Day in the Life

Dec 14, 1855

Journal Entry

December 14, 1855 ~ Friday

14th I spent the day reading & writing I attended the meeting during
the evening. The meeting was addressed by Phineas Young who
spoke of the Lamanites said He had distributed the Books of

mormon to the various Indians chiefs from the Cherekees
to Florida He gave Ross the Cherikee chief one he made
many remarks upon that subject. He made one Error
in saying that the Indians would not imbrace the work
of God
or be gathered by the Gospel untill they had gone
through among the Gentiles & trodden them down as
the Book of mormon declairs But the book of Morm-
on declairs that they shall be gathered

He was followed by Lorenzo Snow & Samuel Richards
both spoke much to the Edification of the People


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Ross, John
3 mentions
Native American
Ross, John
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Phineas Howe
16 Feb 1799 - 10 Oct 1879
Richards, Samuel Whitney
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Again let us turn our thoughts to the Lamanites of who are of the linage of Joseph who surround us in these mountains & vallies who are also cursed & cast down below the brute creation there is also a thick dark veil still hanging over them the God of Joseph has said they should be redeemed & become a white & Delightsome people here the Lord requires sumthing els at our hands besides praying we have manual laborur & work to do we have them to redeem no body els will attempt it. our duties are great towards that people. we have carried the Gospel to the Gentiles Nations & they have rejected it & our own Nation has shed the best blood that rolls in the veins of men, they have slain the prophets & saints & driven the whole Church & kingdom of God into these mountains in the midst of the Lamanites here the ark of God rests shall we cover it up & let it rest idle I say no the Lord requires the salvation of this branch of the house of Israel at our hands. As Prophets, Apostles, Elder & Saints of God we have no time to loose or sleep upon our oars & wait for somebody els to perform the work. we have it to do & the time has come. I know the day is at our door when the worship of that people will be excepted at the hands of God they will be visited by the Holy messengers of God who will be coworkers with us then let us call upon God earnestly in their behalf & do our duty towards them & they will soon stand in Holy places & recieve the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood & appreciate them & do a great work which will be excepted of the Lord thes things are resting upon my mind with great wait day & night. If we as a people have fallen asleep it is time we awoke to our duty or we shall come under condemnation as a people who bear the Priesthood.
~ Wilford Woodruff
we may rend the veil that we may obtain greater Blessings from God. we must pray earnestly in order to obtain the Holy spirit.
~ Wilford Woodruff
mormon to the various Indians Chiefs from the Cherekees to Florida He gave Ross the Cherikee chief one he made many remarks upon that subject. He made one Error in saying that the Indians would not imbrace the work of God or be gathered by the Gospel untill they had gone through among the Gentiles & trodden them down as the Book of mormon declairs. But the book of Morm- on declairs that they shall be gathered
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Youngs text was Arise & shine O Zion for ^thy light is come^ & the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. He said I have always felt since I have been called to preach to speak of the practical things of evry day life instead of some great misteries a long way ahead in tEtearnity which the people do not know nor never will as the thing tought does not exhist I felt in the begining of my being called to the ministry that I had no right to preach except I was filled with the spirit of Revelation & prophesy as the Ancients & I feel the same to day in order to be qualified to preached we should be filled with Reve- lation I do not consider that any man is qualified to preach the Gospel & the sayings of the prophets unless he is filled with the spirits of the prophets. We are commanded to arise & shine but for us to sit down & say that we believe in this work we believe that ^Joseph^ was a Prophet, and still not carry out the work which we are commanded to do, not to build up or beautify Zion we shall find that we shall miss of our aim we shall not enter into the Celestial kingdom we shall not enter through the gates. We must show to the Lord that we are willing to fulfill What he requires of us and this we shall not do unless we are willing to arise & shine, but how are we to [do] it, we have got to build up Zion, and we have got to make Zion the most holy and polished, Refined & beautiful place upon the face of the whole Earth. So we may expect to see Zion in all that beauty majesty & glory which God has spoken of. But the people do not understand the things of God. I will prophesy that unless this people will rise up & build up Zion as God has commanded them they will be removed out of their place & another people will be raised in their stead who will perform the work & this I say in the name of God. I also say in the name of the Lord that the desendants of Ephraim who are among the Gentiles
~ Brigham Young


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Dec 14, 1855