^^ Seconed when President Brigham Young & councillors
were Appointed. Third when President John Taylor &
concillors are now Presented to the Assembly. Elder Orson
Pratt then Presented the following Authorities of the
Church to the conference all of which were unanimously
sustained without a dissenting vote By Each Quorum
of the Priesthood rising in their order with uplifted hands
to heaven First to the Twelve Apostles and their councillors
second the Patriarchs Presidents of stakes and their councillors
and the High Councils. Third the High Priests. Fourth
the seventies. fifth the Elders. Sixth the Bishops & their coun-
cellors & seventh the Lesser Priesthood, Priests, Teachers
& Deacons. Eighth the Presidents of the various of the
various quorums. last the whole congregation, Male &
female in the galleries, on the stand & the body of the
House. John Taylor as Prophet Seer and Revelator
and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints In all the world. George Q Cannon as his
first councillor in the first Presidency Joseph F Smith
as seconed councillor. Wilford Woodruff as Presid[en]t
of the Twelve Apostles. As Members of the Council of
the Twelve Apostles Wilford Woodruff Orson Pratt, Charles C Rich, Lorenzo SnowErastus Snow, Franklin D. RichardsBrigham YoungAlbert
Carrington and Moses Thatcher. As councillors to the
Twelve Apostles John W Young & Daniel H Wells. Francis Marian Lyman as an Apostle in the Council of
the Twelve John Henry Smith as an Apostle in the Council of the Twelve
FIGURES Seconed when President Brigham Young & councillors
were Appointed. Third when President John Taylor &
concillors are now Presented to the Assembly. Elder Orson
Pratt then Presented the following Authorities of the
Church to the Conference all of which were unanimously
sustained without a dissenting vote By Each Quorum
of the Priesthood rising in their order with uplifted hands
to heaven First to the Twelve Apostles and their councillors
second the Patriarchs Presidents of Stakes and their councillors
and the High Councils. Third the High Priests. Fourth
the seventies, fifth the Elders, sixth the Bishops & their councellors & seventh the Lesser Priesthood, Priests, Teachers
& Deacons. Eighth the Presidents of the various of the
various quorums, last the whole congregation, Male &
female in the galleries, on the stand & the body of the
House. John Taylor as Prophet Seer and Revelator
and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints In all the world. George Q Cannon as his
first councillor in the first PresidencyJoseph F Smith
as seconed councillor, Wilford Woodruff as President
of the Twelve Apostles. As Members of the Council of
the Twelve Apostles Wilford Woodruff Orson Pratt,
Charles C Rich, Lorenzo SnowErastus Snow,
Franklin D. RichardsBrigham YoungAlbert
Carrington and Moses Thatcher. As councillors to the
Twelve Apostles John W Young & Daniel H Wells.
Francis Marian Lyman as an Apostle in the Council of
the Twelve John Henry Smith as an Apostle in the Council of the Twelve
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," October 10, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/6WJl