i.e for the press I copied it off with my pen & it filled four sheets of common
letter paper. I extracted it mostly from my journals & signed it , Woodruff
& We also sent a lengthy letter to Bishop , we are sparing no
pains to communicate any intelligence to our friends in America that we
may have in our possession, I have just recieved two letters from our
friends one from Sister & the other from Brother they were
all well when they wrote & some of them were thinking of visiting next
season esspecially Brother Brother Ilus sayes he has written
much to but had no answer he says letters will not reach him unless
they are directed to his store or address I have not herd from
for many weeks I shall write to our Maine friends as soon as I finish
this. I shall expect a letter from you as soon as Eldr arives &
you obtain the things which I have sent by him, The work of the Lord is
prosperous throughout & all the America Brother are well. Elders
& Kimball were in yesterdy & well their letter said, they
are ingaged about the . Elders & sent a letter
to us yesterday they are on the & making no small stir they are
opening a large field those have Baptized about 20 & will have a large harvest they
are well. Elders & are in & both well & their
families a letter from them to day Elder PP Pratt has just returned from with his
family had a passage of 37 days going & 35 comeing which was a long time to be on the
water. A letter from Elder yesterday says I am still in am well &
Baptised over 50, A letter from to day says my health is not the best but
pretty comfortable I have just been on a trip to & returned to the work
prospering throughout this region. Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith are enjoying good health
& spirits in the city of we have hired an Academy in a respecta[ble]
part of London & have published 500 hand Bills to give Notice of our pla[ce]
of meeting we have ownly formed a small society here as yet, but has [page torn]
faith in expecting a good work in London Postage on letters in any part of is [o]wnly
one penny except foreign letters are 25 cts so I recieve & write nearly half a dozen letters daily
so I know almost evry day what is going on throughout Europe, ^in our cause^ I have many things I should
like to say to you but you will hear from me again before long. I wish to say a
few words to & Sister . So I close my remarks to my dear by
saying let us not be weary in well doing but maintain our integrity unto the end then our
sufferings that we have passed through will not be in vain but our reward will be sure & our joy
full, give my blessings to all who inquire & remember me to all Saints. Elder G. A. Smith sends his
Blessings to you, & all friends. that health, strength, peace & grace, may abide with you untill we
meet is the earnest prayer of your Absent compainion & bosom friend W Woodruff
Albert Petty Dear Brother I thank you for occu
pying a space in my Wifes letter to me. It truly
does my soul good to hear from a old friend
from whome I have been seperated to long, I
should be glad to say more to you than my
limits will admit of at this time. give my
respects to , to Brother
& all our Southern friends to & & all from I finally all the
Saints I trust we share in the prayers of you
all, Remember me to & J. Smith &
to the presidency how is President health
is well; How does
do I want to hear from him, I hope the
church will constantly uphold him by prayer
faith, & confidence. he is a chosen vessel in
the hands of God, let the Saints stand by
him & his councillors & God will bless them
but if they forsake him even in an hour of trial
persecution or trouble it will be to their hurt
& the experiance of 10 years shows that God is with him
& he is an old tried friend & my prayer to god is
that he may have wisdom power, & means to soon
esstablish Zion & her stakes to be a place of rest
for the poor Saints. I hope Dear Brother that
after a few more months the Lord will enable
us to greet each other face to face. I feel
thankful to you or any of my friends that has
assisted my family in their times of mourning,
sickness, or want while in my abcence as I
cannot be there to comfort them myself, from
your Brother in the Love of God W. Woodruff
Sister Margarett
I received your lines with
gratitude & recorded them on my journal. You shall
not loose your reward for your kindness to my wife
& children in the midst of sickness & death.
