so by receiving this intelligence I was prepared for the reception of your letter
I also feel thankful that you have some friends that try to comfort you in
your afflicitons & necessities, I feel that Sister has prooved herself a
friend in deed as far as it hath been in her power & she shall not loose her
reward & I feel thankful to all the friends for there kindness unto you in
your afflictions, & Mourning. I copied Sister Margaretts lines in my journal
they were sentimental & good. I thank Brother for writing to me I was truly glad to
hear from him. I feel to send my blessings to him & his houshold, Phebe I have
had several interviews with you in my sleep & ^on^ one occasion was not
with us & I enquired where she was you said she was Dead & gave me sumthing
of an account of it, but as I had heard from you since & she was well, it had almost
worn of my mind, I found from my conversation with you you had many
lonely hours, & some gloomy meditations, as you were left alone so long & had no
Relatives to keep you company, I know this is trying & none would have bourn it
better than you have done possessing that warm attachment to friends & Relatives
which virtue hath been so perminant in your whole life, Was it in my power
I would willingly bear your sorrows myself, but as I cannot I am comforted
with the reflection, that these sorrowful hours are not lade upon you because of
crime on your part or mine but that we are seperated for the Sake of the
Gospel & the cause of Christ, If any of our friends are in any more comfortable
circumstances as to the things of this present evil world in the midst of ease &
without , how will it be a few years hence at the in
the resurrection the general judgment & in the Eternal World. my object is to be
on the safe side there, My object is to secure a safe abode in the Eternal world
even a Celestial Kingdom, yes if I can but once see this second to
myself my wife & childen it will amply reward me for all my toils & labours
my sacrafises & my hours of sorrow in this life, yes I can say wellcome
all these things If I can but at last obtain the favor of my God & a place
whare he dwelleth with my & the children which God hath given us.
My constant prayer to god is that he will feed & cloth you, comfort your
heart, raise you up friends in my absens, & let his angels guard you & give
you grace according to your day in all things & spare your life & the remain
ning child for my sake. I am sorry you have not obtained more of my
Letters I have written you more than a dozen since I have been in
& I have received a number from you which has done me much good, I also
sent a large number of letters to you by Elder & the company which
went with him. (I also ^sent^ you by Elder Turley £7 seven sovreigns with many other things for you &
Sarah Emma & , which I trust you have got before time I have others presents for you which I shall bring when
I come, which will be early in the spring if the Lord will) I sent two letters by Elder to you
who sailed from on the 15th of Oct for via I also sent a very
long letter for the by Elder Mulliner it contained an account of
my travels from the 8th of Aug. 1829 to the 7th of Oct 1840 it covered six side of a mamoth
sheet as full as I could print it. I mailed another one yesterday for the same purpose
Sleep my child, sleep a while, thy mission thou
hast closed, the debt of nature thou hast
paid and all is well with thee, I well remem
ber an hour, when the earth in a sable shade of
night was wrap'd & lighted ownly by the moon
thy Parents stood upon a ragged rock, the
Billows of the mighty deep surged from its
native element & dashed at their feet spent
its strength & sunk back in silence. Then
they spoke of thee, In like manner the hopes
of thy fond parents thou hast dashed, & returned
in silence to thy native earth but not to be forgo
tten, why all this, Ah Lovely Sarah thy share
of the bitter cup thou hast drank & hid thyself
for a while from the evils of this present
world though thy pilgraimage to earth was
short, busy thou hast been in partaking of
the sacrifices of thy generation, thou
hast shared in the deepest sorrow with thy
Parents in a journey or two thousand miles
in thy infancy but this is not all thou hast
made a sacrifice of the society of thy
father many long months who will meet
thee no more untill clothed in Immortality
In honour to thee my child thy Father drops
a tear by the midnight lamp in while
naught but the watchmans voice is herd.
