I spent most of the day in the office writing D. B. Huntington
called into the office and gave us the following report He said
that when the Govornor got up to Eaphraim Hanks when Wood Reynolds had changed the Horses to go on as the
Govornor John W. Dawson came to get in Wood Reynolds
knocked Him down He ran into the House Reynolds follo-
wed him in & there beat him almost to death and drove
off & left him in his gore He done this because of his
insult to Mrs Williams also insulting the women at Ephraim
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the day in the office writing the Mail came
in & brought many papers every thing is war News thes days
~ Friday
3rd I met in the Legislature & spent a part of the day in the office
5 Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning Bishop Hunter prayed
I was mouth I attended meeting at the TabernacleLorenzo Snow
preached followed by H. S. Eldridge in the forenoon in the afternoon
an Elder followed by President Brigham Young who delivered
a vary instructing & useful discourse He Exhorted the Saints
to bring ther passions in subjection to the spirit of God for the spirit
of God would teach every person that which is right & rwrong then
let the Saints take the wright & refuse the wrong as long as a man
follows the spirit of God so long so long the spirit of God will
dwell with him we shall have a glory Just according to the
Law we keep there are many degrees of glory ther are
but vary few capable of receiving the Highest degree of Glory
there are but few in comparison who will be crown Gods
& the sons of God for they will not keep the Law which will
give it to them He made many vary important remarks. I met
with 5 of the 12 in a prayer circle F. D. Richards prayed O. Hyde was mouth. I attended meeting at the 14 ward school 6thHouse O. Hyde Preached I followed him we had a good meeting
~ Monday
6th All the mountains & vallies are covered with snow the snow
has fallen about 1 feet deep in this city. there is a good deal
said about the Govornor getting badly whiped at Ephraim Hanks
in the mountains by a set of Rowdies
I spent most of the day in the office writing D. B. Huntington
called into the office and gave us the following report He said
that when the Govornor got up to Ephraim Hanks when
Wood Reynolds had changed the Horses to go on as the
Govornor John W. Dawson came to get in Wood Reynolds
knocked Him down He ran into the House Reynolds followed him in & there beat him almost to death and drove
off & left him in his gore He done this because of his
insult to Mrs Williams also insulting the women at Ephrain
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the day in the office writing the Mail came
in & brought many papers every thing is war News thes days
~ Friday
3rd I met in the Legislature & spent a part of the day in the office
~ Saturday
4 I spent the afternoon in the Legislature
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning Bishop Hunter prayed
I was mouth I attended meeting at the TabernacleLorenzo Snow
preached followed by H. S. Eldridge in the forenoon in the afternoon
an Elder followed by President Brigham Young who delivered
a vary instructing & useful discourse [FIGURE] He Exhorted the saints
to bring ther passions in subjection to the spirit of God for the spirit
of God would teach every person that which is right &wrong then
let the saints take the wright & refuse the wrong as long as a man
follows the spirit of God so long the spirit of God will
dwell with him we shall have a glory Just according to the
Law we keep there are many degrees of glory ther are
but vary few capable of receiving the Highest degree of Glory
there are but few in comparison who will be crown Gods
& the sons of God for they will not keep the Law which will
give it to them He made many vary important remarks. I met
with 5 of the 12 in a prayer Circle F. D. Richards prayed
O. Hyde was mouth. I attended meeting at the 14 ward schoolHouse O. Hyde Preached I followed him we had a good meeting
~ Monday
6th All the mountains & vallies are covered with snow the snow
has fallen about 1 feet deep in this city. there is a good deal
said about the Govornor getting badly whiped at Ephraim Hanks
in the mountains by a set of Rowdies
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 1, 1862 - January 6, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 3, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/P1DA