Errors now Exhisting in the English aruthography by doing
this we teach our children fals principles which they have to
wallow through all there lives. if I cannot present to my
children true principles in there language I do not want to pre-
sent any thing to them Neither will I use my priesthood to
force it upon the people. If the people will not assist me to int-
roduce it for the benefit of the rising generation they may go with-
out it, but we can buy those gentile school books for children
much cheaper than we can make them Here, and I dont wish
to have any of that class of Books made here. Brother Campbell
tryed to argue the point with President Young But he gained
nothing by it. We had long dispatches by Telegraph to day
~ Friday
23 I spent the forenoon in the office reading History. In the afternoon
I preached a funeral sermon of aBrother Teasdalechild about 2
years old Presidents Young & Kimball at the same time was
Preaching the Funeral Sermon of Brother Frederick Gad who
had kept a Barbers shop at the globe for several years the sermons
were delivered in the Council or State House. I had closed my
services and went to the other meeting & heard President
Young speak a short time. He said it is a great Blessing which
God has given us in this life that by keeping the command-
ments of God we can maintain our identity to all Eternity
and dwell with the Gods. this is worth seeking for that we can
have the society of our Friends in glory immortality & Eternal
life. President Kimball made a few remarks He spoke well
of Brother Gad. at the close of the sermon He was burried with
Military honors he being a milember of the Artillery. a band
of Maretial music Headed the posrosession, & went to the grave
under a slow march.
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day in the Endowment House till 2 o'clok we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 36, D H Wells sealed 27 couple. I visited Brother Elebecks garden in the Evening, then Brother Smoot & found
Him getting better
Errors now Exhisting in the English authography by doing
this we teach our children fals principles which they have to
wallow through all there lives. if I cannot present to my
children true principles in there language I do not want to present any thing to them Neither will I use my priesthood to
force it upon the people. If the people will not assist me to introduce it for the benefit of the rising generation they may go without it. but we can buy those gentile school books for children
much cheaper than we can make them Here, and I dont wish
to have any of that class of Books made here. Brother Campbell
tryed to argue the point with President Young But he gained
nothing by it. We had long dispatches by Telegraph to day
~ Friday
23 I spent the forenoon in the office reading History. In the afternoon
I preached a funeral sermon ofBrother Teasdalechild about 2
years old. Presidents Young & Kimball at the same time was
Preaching the Funeral Sermon of Brother Frederick Gad who
had kept a Barbers shop at the globe for several years the sermons
were delivered in the Council or State House. I had closed my
services and went to the other meeting & heard President
Young speak a short time. He said it is a great Blessing which
God has given us in this life that by keeping the commandments of God we can maintain our identity to all Eternity
and dwell with the Gods. this is worth seeking for that we can
have the society of our Friends in glory immortality & Eternal
life. President Kimball made a few remarks He spoke well
of Brother Gad. at the close of the sermon He was burried with
Military honors he being a member of the Artillery. a band
of Martial music Headed the prosession, & went to the grave
under a slow march.
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day in the Endowment House till 2 o'clok we gave
Endowments to 36, D H Wells sealed 27 couple. I visited Brother
Elebecks garden in the Evening, then Brother Smoot & found
Him getting better
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," May 22, 1862 - May 25, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,