30 We took cars at 7 oclok rode to Ogden & to Salt Lake. We
took down a train of Mormon Emigrants to Salt Lake ^60 Mils^ with
us I went to the Office & received one letter from G Teasdale
I got some Lumber in the Afternoon and with Boys made
^^ an Outhouse to take to the field I also received a letter from Sarah
~ Tuesday
May 1. A cloudy cold morning I received 2 letters from A F McDonald giving an account that L Harris had got
into trouble with the Indians He had acted vary unwise he had
gone to work and delt out his provisions to the Indians and when
He could not give any more they got mad and drove him out I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Sister Gravenson
~ Wednesday
2 I received 2 letters from Bishop Farrell & Gravenson A rain
& snow storm I spent the day in the office
~ Thursday
3 I received 12 Letter from L Harris & Sarah. Wilford moved
to day to the farm I went down with him the last load Sister Barshebe Smith had a Birthday Party taonight
5 I rode to Logan with S Roskelley Attended the quarterly conference SA Carrington spoke 20 M[inutes], L Snow 45. Statistics of the stake
were read And they reported 7 Patriarchs, 430 High Priests
348 Seventies, 1723 Elders, 3847 Priests, 387 Teachers, 614 Deacons
Officers & Members 11736, children under 8, 5226. Total souls, 17004.
30 We took cars at 7 oclok rode to Ogden & to salt Lake. we
took down a train of Mormon Emigrants to salt Lake 60 Mils with
us I went to the Office & received one letter from G Teasdale
I got some Lumber in the Afternoon and with Boys made
[FIGURE] an outhouse to take to the field I also received a letter from Sarah
~ Tuesday
May 1. A cloudy cold morning I received 2 letters from
[FIGURE] A F McDonald giving an account that L Harris had got
into trouble with the Indians He had acted vary unwise he had
gone to work and delt out his provisions to the Indians and when
He could not give any more they got mad and drove him out
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Sister Gravenson
~ Wednesday
2 [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Bishop Farrell & Gravenson A rain
& snow storm I spent the day in the office
~ Thursday
3 [FIGURE] I received2 Letter from L Harris & Sarah. Wilford moved
to day to the farm I went down with him the last load Sister
Barshebe Smith had a Birthday Party tonight
5 I rode to Logan with S Roskelley Attended the quarterly conference
A Carrington spoke 20 Minutes, L Snow 45. Statistics of the stake
were read And they reported 7 Patriarchs, 430 High Priests
348 Seventies, 1723 Elders, 387 Priests, 387 Teachers, 614 Deacons
Officers & Members 11736, children under 8 5226. Total souls, 17004.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 29, 1883 - May 5, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jY9v