keys of the kingdom, and of the . "[Doctrine and Covenants 128:20]
And again, the voice of God in the chamber
of old father , in , Seneca
county, and at sundry times, and in divers
places through the travels and tribulations
of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. And the voice of ; the voice of , and of , and
of divers angels, from Michael or , down
to the present time, all declaring their dispen-
sation, their rights, their keys, their honors,
their majesty and glory, and the power of their
Priesthood; giving line upon line, precept upon
precept; here a little, and there a little—giving
us consolation by holding forth that which is to
come, confirming our hope. [Doctrine and Covenants 110:15]
Resuming, President Woodruff said:
Thus you have before you the subject
which is resting upon us, and which we
wish to present to the Latter-day Saints.
Let me say that age has very little to do
with revelation. In the early age of
the world, old father Adam, three years
previous to his death—he being nearly
one thousand years of age—called to-
gether his posterity in the valley of
, and he stood upon
his feet for hours, clothed with the
power of God and the revelations of
heaven, and blessed his posterity, some
seven of whom, each representing a gen
eration, were High Priests. Among
them were and , both
great men of their day and generation. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:53]
He prophesied upon them what should
transpire with their posterity unto the
end of time. His old age did not have
any effect whatever upon the revela-
tions of God to him. ,
when fourteen years of age, while
calling upon God in the wilderness, had
the heavens opened unto him. Both
the Father and the Son them-
selves unto him in the clouds of heaven,
and the Father said, "This is my beloved
Son; hear him." [Joseph Smith-History 1:17] The age of man is very
short indeed in this day to what it was
in ancient days. Men anciently lived to
a very great age. When four or five
hundred years old they took wives,
begat children, and raised up posterity.
Today our age is limited to something
like three score years and ten.
I wish to say to the Latter-day Saints
that we live in a very important gen-
eration. We are blessed with power
and authority, holding the by the commandment of God, to
stand upon the earth and redeem both
the living and the dead. If we did not
do it, we should be damned and cut off
from the earth, and the God of Israel
would raise up a people who would do
it. The Lord would not permit me to
occupy this position one day of my life,
unless I was susceptible to the and to the revelations of God. It
is too late in the day for this Church to
stand without revelation. Not only the
President of the Church should possess
this gift and give it unto the people, but
his counselors and the Apostles and all
men that bear the Holy Priesthood, if
they magnify their calling, should pos-
sess that gift for themselves and to
assist them in their duties, although they
may not be called to give revelations to
lead and direct the Church. The spirit
of revelation belongs to the Priesthood.
But to come to the subject before us.
Perhaps it may be said by the inquiring
or the objecting mind, What have you
to say about redeeming the dead, or
about baptism for the dead, or the work
of the Temples of our God, that is not
already revealed? I will say this: When
the Prophet Joseph had this revelation
from heaven, what did he do? There
are witnesses here of what he did. He
never stopped till he got the fulness of
the word of God to him concerning the
baptism for the dead. But before doing
so he went into the ,
and so did I, as well as others, and we
each baptized a hundred for the dead,
without a man to record a single act
that we performed. Why did we do it?
Because of the feeling of joy that we
had, to think that we in the flesh could
stand and redeem our dead. We did
not wait to know what the result of this
would be, or what the whole of it
should be. Finally the Lord told the
Prophet: "When any of you are bap-
tized for your dead, let there be a
recorder, and let him be eye witness of
your baptisms; let him hear with his
ears, that he may testify of a truth,
saith the Lord; that in all your record-
ings it may be recorded in heaven;
whatsoever you bind on earth may be
bound in heaven; whatsoever you loose
on earth, may be loosed in heaven." [Doctrine and Covenants 127:6-7]
That was the beginning of this work.
Joseph Smith, instead of living to be
nearly a thousand years of age as
Adam did, lived to be about thirty-eight
years of age. He brought forth the
of the in the hands
of —the history of the ancient
inhabitants of this continent. [Ezekiel 37:16-20] By the
power of God he translated that, and it
has been published in many languages.
