^28^ I felt well in speaking in the Tabernacle. I attended the prayer
circle in the evening & went to the 14 ward & herd President Young
speak about one hour. He told how Joseph got the plates & the attack
of 3 Men to get them from him & how he was delivered. He said
there were 7 men with Joseph when he first organized the Endowments
& he Brigham Young was the ownly witness on the Earth the rest are
dead & but few living that received there Endowments under his
hands. I wrote 2 letters to Mrs Woodruff & Sarah
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
29, & 31. I spent the time binding wheat
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
Aug 1 & 2nd I spent the time binding wheat
~ Saturday
3rd I attended the school of the prophets President Young gave
me & all others a text to preach from "Be ye one." [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27] He spok & so did
several others at the close of the school President Young dismissed the school
of the Prophets & No more to be held &at Present
~ Sunday
4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer
I attended meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Thomas Taylor spoke
39 Minutes, A H Raleigh spoke 30 M. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke
one hour & 10 Minutes Gov Wood Judge Hayden & many Gentiles
were present I met with the Twelve for prayer & preached in the 14 ward in the
5 to 10. I spent the week drawing Hay & binding wheat I attended
a meeting of the Board of D. A. & M. Society in the Evening
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the forenoon at homeG. W. Bywater spoke
in the forenoon one hour J Taylor in the Afternoon 45 Minutes
& President Young 48 Minutes I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I stoped Bwith Br Thatcher two of his sons George & John, while
in Calafornia killed a Mountain Lion or Panther with their
Hands & feet without any weapon that measured 9 feet from
tip of nose to End of tail 2 1/2 feet high & weighed 160 lbs. He Jumped on
to Johns Back in a dark night. He caught him around the Jaw back
[FIGURE] I felt well in speaking in the Tabernacle.
I & went to the 14 ward & herd President Young
speak about one hour He told how Joseph got the plates & the attack
of 3 Men to get them from him & how he was delived He said
there were 7 men with Joseph when he first organized the Endowments
& he Brigham Young was the ownly witness on the Earth the rest are
dead & but few living that received there Endowments under his
hands. I wrote 2 letters to Mrs. Woodruff & Sarah
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
29, & 31. I spent the time binding wheat
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
Aug 1 & 2nd I spent the time binding wheat
~ Saturday
3rd [FIGURE] I attended the school of the Prophets President Young gave
me & all others a text to Preach from "Be ye one" He spok & so did
several others at the close of the school President Young dismissed the school
of the Prophets & No more to be heldat Present.
~ Sunday
4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer
I attended meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Thomas Taylor spoke
39 Minutes, A H Raleigh spoke 30 Minutes. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke
one hour & 10 Minutse Gov Wood Judge Hayden & many Gentiles
were present I met with the Twelve for prayer & preached in the 14 ward in the
~ Monday
5. Aug a General Election to day through Utah
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
5 to 10. I spent the week drawing Hay & binding wheat I attended
a meeting of the Board of D. A. & M. Society in the Evening
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the forenoon at home G. W. Bywater spoke
in the forenoon one hour J Taylor in the Afternoon 45 Minutes
& President Young 48 Minutes I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I stopedwith Br Thatcher two of his sons George & John, while
in Calafornia killed a Mountain Lion or Panther with their
Hands & feet without any weapon that measured 9 feet from
tip of nose to End of tail 2 1/2 feet high & weighed 160 lbs He Jumped on
to Johns Back in a dark night He caught him around the Jaw bak
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 28, 1872 - August 16, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/NkLp