In all these things I see not a vestage of the trumpary
of modern human institutions either of democracy whigery
monarchy or Arisstocricy I see nothing in fact but religion
standing forth in its own native simplicity & clad in the
panoply of its own legiteimate heavenly powers giving government
& Laws to Nations and appointing and Anointing majestrates
Kings & Judges to administer the same. But leaving for a mom[en]t
the events of palestine I glance for a moment at Bablylon
whare sat Nebuchadnezzar in all the pride of self confidence
& self government. This Monarch had denyied the hand of God
& imputed to himself the power & glory of Babylon and the
magnitude & glory of his vast dominion He had also
esstablished a religion & created it by law at a given signal
all person ^on pain of death^ were to bow down to his images & idols. But Daniel & his
fellows were their with the true religion
Dreams, interpetations, visions, prophesyings, and Miracles
& the word of God rebuking & punishing him soon convierted
him to the truth He then published an epistle to all Nations
& Tongues under his dominions & in all languages the perpose
of which was that God was a revealer of secrets a worker
of signs & wonders & an originator & controler of political
power & government [Daniel 1-4]. In Bablylon it was soon conseded
that the wisdom of one revelator or Prophet was ten
times more valuable than all the combined wisdom of its
sages without this gift. Hence Daniel was wisely placed
in power as president of the Presidents of more than a
hundred provinces [Daniel 6:1-3]. This same Daniel by the word of the
Lord afterwords reproved & Dethroned Belshazer and placed Cyrus the Mede upon the Throne of Babylon [Daniel 5:29-31]. This Monarch
obeyed the word of the Lord so far as to restore the Jews &
rebuild their city & Temple [Ezra 1]. So long as the Jews obeyed
the voice of their Prophets they prospered & were free
but loosing the spirit of prophesy & of true religion they
forfeited their institutions laws & doctrin. Hence John
the Baptist & Jesus Christ found them in Bondage to a
Government called Rome.
These Romans like the
Greeks before them had manufactured their own Govern
ment & religion & then enforced it upon others insom-
uch that the Jews themselves having lost the power of
their own religion were oblieged to submit. John the
Baptist & Jesus Christ reproved all the needless trash
& powerless forms of Jewish sects & of Gentiles supers-
titions & restored to the world the gifts of prophesy visions
revelation ^&^ Miracles, which would have broaken the human
yoke reesstablished the independance of Israel & made Jerrusalem the perpetual seat of government for all
nations. Buttheywouldnot. Jesus Christ would have
made their Temple a house of prayer for all Nations in all
coming time He would have placed there the eternal keys
of priesthood power & Government & wisdom. ^*A page missed turn to the star^
The Blackness of Darkness veiled the earth in morning
Ages—Centuries—now fled. Politics—Laws—Religions have
multiplied. Empires—Kingdoms—States—Repub[l]ics have
filled the world. But whare—O whare!—The keys powers
In all these things I see not a vestage of the trumpary
of modern human institutions Either of democracy whigery
monarchy or Arisstocricy I see nothing in fact but religion
standing forth in its own native simplicity & clad in the
panoply of its own legitimate heavenly powers giving government
& Laws to Nations and appointing and Anointing majestrates
kings & Judges to administer the same. But leaving for a moment
the events of palestine I glance for a moment at Babylon
whare sat Nebuchadnezzar in all the pride of self confidence
& self government. This Monarch had denied the hand of God
& imputed to himself the power & glory of Babylon and the
magnitude & glory of his vast dominion He had also
Esstablished a Religion & created it by law at a given signal
all person on pain of death were to bow down to his images & idols. But Daniel & his
fellows were their with the true Religion
Dreams, interpetations, visions, prophesyings, and Miracles
& the word of God Rebuking & punishing him soon converted
him to the truth He then published an Epistle to all Nations
& Tongues under his dominions & in all languages the perpose
of which was that God was a revealer of secrets a worker
of signs & wonders & an originator & controler of political
power & government. In Babylon it was soon conseded
that the wisdom of one Revelator or Prophet was ten
times more valuable than all the combined wisdom of its
sages without this gift. Hence Daniel was wisely placed
in power as president of the Presidents of more than a
hundred provinces. This same Daniel by the word of the
Lord afterwords reproved & Dethroned Belshazer and placed
Cyrus the Mede upon the Throne of Babylon. This Monarch
obeyed the word of the Lord so far as to restore the Jews &
rebuild their City & Temple. So long as the Jews obeyed
the voice of their Prophets they prospered & were free
but loosing the spirit of prophesy & true religion they
forfeited their institutions laws & doctrin. Hence John
the Baptist & Jesus Christ found them in bondage to a
Government Called Rome.
These Romans like the
Greeks before them had manufactured their own Govern
ment & Religion & then enforced it upon others insomuch that the Jews themselves having lost the power of
their own religion were oblieged to submit. John the
Baptist & Jesus Christ reproved all the needless trash
& powerless forms of Jewish sects & of Gentile superstitions & restored to the world the gifts of prophesy visions
Revelation & Miracles. which would have broaken the human
yoke reesstablished the independance of Israel & made
Jerrusalem the perpetual seat of Government for all
nations. Buttheywouldnot. Jesus Christ would have
made their Temple a house of prayer for all Nations in all
coming time He would have placed there the Eternal keys
of priesthood power & Government & wisdom. * A page missed
turn to the star
The Blackness of Darkness veiled the Earth in morning
Ages—Centuries—now fled— Politics— Laws— Religions have
multiplied- Empires— Kingdoms— States— Repubics have
filled the world. But whare— O whare!— The keys powers
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,