President Young had sent
Elder Jones to make led & Elder Bringhurst had not sustained him but
opposed him. F D Richards & company called upon the President
to settle all their matters as Agents for the Church abroad
Presidents Kimball & J. M. Grant spent the ramainder of the
day in the House of the Lord. I spent most of the day in the office
Some remark were made last sunday night relative to the famil[y]
of Joseph Smith. President Young said I have no fears with
regard to the children of Joseph God will take care of them
& all will be right
Remarks by W W. We have passed through another Conference &
such an won I never saw before. The Spirit of God is like a
flame among the Leaders of this people & they are throwing the
arrows of the Almighty among the people. J. M. Grant is
pruning with a sharp two edged sword & calling loudly upon
the people to wake up & repent of their sins. The Elders who have returned
are full of the Holy Ghost & power of God the account which they give
of their missions & the dealings of God with them have been vary
interesting & edifying unto the people
I attended meeting in the 14th ward this evening. I addressed the people
was followed by Bishop Hoagland who spoke well he reproved Brother Ballantyne for the saying the Head or Bishop of the ward was out of the
way & while the Head was rong the body would be wrong. The Bishop said He
had done the best he could & He did not feel to take the reprof
Brother Balantyne arose & made his confession before the people which was
W. Woodruff remarked that the people should learn a lesson
by that circumstance that no man in the Church has a right to reprove
any man that is over him in the priesthood if he sees that he is really doing
wrong He has a right to go to the man & pray him to desist but He has
no wright to speak of it to any one ownly to report it to those who are
over him that the evil may be corrected by proper authori[t]y
samuel Richards followed & spoke upon the same subject, much to
Edification. He was followed by Gilbert Clements who spoke lengthy
sins for the day has come when it will not do to trifle with the Things of
God nor with his servants who hold the keys of the kingdom & are called to
lead us I called upon the Presidents of the seventies & all the seventies
to begin this hour to call upon God for the Holy spirit & advised them
to stop work & give themselves to prayer untill they could get the spirit
of God I had the spirit of God in speaking unto the people I told them
I had recorded what Elder Grant had said & I should keep it on
I was followed by Joseph Young who spoke well & in a good spirit
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 8th I spent most of the day in the office President Young called upon
me in the evening & spent about half an hour with me. It was a vary
cold windy rainy day considerable snow fell upon the mountains
I spent the evening at home I wrote a Letter to Brother James Bosnell
~ Thursday
9th I called upon President Young at his office found also H C KimballJ M GrantD H WellsA. CarringtonN. V. Jones & others I herd a
difficulty between N. V. Jones & Bringhurst stated before the
presidency which resulted in sustaining Elder Jones & Cutting off
Elder Bringhurst or disfellowshiping him. President Young had sent
Elder Jones to make led & Elder Bringhurst had not sustained him but
opposed him. F D Richards & company called upon the President
to settle all their matters as Agents for the Church abroad
Presidents Kimball & J. M. Grant spent the remainder of the
day in the House of the Lord. I spent most of the day in the office
Some remark were made last sunday night relative to the family
of Joseph Smith President Young said I have no fears with
regard to the Children of Joseph God will take care of them
& all will be right
Remarks by W W. we have passed through another Conference &
such an won I never saw before. The spirit of God is like a
flame among the Leaders of this people & they are throwing the
arrows of the Almighty among the people. J. M. Grant is
pruning with a sharp two edged sword & calling loudly upon
the people to wake up & repent of their sins. The Elders who have returned
are full of the Holy Ghost & power of God the account which they give
of their missions & the dealings of God with them have been vary
interesting & edifying unto the people
I attended meeting in the 14th ward this evening. I addressed the people
was followed by Bishop Hoagland who spoke well he reproved Brother
Ballantyne for the saying the Head or Bishop of the ward was out of the
way & while the Head was wrong the body would be wrong. The Bishop said He
had done the best he could & He did not feel to take the reprof
Brother Balantyne arose & made his confession before the people which was
W. Woodruff remarked that the people should learn a lesson
by that Circumstance that no man in the Church has a right to reprove
any man that is over him in the priesthood if he sees that he is really doing
wrong He has a right to go to the man & pray him to desist but He has
no wright to speak of it to any one ownly to report it to those who are
over him that the evil may be corrected by proper authority
samuel Richards followed & spoke upon the same subject, much to
Edification. He was followed by Gilbert Clements who spoke lengthy
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 7, 1856 - October 9, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,