Besides this, he organized the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon
the foundation of apostles and proph-
ets, Christ Jesus being the chief . Men were ordained to the Priest-
hood and sent forth, from the various
occupations of life, to carry this Gospel
to the world. God informed Joseph
Smith that he was called to prune the
vineyard once more for the last time
before the coming of the Son of Man.
Since that, thousands of Elders of
Israel have been sent into the world
to preach the Gospel. Joseph Smith
did all this during the fifteen years he
held the Priesthood. Let any man read
the revelations in the Book of Doctrine
and Covenants, which were given
through him during the little time he
spent here in the flesh. It is one of the
greatest records that any man ever gave
to the human family. Not only this, but
he organized the endowments and did a
great, deal of other work. Who could
expect him, during the short time he
lived in the flesh, to do more than he
did? I received my endowments from
under his hands. He brought forth all
these ordinances that have been given
unto the Latter-day Saints. In fact, it
is a marvel and a wonder that he per-
formed as much as he did.
I want to say, as the President of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, that we should now go on and
progress. We have not got through
revelation. We have not got through
the work of God. But at this period
we want to go on and fulfill this com-
mandment of God given through
—that the Lord should send
the prophet, "and he shall turn
the heart of the fathers to the children,
and the heart of the children to their
fathers, lest I come and smite the earth
with a curse." [Malachi 4:5-6] Ye sons of men, I say
unto you, in the name of Israel's God,
those very principles that God has re-
vealed are what have stayed the judg-
ments of the Almighty on the earth.
Were it not for these principles, you and
I would not be here today. We have
had prophets and apostles. Presi-
dent , who followed President
Joseph Smith, led us here. He organ-
ized these Temples and carried out the
purposes of his calling and office. He
laid the foundation of this great
on this block, as well as others in the
mountains of Israel. What for? That
we might carry out these principles of
redemption for the dead. He accom-
plished all that God required at his
hands. But he did not receive all the
revelations that belong to this work;
neither did President , nor has
Wilford Woodruff. There will be no
end to this work until it is perfected.
I want to lay before you what there is
for us to do at the present time; and in
doing this I desire particularly the at-
tention of President , of
the Salt Lake Temple; President , of the ; President
, of the ,
and President , of the , and those associated
with them. You have acted up to all
the light and knowledge that you have
had; but you have now something more
to do than what you have done. We
have not fully carried out those princi-
ples in fulfillment of the revelations of
God to us, in sealing the hearts of the
fathers to the children and the children
to the fathers. I have not felt satisfied,
neither did President Taylor, neither has
any man since the Prophet Joseph who
has attended to the ordinance of in the temples of our God. We
have felt that there was more to be re-
vealed upon this subject than we had
received. Revelations were given to us
in the St. George Temple, which Presi-
dent Young presented to the Church of
God. Changes were made there, and
we still have more changes to make, in
order to satisfy our Heavenly Father,
satisfy our dead and ourselves. I will
tell you what some of them are. I have
prayed over this matter, and my breth-
ren have. We have felt as President
Taylor said, that we have got to have
more revelation concerning sealing
under the . Well, what
are these changes? One of them is the
principle of adoption. In the com-
mencement of adopting men and
women in the at , a
great many persons were adopted to
different men who were not of the
lineage of their fathers, and there was a
spirit manifested by some in that work
there that was not of God. Men would
go out and electioneer and labor with
all their power to get men adopted to
them. One instance I will name here:
A went around Nauvoo asking
every man he could, saying, "You come
and be adopted to me, and I shall stand
at the head of the Kingdom, and you
will be there with me." Now, what is
the truth about this? Those who were
adopted to that man, if they go with
him, will have to go where he is. He
was a participator in that horrible scene
—the . Men
have tried to lay that to President
Young. I was with President Young
when the massacre was first reported to
him. President Young was perfectly
horrified at the recital of it, and wept
over it. He asked: "Was there any
white man had anything to do with
that?" The reply was, No; and by the
representations then made to him he
was misinformed concerning the whole
transaction. I will say here, and call
heaven and earth to witness, that Presi-
dent Young, during his whole life, never
was the author of the shedding of the
keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of
the fulness of times.
