Feb 29 Cash for butter &c ^1.50^
one order to Emma $30
Cash to Emma $10 James 2
sundries $1, $1.50, $51 = 3.50
~ Thursday
Feb 21 1884
[FIGURE] I received 2 letters from B Young & McAllister
I met with the Council last Evening and this forenoon
with the Presidency & Twelve upon the subject of painting
the Logan Temple We concluded to leave the large upper
room while I attended A meeting at the social Hall at
7 oclock President Taylor gave his views concerning the late
trial of Dr Ferguson he said not one of the charges had been
sustained but he spoke quite Lengthy upon the different forms
of Government and useges of corporations & institutions His
address was quite instructive
23 I spent the day in the office Listning to the reading
of the Probate Practice I went to the field in the Evening
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly HallF M Lyman spoke 55 Minutes E Snow spoke 45 Minutes
I attended a lecture in the Theatore in the Evening
on Temperance By a woman which was a Relief party afair
26 I filed a package of Letters of Betsey Alvords written
By My self and others W Woodruff was Mouth in ordaining
FIGURES Truman O Angel A High Priest & Patriarch this morning
~ Wednesday
Feb 27 1884 I spent the forenoon in the office writing I attended the council
in the afternoon. The subject of the Church Property in the Territory
was discussed And a committee was to be Apointed to attend
to the matter. There was a crouded House at the Theater at night
~ Thursday
28th A committee was in our Historical room to day I
spent the day on History and writing I wrote 1 Letter to
[FIGURE] John Henry Smith. The committee sat this Afternoon
~ Friday
29 Feb the Last day of winter I spent the day choreing
~ Saturday
March 1st 1884 This is my birthday I am 77 years old this
[FIGURE] March 1, 1884 Wilford Woodruff Is 77 years old to day
day I am in the Enjoymet of Good health
and my weight is 175 lbs 5 lbs more
than I Ever weighed before. I am having
a meeting of all my Family to day it is also
Emmas Birth day she is 46 years old to day
See my Journal March 1, 1884 I had a vary interesting family
Meeting I had present on the occasion Azmon Woodruff & wife 2
Wilford Woodruff & wifePhebe & G. S.Leslie & Orion Snow & Jenna 5
Wilford Woodruff Jrwife 4 sons & 2 daughters8
Emma Woodruff 2 sons & 3 daughters 6
Sarah D Woodruff, 3 sons & 2 daughters6
James Woodruff & wife, 2 sons & 2 daughters 6
Bulah 1 son, 2 daughters & Brother Beatie 5
Elias Smith and wife 2
Sarah Foss Elizabeth Cowley 1 son & 2 daughter 5
I had present with me 1 Brother, 3 wives, 7 sons
6 Daughters, 7 Grand sons & 6 Grand Daughters. We had our
Dinner at 3 oclok we then all gathered togethered in the
Parlor for Prayer and conversation
Select a date to see more documents from that day.