was a pleasent child. I loved her, but she is gone, the Lord hath
taken her & I feel resigned. I am glad to hear from br
he asks what I am doing tell him with the assistance of God
& my brethren I have built up one Church in six months that
numbers more than one thousand saints with about 150 officers
about 100 of which were methodist preachers & four
church clarks. & the work is spreading throughout that
region & has run into I am now situated in a com
fortable room in with G. A. Smith are recieving &
writing many letters daily. Warning the citizens of London
what we can, convaising much about our American friends
looking for war with daily. beholding much pove
rty & distress & are determined by the grace of God to keep the
faith to see what is at the end of the race W. Woodruff
i.e for the press I copied it off with my pen & it filled four sheets of common
letter paper. I extracted it mostly from my journals & signed it , Woodruff
& We also sent a lengthy letter to Bishop , we are sparing no
pains to communicate any intelligence to our friends in America that we
may have in our possession, I have just recieved two letters from our
friends one from Sister & the other from Brother they were
all well when they wrote & some of them were thinking of visiting next
season esspecially Brother Brother Ilus sayes he has written
much to but had no answer he says letters will not reach him unless
they are directed to his store or address I have not herd from
for many weeks I shall write to our Maine friends as soon as I finish
this. I shall expect a letter from you as soon as Eldr arives &
you obtain the things which I have sent by him, The work of the Lord is
prosperous throughout & all the America Brother are well. Elders
& Kimball were in yesterdy & well their letter said, they
are ingaged about the Book of Mormon. Elders & sent a letter
to us yesterday they are on the & making no small stir they are
opening a large field those have Baptized about 20 & will have a large harvest they
are well. Elders & are in & both well & their
families a letter from them to day Elder PP Pratt has just returned from with his
family had a passage of 37 days going & 35 comeing which was a long time to be on the
water. A letter from Elder yesterday says I am still in am well &
Baptised over 50, A letter from to day says my health is not the best but
pretty comfortable I have just been on a trip to & returned to the work
prospering throughout this region. Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith are enjoying good health
& spirits in the city of we have hired an Academy in a respectable
part of London & have published 500 hand Bills to give Notice of our place
of meeting we have ownly formed a small society here as yet, but has page torn
faith in expecting a good work in London Postage on letters in any part of is ownly
one penny except foreign letters are 25 cts so I recieve & write nearly half a dozen letters daily
so I know almost evry day what is going on throughout Europe, in our cause I have many things I should
like to say to you but you will hear from me again before long. I wish to say a
few words to & Sister . So I close my remarks to my dear by
saying let us not be weary in well doing but maintain our integrity unto the end then our
sufferings that we have passed through will not be in vain but our reward will be sure & our joy
full, give my blessings to all who inquire & remember me to all Saints. Elder G. A. Smith sends his
Blessings to you, & all friends. that health, strength, peace & grace, may abide with you untill we
meet is the earnest prayer of your Absent compainion & bosom friend W Woodruff
Albert Petty Dear Brother I thank you for occu
pying a space in my Wifes letter to me. It truly
does my soul good to hear from a old friend
from whome I have been seperated to long, I
should be glad to say more to you than my
limits will admit of at this time. give my
respects to , to Brother
& all our Southern friends to & & all from I finally all the
Saints I trust we share in the prayers of you
all, Remember me to & J. Smith &
to the presidency how is President health
is well; How does
do I want to hear from him, I hope the
church will constantly uphold him by prayer
faith, & confidence. he is a chosen vessel in
the hands of God, let the Saints stand by
him & his councillors & God will bless them
but if they forsake him even in an hour of trial
persecution or trouble it will be to their hurt
& the experiance of 10 years shows that God is with him
& he is an old tried friend & my prayer to god is
that he may have wisdom power, & means to soon
esstablish Zion & her stakes to be a place of rest
for the poor Saints. I hope Dear Brother that
after a few more months the Lord will enable
us to greet each other face to face. I feel
thankful to you or any of my friends that has
assisted my family in their times of mourning,
sickness, or want while in my abcence as I
cannot be there to comfort them myself, from
your Brother in the Love of God W. Woodruff
Sister Margarett
I received your lines with
gratitude & recorded them on my journal. You shall
not loose your reward for your kindness to my wife
& children in the midst of sickness & death.
was a pleasent child. I loved her, but she is gone, the Lord hath
taken her & I feel resigned. I am glad to hear from br
he asks what I am doing tell him with the assistance of God
& my brethren I have built up one Church in six months that
numbers more than one thousand saints with about 150 officers
about 100 of which were methodist preachers & four
church clarks. & the work is spreading throughout that
region & has run into I am now situated in a com
fortable room in with G. A. Smith are recieving &
writing many letters daily. Warning the citizens of London
what we can, convaising much about our American friends
looking for war with daily. beholding much pove
rty & distress & are determined by the grace of God to keep the
faith to see what is at the end of the race W. Woodruff