And again, the voice of God in the chamber
of old father , in , Seneca
county, and at sundry times, and in divers
places through the travels and tribulations
of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. And the voice of ; the voice of , and of , and
of divers angels, from Michael or , down
to the present time, all declaring their dispensation, their rights, their keys, their honors,
their majesty and glory, and the power of their
Priesthood; giving line upon line, precept upon
precept; here a little, and there a little—giving
us consolation by holding forth that which is to
come, confirming our hope.
Resuming, President Woodruff said:
Thus you have before you the subject
which is resting upon us, and which we
wish to present to the Latter-day Saints.
Let me say that age has very little to do
with revelation. In the early age of
the world, old father Adam, three years
previous to his death—he being nearly
one thousand years of age—called together his posterity in the valley of
, and he stood upon
his feet for hours, clothed with the
power of God and the revelations of
heaven, and blessed his posterity, some
seven of whom,each representing a gen
eration, were High Priests. Among
them were and , both
great men of their day and generation.
He prophesied upon them what should
transpire with their posterity unto the
end of time. His old age did not have
any effect whatever upon the revelations of God to him. ,
when fourteen years of age, while
calling upon God in the wilderness, had
the heavens opened unto him. Both
the Father and the Son presented themselves unto him in the clouds of heaven,
and the Father said, "This is my beloved
Son; hear him." The age of man is very
short indeed in this day to what it was
in ancient days. Men anciently lived to
a very great age. When four or five
hundred years old they took wives,
begat children, and raised up posterity.
Today our age is limited to something
like three score years and ten.
I wish to say to the Latter-day Saints
that we live in a very important generation. We are blessed with power
and authority, holding the Holy Priesthood by the commandment of God, to
stand upon the earth and redeem both
the living and the dead. If we did not
do it, we should be damned and cut off
from the earth, and the God of Israel
would raise up a people who would do
it. The Lord would not permit me to
occupy this position one day of my life,
unless I was susceptible to the Holy
Spirit and to the revelations of God. It
is too late in the day for this Church to
stand without revelation. Not only the
President of the Church should possess
this gift and give it unto the people, but
his counselors and the Apostles and all
men that bear the Holy Priesthood, if
they magnify their calling, should possess that gift for themselves and to
assist them in their duties, although they
may not be called to give revelations to
lead and direct the Church. The spirit
of revelation belongs to the Priesthood.
But to come to the subject before us.
Perhaps it may be said by the inquiring
or the objecting mind, What have you
to say about redeeming the dead, or
about baptism for the dead, or the work
of the Temples of our God, that is not
already revealed? I will say this: When
the Prophet joseph had this revelation
from heaven, what did he do? There
are witnesses here of what he did. He
never stopped till he got the fulness of
the word of God to him concerning the
. But before doing
so he went into the ,
and so did I, as well as others, and we
each baptized a hundred for the dead,
without a man to record a single act
that we performed. Why did we do it?
Because of the feeling of joy that we
had, to think that we in the flesh could
stand and redeem our dead. We did
not wait to know what the result of this
would be, or what the whole of it
should be. Finally the Lord told the
Prophet: "When any of you are baptized for your dead, let there be a
recorder, and let him be eye witness of
your baptisms; let him hear with his
ears, that he may testify of a truth,
saith the Lord; that in all your recordings it may be recorded in heaven;
whatsoever you bind on earth may be
bound in heaven; whatsoever you loose
on earth, may be loosed in heaven."
That was the beginning of this work.
Joseph Smith, instead of living to be
nearly a thousand years of age as
Adam did, lived to be about thirty-eight
years of age. He brought forth the
of the in the hands
of —the history of the ancient
inhabitants of this continent. By the
power of God he translated that, and it
has been published in many languages.
