Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F M Lyman
Statistics of the stake were then read Officers and Members 6349
children under 8 years 2595 Total Souls 8944, Elders 855 J MF Smith spoke upon the Priesthood & Revelation it was
a vary interesting discourse. He said God will not keep
any man on Earth to preside over the Church to lead the
Church of God astray He will take him away first and all
Men should sustain the Authorities of the Church or Priesthood
President Taylor followed spoke 18 Minuts I dined with
Br Herrick we then Met at Richards J Taylors for a
council we their voted to sustain the Brethren who had been
Named for the Presidency of the Stake and other offices. We met
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Afternoon the Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained Bishop Shirtliff was
Appointed President & C F Middleton 1 Councillor & N E Flygare
2nd Councillor. Loren & Aaron Farr were voted to Be
ordained Patriarch and 3 others to be ordained Patriarchs
several Bishops & their councillors called President
Taylor spoke 45 Minuts W Woodruff 5 M[inutes] & F D Richards 10 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting the Presidency Met at Br Richards
and ordained the Patriarchs & Bishop & Presidency of the
Stake. At the close of the Meeting I got into a sleigh
with Bishop Hammond & rode 15 Miles to Huntsville in
one hour & 30 Minuts snow 1 foot deep I attended a
Meeting in the Evening at huntsville & spoke one hour 15 Miles
~ Monday
22nd. A Plesant Morning but cold snow a foot deep
Bishop Hammond took me in a sleigh to Eaden and I
held a Meeting at 10 oclk Prayer By Charles Wright
Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F M Lyman
Statistics of the stake were then read Officers and Members 6349
children under 8 years 2595 Total Souls 8944, Elders 855
JF Smith spoke upon the Priesthood & Revelation it was
a vary interesting discourse. He said God will not keep
any man on Earth to preside over the Church to lead the
Church of God astray He will take him away first and all
Men should sustain the Authorities of the Church or Priesthood
President Taylor followed spoke 18 Minuts I dined with
Br Herrick we then Met at Richards J Taylors for a
council we their voted to sustain the Brethren who had been
Named for the Presidency of the Stake and other offices. We met
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Afternoon the Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained Bishop Shirtliff was
Appointed President & C F Middleton 1 Councillor & N E Flygare
2nd Councillor. Loren & Aaron Farr were voted to Be
ordained Patriarch and 3 others to be ordained Patriarchs
several Bishops & their councillors called President
Taylor spoke 45 Minuts W Woodruff 5 Minutes & F D Richards 10 Minutes
At the close of the Meeting the Presidency Met at Br Richards
and ordained the Patriarchs & Bishop & Presidency of the
Stake. At the close of the Meeting I got into a sleigh
with Bishop Hammond & rode 15 Miles to Huntsville in
one hour & 30 Minuts snow 1 foot deep I attended a
Meeting in the Evening at huntsville & spoke one hour 15 Miles
~ Monday
22nd. A Plesant Morning but cold snow a foot deep
Bishop Hammond took me in a sleigh to Eaden and I
held a Meeting at 10 oclk Prayer By Charles Wright
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," January 21, 1883 - January 22, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,