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Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1845

Journal Entry

July 25, 1845 ~ Friday

JULY 25th 1845 Friday

Joseph Woodruffs Blessing recieved under the
Hands of his Father Wilford Woodruff of
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles And while
in the Arms of his Mother Phebe W. Woodruff
on the eights day of his age July 25th 1845 he
being born Friday morning 30 minutes past 7 oclok
on the eightteenth day of July AD 1845 in
Liverpool England
while his Parents were on a mission from their
native country to England

In the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the
Holy Priesthood & the keys of the Kingdom of God
I lay my hands upon thy head & anoint thee with
Holy consecrated oil which has been consecrated
under the hands of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles. with this Anointing I seal thy name upon
thy head which is JOSEPH. For thou art out
of the Loins of Ancient Joseph sold into Eggypt
through the linage of Ephraim. Thou hast a legal
right to the Melchezedec Priesthood by linage. Thou
art the first fruits of the Priesthood unto thy pare-
nts since there endowment thou a thou art a gift
from God unto thy Parents in answer to their
Pryers. I bless you with the blessings of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob and Joseph, Ephraim & Manassah
and the blessings of the new & Everlasting Covenant
the blessings of heaven & the blessings of the Earth
I seal thee against the power of Death sicknes & the
destroyer untill thy work is finished. ^for thou shalt have power over them^ I hereby dedicate
and consecrate thee unto God and the Priesthood
from this time forth and forever. Thou shalt live
to honor thy Parents & the Priesthood thou shalt


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Woodruff, Joseph
18 Jul 1845 - 12 Nov 1846
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8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
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Joseph Woodruffs Blessing recieved under the Hands of his Father Wilford Woodruff of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles And while in the Arms of his Mother Phebe W. Woodruff on the eights day of his age July 25th 1845 he being born Friday morning 30 minutes past 7 oclok on the eighteenth day of July AD 1845 in Liverpool England while his Parents were on a mission from their native country to England In the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood & the keys of the Kingdom of God I lay my hands upon thy head & anoint thee with Holy Consecrated oil which has been Consecrated under the hands of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, with this Anointing I seal thy name upon thy head which is JOSEPH. For thou art out of the Loins of Ancient Joseph sold into Eg◊ypt through the linage of Ephraim. Thou hast a legal right to the Melchezedec Priesthood by linage. Thou art the first fruits of the Priesthood unto thy pare- nts since there endowment thdua thou art a gift from God unto thy Parents in answer to their Pryers. I bless you with the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Joseph, Ephraim & Manassah and the blessings of the new & Everlasting Covenant the blessings of heaven & the blessings of the Earth I seal thee against the power of Death sicknes & the destroyer untill thy work is finished. ^for thou shalt have power over them^ I hereby dedicate and Consecrate thee unto God and the Priesthood from this time forth and forever. Thou shalt live to honor thy Parents & the Priesthood thou shalt
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Jul 25, 1845