[page covered] [t]he lawful king Patriarch or ruler and after him the election
of God continued through the loins of Shem down to Abraham
but in Abrahams day according to his own writings lately
taken from the tombs of ancient Thebees & translated and
published by our great Prophet we find a man made government
existing in Egypt under a race of Phariohs. This Egypt according
to Phario Abrahams account was first discovered by Egyptus or
Daughter of Ham who afterwords settled her sons in it & from whol
whom sprang the race of Pharaioh's & the Ancient Egyptians [Abraham 1:23-25] the same
authority also informs us that Ham & his race were cursed as it
regards priesthood but blessed in matters pertaining to the
fruits of the earth & of wisdom. And that the Pharioh's & their
priests had not the priesthood although they pretended to have
received it from Ham their progenitor. Hence we find a
Government in Egypt of mere human origen and a pri-
esthood and religion by law esstablished which worshiped
several Gods among which was the crockadile & which sacrafized
Human sacrafices upon the Alter of State Hence the calling out of
Abraham & the reesstablishing of a government of God to be per-
petuated in his linage for ever, which linage is elected to reign
& rule & hold the keys of religion Priesthood Power & Government
while the earth endures & in worlds without end. This govern-
ment was perpetuated in the family of Isaac & Jacob & was exem
plified in the person of Joseph who by the gift of revelation became
prime minister of Egypt & saved his Fathers house & the Nations
from Death by famine. Here is an instance of A mere Human
government yielding to be instructed & benefited by a revelation
& a prophet Behold the result Descending the stream of time & traceing
the fortunes of the chosen or royal linage we next find a Moses
a man in whom was the spirit of true religion. By this religion
He overthrew the Egyptians delivered the nation from Bondage led
them forth to freedom & gave them laws. By this religion his
successor Joshua was also elected & qualified through him
by the laying on of hands And by this religion were all the Judges
chosen & qualifyed to fill the Judiciary with equity & Justi[c]e
Now Mr President it is clear that none of these glorious
events were the result of popular elections or of human
God gave a system of religion embracing
Inspiration visions Prophets & Priesthood & that religion
& those prophets & revelations created Nations Governments
& Laws. Hence true government in all its Branches and
ramification is the legitimate result or production of
true religion. For instant the Prophet Samuel by virtue
of his religious gift had power to elect by the word of God
& to Anoint Saul to be king of Israel [1 Samuel 10] and by the same
religious authority he had the right to reprove & even to
reject that same king & to anoint & place upon the head
Throne a shepherd Boy called david in his stead [1 Samuel 16] And
when Samuel was dead & David was king of Israel Nathan
another Prophet had power to reprove him for iniquity &
to pass Judgment upon him for his sins [2 Samuel 12]. Again when Elijah
had rebuked King Ahah & all his wicked rulers & adulterous priests
& had fled to the mountains because they rebelled & saught his
life [1 Kings 18-19] He was commanded to return and Anoint Jehu for King
of Israel [2 Kings 9], Haziel for king o[f] Syria & Elisha for Prophet in
his stead which He performed & was taken up.
the lawful king Patriarch or ruler and after him the Election
of God continued through the loins of Shem down to Abraham
but in Abrahams day according to his own writings lately
taken from the tombs of ancient Thebees & translated and
published by our great Prophet we find a man made goverment
existing in Egypt under a race of Phariohs. This Egypt according
to Abrahams account was first discovered by Egyptus or
Daughter of Ham who afterwards settled her sons in it & from
whom sprang the race of Pharioh's & the Ancient Egyptians the same
authority also informs us that Ham & his race were cursed as it
regards priesthood but blessed in matters pertaining to the
fruits of the Earth & of wisdom. And that the Pharioh's & their
priests had not the priesthood although they pretended to have
received it from Ham their progenitor. Hence we find a
Government in Egypt of mere human origen and a priesthood and Religion by law Esstablished which worshiped
several Gods among which was the crockadile & which sacrafized
Human sacrafices upon the Alter of State Hence the calling out of
Abram & the reesstablishing of a government of God to be perpetuated in his linage for Ever. which linage is Elected to reign
& rule & hold the keys of religion Priesthood Power & Government
while the Earth endures & in worlds without End. This government was perpetuated in the family of Isaac & Jacob & was exem
plified in the person of Joseph who by the gift of Revelation became
prime minister of Egypt & saved his Fathers house & the Nations
from Death by famine. Here is an instance of a mere Human
government yielding to be instructed & benefited by a Revelation
& a prophet Behold the result Descending the stream of time & traceing
the fortunes of the chosen or Royal linage we next find a Moses
a man in whom was the spirit of true Religion. By this religion
He overthrew the Egyptians delivered the nation from bondage led
them forth to freedom & gave them laws. By this Religion his
successor Joshua was also Elected & qualified through him
by the laying on of hands and by this religion were all the Judges
chosen & qualifyed to fill the Judiciary with equity & Justice
Now Mr President it is Clear that none of these glorious
events were the result of popular Elections or of human
God gave a system of Religion Embracing
Inspiration visions Prophets & Priesthood & that Religion
& those prophets & Revelations Created Nations Governments
& Laws. Hence true government in all its Branches and
Ramification is the legitimate result or production
of true Religion. For instant the Prophet Samuel by virtue
of his Religious gift had power to Elect by the word of God
& to Anoint Saul to be king of Israel and by the same
religious authority he had the right to reprove & even to
reject that same king & to anoint & place upon the
Throne a shepherd boy called david in his stead And
when Samuel was dead & David was king of Israel Nathan
another Prophet had power to reprove him for iniquity &
to pass Judgment upon him for his sins. Again when Elijah
had rebuked King Ahah & all his wicked rulers & adulterous priests
& had fled to the mountains because they rebelled & saught his
life He was commanded to return and Anoint Jehu for King
of Israel. Haziel for King of Syria & Elisha for Prophet in
his Stead which he performed & was taken up.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5yXY