Council Chamber 10 oclok A.M.
Councilor P. P. Pratt occupied the chair in the abscence of the president
but resigned it to address the council. The Honorable counselor said
Gentlemen. I resign my place to the Hon counsellrcilor on my left
& beg the privilege to express my views on government at some length
No merely human Government ever had the power to originate
or esstablish a system of true religion but on the other hand a true
religious system contains within itself the inherant and inaliena-
ble germs of all true Government. True religion has the right
& the power to originate government & Laws for individuals
Families, Corporate Bodies, States, Nations, empires, or worlds,
A true systems of religions embraces all the real government
that intelligent beings can need or reasonably desire in the
Heavens or on the earth Mearly human government never
created a Prophet an Apostle an Eternal High Priest a God
or A Son of God. On the other hand the Eternal Priesthood has
created worlds & peopled them with man & with all the variety
of universal vegitable & animal resources. The Eternal priesthod
has Eternal Priesthood elected ordained & anointed Kings
& priests upon our earth & filled them with the spirit of
wisdom knowledge power might majesty & dominion for the
benefit, instruction, government, & exhaltation of the race or
of the nations or nations thus favored. All governments not
growing out of the true system & authority of religion is a
perversion a mockery a dark unwieldy mass without
certainty, stability or guarantee for evin peace safety
or perpetoity all such government is either founded in
ignorance or self will wharein the people declair either in word
or in act that God and Inspiration shall not controll them
& that an Angel Prophet Apostle Priest or King commishined
by him shall have no rule or have no sway in their National
councils. All such governments are either in open violatin
rebellion against the powers that be or act wholey ignorant
of the powers that have a right to be. I will illustrate this subj.
by refferance to the past. When man was first placed upon
the earth did He create governments or was governments given ^appointed^ to him by the election of God made manifest by revelation
did the lower creation rise up & elect Adam or dig God say Havethoudominion from whence then was the first introduct-
ion of merely human government upon our earth. The
answer to this you will find in the words of God which He spake
unto Moses on the mount as revealed in those days by our great Prophet & myrter [Moses 1], informing us that Adam begat sons &
daughters who went out & peopled the land in pairs long before
the birth of Cain & Ableel [Moses 5:3]. And when Adam taught them the word
of the Lord & the principles of righteousness & true government
Satan came also among them & said unto them believe it not
And they believed not in the teaching of Adam But they believed
Satan more than God or more than the ruler He had appointed
Thare then arose the foundation of self Government withot God
A government which was perpetual for many centuries
and which finally filled the earth with violence & corruption
& was overthrown by the flood of those who survived the flood Noah
was of course
A Speech of P. P. Pratt in the Council Chamber of the Legislative Assembly
Council Chamber Wednesday Dec 18th 1852 10 oclok A.M.
Councilor P. P. Pratt occupied the Chair in the abscence of the president
but resigned it to address the council. The Honorable Counselor said
Gentlemen. I resign my place to the HonCouncilor on my left
& beg the privilege to express my views on government at some length
No merely human Government ever had the power to originate
or esstablish a system of true religion but on the other hand a true
religious system contains within itself the inherant and inalienable germs of all true Government. True religion has the right
& the power to originate government & Laws for individuals
Families, Corporate Bodies, States, Nations, Empires, or worlds,
A true systems of Religions Embraces all the real government
that intelligent beings can need or reasonably desire in the
Heavens or on the Earth Mearly human government never
created a Prophet an Apostle an Eternal High Priest a God
or a Son of God. On the other hand the Eternal Priesthood has
created worlds & peopled them with man & with all the variety
of universal vegitable & animal resources. The Eternal priesthod
has Elected ordained & anointed Kings
& priests upon Our Earth & filled them with the spirit of
wisdom knowledge power might majesty & dominion for the
benefit, instruction, government, & exhaltation of the race or
of the nations or nations thus favored. All governments not
growing out of the true system & authority of religion is a
perversion a mockery a dark unwieldy mass without
certainty, stability or guarantee for evin peace safety
or perpetoity all such government is either founded in
ignorance or self will wharein the people declair either in word
or in act that God and Inspiration shall not controll them
& that an Angel Prophet Apostle Priest or King Commishined
by him shall have no rule or have no sway in their National
Councils. All such governments are either in open
Rebelion against the powers that be or act wholey ignorant
of the powers that have a right to be. I will illustrate this subj.
by refferane to the past. When man was first placed upon
the Earth did he create governments or was governments
appointed to him by the Election of God made manifest by Revelation
did the lower Creation rise up & Elect Adam or dig God say
Havethoudominion from whence then was the first introduction of merely human government upon our Earth. The
answer to this you will find in the words of God which He spake
unto Moses on the mount as revealed in those days by our great
Prophet & myrter. informing us that Adam begat Sons &
daughters who went out & peopled the land in pairs long before
the birth of Cain & Abel. And when Adam taught them the word
of the Lord & the principles of righteousness & true government
Satan came also among them & said unto them believe it not
and they believed not in the teaching of Adam but they believed
Satan more than God or more than the ruler He had appointed
Thare then arose the foundation of self Government withot God
A government which was perpetual for many centuries
and which finally filled the Earth with violence & corruption
& was overthrown by the flood of those who survived the flood Noah
was of course
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852 - December 18, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,