Day in the Life

Nov 19, 1855

Journal Entry

November 19, 1855 ~ Monday

19th In company with Orson Pratt I administered to 2 of
Bishop Stokers children who were sick with the mountain fever
we then returned to salt Lake city with Brother P. P. Pratt 10 mls


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1082 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
545 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

had presented to them during this conference this people should give themselves to the studying of the revelations of God as con- tained in the Bible book of Mormon & Doctrin & Covenants Some have thought they should follow the living Oracles & neglect the study of all other Revelations but this is not so all men should follow & harken to the living Oracles of God but they should not neglect the study of the scriptures for God has commanded it and any man that will search the revelations of God thouroughly will be far better prepared to carry out the council of the living oracles at all times
~ Wilford Woodruff
their is another subject that I wish to speak of & that is the principle of recording the dealings of God with us here on the Earth while all other prophets & Apostles record the dealings of God with them why should not the Elders of this last dispensation it is true that the Prophet Joseph wrote the History of the church in his day & that testiment is now gladdening the harets [hearts] of thousands while the testator is dead so with the Presidency of the Church who are now leading us they keep a History of the dealings of both God & man with them the History of which will be interesting to millions of future generations but does this excuse the many thousands of Elders & High priest & Apostles who have travelled for many years & built up this church & kingdom & had the gifts of the Holy Ghost with them so they have had power to heal the sick & cast out devils open the eyes of the blind unstop the ears of the deaf cause the lame to leap as an heart & commanded the Elements & they obey them. & have had guardian Angels to preserve them from Danger & Death I say shall the Elders be blessed with these things & not count them worth recording not even make the mark of a pen to leave the Account on record for their children & future generations to read I say they should. I think the Lord requires this at our hands & it is a Rich & Holy legacy which is Justly due our posterity And I do desire that the Elders of this church would keep a history & Journal of their lives I also wish that our young men would become acquainted with Phonography that we may have one thousand reporters whare we have one now that they may report the teachings of the servants of God & the work of God in this generation
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Ozem Thompson and Electa Z. Nelson Woodruff, 19 November 1855
Answd Nov 19 [18]55 [end of sideways text] [sideways text] trim in blosom time [end of sideways text] Golden Sweete & greate baren tree stande all Clima[te] kusst Sweete greate barrren every year tree stande all climate wilte those apples in the sune a few dayes before you pute them in your cellar ande they will keepe all winter harvist sweete bough apples nice ripeen one at time tree rather tender those market stre^et^ sweete apples nice trees stande all climate Early none such I cut off from my Father farm in Co grafted buy vermonters sen^se^ we lefte the beste apple you ever saw I wante you to remember when you ete [eat] that apple that it growed on your Father farm your native hunting the fruit is find while all good I cente ^wante^ you as soon as you gete those cions iff you gete them this fall or winter take writee oute all currante grapes goosebury willers ande bury them in the grounde in the Springe sete them oute straite up ande down bearieinge one bude oute off the grown juste as you wante them to grow watter them William F Huband is a honeste man he has started a large nursery on the corners south off me where you goe oute buy Localed Russed you can gete any thin[g] you can ask for off him there sisde [sister]. Afte[r] in some off the nusrsery trees greatee maney small imperial sweete apples I have grafted nursery trees over


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Nov 19, 1855