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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number Deseret News 1883-04-11
Collection Box Volume 32
Collection Folder Number 12
Collection Page 184
Source Link Brigham Young University
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Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned in this document.

88 mentions
Scriptural Figure
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
18 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Charles William Penrose
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
Joseph Fielding Smith
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
John Taylor, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

we need the spirit of the Lord in every capacity we are called to act in, whether in preaching or administering in the ordinances of the Gospel.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The Lord has raised up many men to accomplish His purposes, though they them- selves might not have been aware of this.
~ Wilford Woodruff
There never have been as many im- portant revelations given at any pre- vious time as in our day; all the keys and blessings of every dispen- sation have been restored through the Prophet Joseph, who was a lit- eral descendant of that Joseph who was sold into Egypt. Many of the Saints now living were personally acquainted with Joseph Smith, and can testify to the truth of his testimony and the validity of his calling. The setting up of this king- dom and its ultimate triumph were shown in a dream to Nebuchadnez- zar, and the interpretation was given to Daniel. We are living in the time referred to, and there never was a kingdom of as great im- portance as the one we are now lab- oring to establish. Joseph Smith labored in the ministry fourteen years, and received during that time all the keys, ordinances and Priest- hood that have ever been upon the earth, and then, after passing faith- fully through a life of trial and per- secution for the Gospel's sake, he sealed his testimony with his blood, but he left the Church, the King- dom, the Zion of God, and the au- thority to continue the work he be- gan.
~ Wilford Woodruff

The principles of good and evil are placed before us that we may choose which we prefer. But we should realize that God and His power are greater than Satan and the power of evil. God will estab- lish His kingdom and will accom- plish all that has been predicted by the holy prophets. God did not create this earth and people it for the Devil to possess and rule over. He will build up His own kingdom and redeem Israel, the Jews, and His Saints. It requires a great deal of faith and labor on the part of those whom the Lord has raised up and gathered here to accomplish this, but God has raised up and will raise up men and people to accomplish His work. Men were known and called to positions of prominence. The Saints are of Eph- raim and are called to build up the latter-day Zion.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Though there seemed to be a scarcity of those who were on the Lord's side, yet when the Gospel was sent forth it attract- ed the honest from all nations. From the beginning this work has con- tinued to grow and it becomes more and more difficult for the wicked to prevail as time passes. Brother Joseph F. Smith has remarked, the only time Satan had any chance to overturn this work was on the day it was organized. This kingdom had been set up never more to be thrown down, but will continue to progress until Zion shall be built up and be come the glory and beauty of the whole earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
All of the laws and ordinances of the Gos- pel are eternal in their nature and all the righteous acts of the Holy Priesthood are recognized in heaven.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I can assure the Saints of one thing -- that the Lord will not allow any man who pre- sides over this Church to lead this people astray.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We should sustain those over us in every position, and all be careful to sus- tain each other. The powers of the Priesthood can only be exercised in righteousness and cannot be used to pull down or oppress our brethren.
~ Wilford Woodruff