2 weeks ago I then told the people or the females that I would release
them at conference I will do so on certain conditions & that is that you
will appear forthwith at my office & give good & sufficient reasons
& then marry men that will not have but one wife
In the Afternoon the following Elders addressed the Assembly
Elder C. H. Wheelock, James Ferguson, Wm C. Dunbar Elder Bunkerd & C. G. Webb all spoke in the spirit & power of God & there words were
sharp & pierceing like the vived lightnings of heaven President Young
said that he had never herd any missionaries speak on returning from
Missions that He was more satisfyed with than than with those who
have Just returned home though He was as well satisfied with the Twelve
on their mission to England in 1840. Adjourned till to morrow 9 oclok *
I spoke to the people upon the subject of the Hand Cart Companies & the fulfill-
ment of prophesy & the necessity of repentance & refermationJ V
Long reported. See report *
Elder John Banks followed related his experience in travelling
in the East his address was musing & interesting
President J. M. Grant then Delivered a Brief but powerful address on
Refermation. Benediction by Elder Edmund Elsworth
* At the close of the meeting I went to the Font & the House of the Lord
to assist in baptism & confirmation. Elder Franklin D Richards
went into the Font & baptized his brethren the missionaries who had
been with him & their families & Elder Lorenzo Snow & myself
myself confirmed them about 65 in number the
spirit of God rested upon us while administering to the people we went
direct to the evening meeting as named above
~ Tuesday
7th The conference was called to order by President Kimball at 9 oclk
and he said I want to say a word to the congregation and to all the
House of Israel if you expect to be blessed & have the word of God come
through his servants let there be peace & silence. Let evry man take
his seat & set there till the meeting is out & you are dismissed
God says that his house is a house of order & not of confusion
& let evry man be in silence & the women not one whit behind the
men I will inform the congregation men & women that if there is
any one that wishes to go out they had better go out now For
the poliece will be at those gaps & there can none go out when they
once take their seats, & we want the poliece if the men that are
in the caucuses make the noise that they did yesterday to just knock them
in the head those are my I do orders, for men to come hundreds
of miles & then to sit & talk & chatter & do their business here at
this meeting it is not proper. You may say I am severe I am not
half as severe as the Lord wants me to be I have seen Joseph when
men were in council meetings with him & rose to leave, cut them
right off from the Church before they got out of the door. You grieve the spirit tramel the spirit & it is grieved with the confusion & interrup-
tion if you do not believe this, get the spirit of God & come on this
stand & attempt to talk to this people. The above reported by Leo Hawkins
2 weeks ago I then told the people or the females that I would release
them at conference I will do so on certain conditions & that is that you
will appear forthwith at my office & give good & sufficient reasons
& then marry men that will not have but one wife
In the Afternoon the following Elders addressed the Assembly
Elder C. H. Wheelock, James Ferguson, Wm C. Dunbar Elder Bunkerd &
C. G. Webb all spoke in the spirit & power of God & there words were
sharp & pierceing like the vived lightnings of heaven President Young
said that he had never herd any missionaries speak on returning from
Missions that He was more satisfyed with than than with those who
have Just returned home though He was as well satisfied with the Twelve
on their mission to England in 1840. Adjourned till to morrow 9 oclok *
A Large number of saints assembled in the Tabernacle for a meeting
Elder John Banks opened by prayer
I spoke to the people upon the subject of the Hand Cart Companies & the fulfillment of prophesy & the necessity of repentance & refermation J V
Long reported. See report *
Elder John Banks followed related his experience in travelling
in the East his address was musing & interesting
President J. M. Grant then Delivered a Brief but powerful address on
Refermation. Benediction by Elder Edmund Elsworth
* At the close of the meeting I went to the Font & the House of the Lord
to assist in baptism & confirmation. Elder Franklin D Richards
went into the Font & baptized his brethren the missionaries who had
been with him & their families & Elder Lorenzo Snow &
myself confirmed them about 65 in number the
spirit of God rested upon us while administering to the people we went
diret to the evening meeting as named above
~ Tuesday
7th The conference was called to order by President Kimball at 9 oclk
and he said I want to say a word to the congregation and to all the
House of Israel if you expect to be blessed & have the word of God come
through his servants let there be peace & silence. Let evry man take
his seat & set there till the meeting is out & you are dismissed
God says that his house is a house of order & not of confusion
& let evry man be in silence & the women not one whit behind the
men I will inform the congregation men & women that if there is
any one that wishes to go out they had better go out now For
the poliece will be at those gaps & there can none go out when they
once take their seats, & we want the polieee if the men that are
in the caucuses make the noise that they did yesterday to just knock them
in the head those are my orders, for men to come hundreds
of miles & then to sit & talk & chatter & do their business here at
this meeting it is not proper. You may say I am severe I am not
half as severe as the Lord wants me to be I have seen Joseph when
men were in Council meetings with him & rose to leave, cut them
right off from the church before they got out of the door. You
tramel the spirit & it is grieved with the Confusion & interruption if you do not believe this, get the spirit of God & come on this
stand & attempt to talk to this people. The above reported by Leo Hawkins
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 6, 1856 - October 7, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wWm