Then rest my child yes Sarah rest untill with thy
parents thou shalt rise clothed with Immortal
Extract of W Woodruff Journal Oct 18th After bearing testiment
to the Saints in London, & feeling a witness that there would
be a good work in this city. We retired to rest in good season
I felt well in my mind & slept untill 12 oclock at night
I awoke & meditated upon the things of God untill near
3 oclock & while forming a determination to warn the people
of London & overcome the powers of darkness by the assi
stance of God, A personage appeared unto me which I
considerd to be the prince of Darkness or the Devil. he made
war with me & attempted to take my life he caught me by
the throat & choaked me nearly to death he wounded me in
my forehead I also wounded him in a number of places
in the head As he was about to overcome me I prayed
to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for help, I then
began to have power over him, the Lord sent his Angels
unto me who deliverd me by wounding my enemy & driving
him from me one personage dressed in white who I thought
was a friend i had seen before came to me prayed with me
& healed me. & I was instantly made whole & deliverd As soon
as I could speak I awoke Br who was also in trouble
so by receiving this intelligence I was prepared for the reception of your letter
I also feel thankful that you have some friends that try to comfort you in
your afflicitons & necessities, I feel that Sister has prooved herself a
friend in deed as far as it hath been in her power & she shall not loose her
reward & I feel thankful to all the friends for there kindness unto you in
your afflictions, & Mourning. I copied Sister Margaretts lines in my journal
they were sentimental & good. I thank Brother for writing to me I was truly glad to
hear from him. I feel to send my blessings to him & his houshold, Phebe I have
had several interviews with you in my sleep & on one occasion was not
with us & I enquired where she was you said she was Dead & gave me sumthing
of an account of it, but as I had heard from you since & she was well, it had almost
worn of my mind, I found from my conversation with you you had many
lonely hours, & some gloomy meditations, as you were left alone so long & had no
Relatives to keep you company, I know this is trying & none would have bourn it
better than you have done possessing that warm attachment to friends & Relatives
which virtue hath been so perminant in your whole life, Was it in my power
I would willingly bear your sorrows myself, but as I cannot I am comforted
with the reflection, that these sorrowful hours are not lade upon you because of
crime on your part or mine but that we are seperated for the Sake of the
Gospel & the cause of Christ, If any of our friends are in any more comfortable
circumstances as to the things of this present evil world in the midst of ease &
without sacrafice, how will it be a few years hence at the coming of Christ in
the resurrection the general judgment & in the Eternal World. my object is to be
on the safe side there, My object is to secure a safe abode in the Eternal world
even a Celestial Kingdom, yes if I can but once see this second to
myself my wife & childen it will amply reward me for all my toils & labours
my sacrafises & my hours of sorrow in this life, yes I can say wellcome
all these things If I can but at last obtain the favor of my God & a place
whare he dwelleth with my & the children which God hath given us.
My constant prayer to god is that he will feed & cloth you, comfort your
heart, raise you up friends in my absens, & let his angels guard you & give
you grace according to your day in all things & spare your life & the remain
ning child for my sake. I am sorry you have not obtained more of my
Letters I have written you more than a dozen since I have been in
& I have received a number from you which has done me much good, I also
sent a large number of letters to you by Elder & the company which
went with him. (I also sent you by Elder Turley £7 seven sovreigns with many other things for you &
Sarah Emma & , which I trust you have got before time I have others presents for you which I shall bring when
I come, which will be early in the spring if the Lord will) I sent two letters by Elder to you
who sailed from on the 15th of Oct for via I also sent a very
long letter for the by Elder Mulliner it contained an account of
my travels from the 8th of Aug. 1829 to the 7th of Oct 1840 it covered six side of a mamoth
sheet as full as I could print it. I mailed another one yesterday for the same purpose
Sleep my child, sleep a while, thy mission thou
hast closed, the debt of nature thou hast
paid and all is well with thee, I well remem
ber an hour, when the earth in a sable shade of
night was wrap'd & lighted ownly by the moon
thy Parents stood upon a ragged rock, the
Billows of the mighty deep surged from its
native element & dashed at their feet spent
its strength & sunk back in silence. Then
they spoke of thee, In like manner the hopes
of thy fond parents thou hast dashed, & returned
in silence to thy native earth but not to be forgo
tten, why all this, Ah Lovely Sarah thy share
of the bitter cup thou hast drank & hid thyself
for a while from the evils of this present
world though thy pilgraimage to earth was
short, busy thou hast been in partaking of
the sacrifices of thy generation, thou
hast shared in the deepest sorrow with thy
Parents in a journey or two thousand miles
in thy infancy but this is not all thou hast
made a sacrifice of the society of thy
father many long months who will meet
thee no more untill clothed in Immortality
In honour to thee my child thy Father drops
a tear by the midnight lamp in while
naught but the watchmans voice is herd.
Then rest my child yes Sarah rest untill with thy
parents thou shalt rise clothed with Immortal
Extract of W Woodruff Journal Oct 18th After bearing testiment
to the Saints in London, & feeling a witness that there would
be a good work in this city. We retired to rest in good season
I felt well in my mind & slept untill 12 oclock at night
I awoke & meditated upon the things of God untill near
3 oclock & while forming a determination to warn the people
of London & overcome the powers of darkness by the assi
stance of God, A personage appeared unto me which I
considerd to be the prince of Darkness or the Devil. he made
war with me & attempted to take my life he caught me by
the throat & choaked me nearly to death he wounded me in
my forehead I also wounded him in a number of places
in the head As he was about to overcome me I prayed
to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for help, I then
began to have power over him, the Lord sent his Angels
unto me who deliverd me by wounding my enemy & driving
him from me one personage dressed in white who I thought
was a friend i had seen before came to me prayed with me
& healed me. & I was instantly made whole & deliverd As soon
as I could speak I awoke Br who was also in trouble