Besides this, he organized the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon
the foundation of apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus being the chief . Men were ordained to the Priesthood and sent forth, from the various
occupations of life, to carry this Gospel
to the world. God informed Joseph
Smith that he was called to prune the
vineyard once more for the last time
before the coming of the Son of Man.
Since that, thousands of Elders of
Israel have been sent into the world
to preach the Gospel. Joseph Smith
did all this during the fifteen years he
held the Priesthood. Let any man read
the revelations in the Book of Doctrine
and Covenants, which were given
through him during the little time he
spent here in the flesh. It is one of the
greatest records that any man ever gave
to the human family. Not only this, but
he organized the endowments and did a
great, deal of other work. Who could
expect him, during the short time he
lived in the flesh, to do more than he
did? I received my endowments from
under his hands. He brought forth all
these ordinances that have been given
unto the Latter-day Saints. In fact, it
is a marvel and a wonder that he performed as much as he did.
I want to say, as the President of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, that we should now go on and
progress. We have not got through
revelation. We have not got through
the work of God. But at this period
we want to go on and fulfill this commandment of God given through
—that the Lord should send
the prophet, "and he shall turn
the heart of the fathers to the children,
and the heart of the children to their
fathers, lest I come and smite the earth
with a curse." Ye sons of men, I say
unto you, in the name of Israel's God,
those very principles that God has revealed are what have stayed the judgments of the Almighty on the earth.
Were it not for these principles, you and
I would not be here today. We have
had prophets and apostles. Presi-
dent , who followed President
Joseph Smith, led us here. He organized these Temples and carried out the
purposes of his calling and office. He
laid the foundation of this great
on this block, as well as others in the
mountains of Israel. What for? That
we might carry out these principles of
redemption for the dead. He accomplished all that God required at his
hands. But he did not receive all the
revelations that belong to this work;
neither did President , nor has
Wilford Woodruff. There will be no
end to this work until it is perfected.
I want to lay before you what there is
for us to do at the present time; and in
doing this I desire particularly the attention of President , of
the Salt Lake Temple; President , of the ; President
, of the ,
and President , of the , and those associated
with them. You have acted up to all
the light and knowledge that you have
had; but you have now something more
to do than what you have done. We
have not fully carried out those principles in fulfillment of the revelations of
God to us, in sealing the hearts of the
fathers to the children and the children
to the fathers. I have not felt satisfied,
neither did President Taylor, neither has
any man since the Prophet Joseph who
has attended to the ordinance of in the temples of our God. We
have felt that there was more to be revealed upon this subject than we had
received. Revelations were given to us
in the St. George Temple, which President Young presented to the Church of
God. Changes were made there, and
we still have more changes to make, in
order to satisfy our Heavenly Father,
satisfy our dead and ourselves. I will
tell you what some of them are. I have
prayed over this matter, and my brethren have. We have felt as President
Taylor said, that we have got to have
more revelation concerning sealing
under the . Well, what
are these changes? One of them is the
principle of adoption. In the commencement of adopting men and
women in the at , a
great many persons were adopted to
different men who were not of the
lineage of their fathers, and there was a
spirit manifested by some in that work
there that was not of God. Men would
go out and electioneer and labor with
all their power to get men adopted to
them. One instance I will name here:
A went around Nauvoo asking
every man he could, saying, "You come
and be adopted to me, and I shall stand
at the head of the Kingdom, and you
will be there with me." Now, what is
the truth about this? Those who were
adopted to that man, if they go with
him, will have to go where he is. He
was a participator in that horrible scene
—the . Men
have tried to lay that to President
Young. I was with President Young
when the massacre was first reported to
him. President Young was perfectly
horrified at the recital of it, and wept
over it. He asked: "Was there any
white man had anything to do with
that?" The reply was, No; and by the
representations then made to him he
was misinformed concerning the whole
transaction. I will say here, and call
heaven and earth to witness, that President Young, during his whole life, never
was the author of the shedding of the