when Br McAllister had Baptized me for the 100 Names
I Baptized him for 21, including Gen Washington &
his forefathers and all the Presidents of the United States
that were not in my list Except BuchannanVan Buren
& Grant. It was a vary interesting day I felt thankful
that we had the privilege and the power to administer
for the worthy dead esspecially for the signers of the declaration of Independance, that inasmuch as they
had laid the foundation of our Government that we
could do as much for them as they had done for us
Sister Lucy Bigelow Young went forth into the font
and was Baptized for Martha Washington and
her famaly and seventy (70) of the Eminent women
of the world I called upon all the Brethren & Sisters
who were present to assist in getting Endowments for
those that we had been Baptized for to day I wrote Letters to D. D. McArthur I wrote to Susan
Dunford. There were Baptized in all to day 682.
~ Wednesday
22 We gave Endowments to 88. ^W W^ ordained 2 High Priest
for George Washington and John Wesley, and 4 Elders
Total ordained 40. W Woodruff sealed 9 couple and 7 children to their parents D H Cannon sealed 26 couple
~ Thursday
23. W Woodruff ordained Brother Ellis Sanders a
High Priest for Benjamin Franklin and got Endo-
wments for him, also ordained 6 Elders we gave 1369
Endowments Ordained 60 W Woodruff sealed 3 couple J
McAllister 18, D H Cannon 3.
~ Friday
24. we gave Endowments to 130 W Woodruff ordained
Aug 21, 1877
when Br McAllister had Baptized me for the 100 Names
I Baptized him for 21, including Gen Washington &
his forefathers and all the Presidents of the United states
that were not in my list Except BuchannanVan Buren
& Grant. It was a vary interesting day I felt thankful
that we had the privilege and the power to administer
for the worthy dead esspecially for the signers of the
declaration of Independance, that inasmuch as they
had laid the foundation of our Government that we
could do as much for them as they had done for us
Sister Lucy Bigelow Young went forth into the font
and was Baptized for Martha Washington and
her famaly and seventy (70) of the Eminent women
of the world I called upon all the Brethren & Sisters
who were present to assist in getting Endowments for
those that we had been Baptized for to day
[FIGURE] I wrote Letters to D. D. McArthur I wrote to Susan
Dunford. There were Baptized in all to day 682.
~ Wednesday
22 we gave Endowments to 88. Ordained 2 High Priest
for George Washington and John Wesley, and 4 Elders
Total Ordained 40. W Woodruff sealed 9 couple and 7
children to their parents D H Cannon sealed 26 couple
~ Thursday
[FIGURE] 23. W Woodruff ordained Brother Ellis Sanders a
High Priest for Benjamin Franklin and got Endowments for him, also ordained 6 Elders we gave 139
Endowments Ordained 60 W Woodruff sealed 3 couple J
McAllister 18, D H Cannon 3.
~ Friday
FIGURES 24 we gave Endowments to 130 W Woodruff Ordained
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," August 21, 1877 - August 24, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xv83