Aug 21 1877
Aug 21 1877 Robert Treat Painee Samuel Huntington
Elbridge Gerry William Williams
Stephen Hopkins Oliver Wolcott
William Ellery Mathew Thornton
Roger Sherman. Baptized for the following Eminent Men
Daniel Webster Edward Gibbon
Washington Irving David Garrick
Michael Faraday Sir Joshua Reynolds
William Makepeace Thackerey Robert Burns
John Calwell Cahoon Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Baron Justus Von Liebig John Philip Kemble
Henry Clay Frederick Von Schiller
Edward George Earl Lytton Bulwer, Henry Grattan
George Peabody Robert Fulton
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonapart Lord Horatio Nelson
Thomas Chalmers John Filpot Curran
William Henry Seward George Stephenson
Thomas Johnathan Jackson Frederick Henry Allexander Von Humboldt
David Glascoe Farragut Sir Walter Scott
Hiram Powers Lord Henry Brougham
Lewis John Rudolph Agassis Lord George Gordon Byron
David Livingstone William Wordsworth
Christopher Columbus Daniel O'Connell
Americus Vespucius Count Camillo Bonso di Cavour
John Wesley Richard Cobden
Samuel Johnson Thomas Babington Macauley
Oliver Goldsmith Benito Juarez
Frederick 2nd king of Prussia Count Demetrius Perepa
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