because they profess to be-
lieve in revelation, in Prophets and
Apostles. This has been the case
ever since the organization of this
Church. De we teach anything
that is contrary to the laws of God?
We do not. Do we believe any-
thing that is contrary to the
as taught in the days of the Apostles?
We do not. "But," says one,
"how did you come by this Gospel?"
We came by it through the from God.
the Revelator, in speaking of
the last day—the opening of the
seals—the blowing of the trumpets
—and all that should transpire be-
fore the of the Son
of Man—said he saw (among other
things) "another angel fly in the
midst of heaven, having the to preach unto them
that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue,
and people, saying with a loud
voice, Fear God and give glory to
him, for the hour of his judgment
is come." [Revelation 14:6-7] When the angel of God
delivered this message to he told him the heavens were
full of judgments; that the Lord
Almighty had set his to estab-
lish the kingdom that saw
and prophesied about, as recorded
in the second chapter of Daniel;
and that the Gospel had to be
preached to all nations under heaven
as a witness to them before the end
should come, and that, too, in fulfill-
ment of the revelation of God,
as given here in the and . Joseph Smith never
attempted to organize this Church
until he received commandment so
to do from God. He never attempted
to baptize a man until he received
the Aaronic Priesthood under
the hands of (who
was beheaded for the word of God
and the testimony of Jesus). [Doctrine and Covenants 27:8] He
never attempted to officiate in any
of the ordinances of the Gospel
until he received the Apostleship
under the hands of ,
and John. [Doctrine and Covenants 27:12] These men appeared
to him. They upon
his head and sealed the Apostleship
upon him with all the power thereof.
And these angels told Joseph Smith
to go forth himself and to call upon
other men to go forth unto the world
and preach the Gospel as taught by
Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and
the Lord would back up their testi-
mony; that when they laid hands
upon those who had been baptized
for the remission of sins, and who
had received their testimony, they
should receive the Holy Ghost.
This was the proclamation to
Joseph Smith 53 years ago.
Now, I want to ask this assembly,
strangers and Latter-day Saints
alike, what position the would have been in when
they went forth and made this
promise to the inhabitants of the
earth—the promise that if they
would receive of our testimony,
repent of their sins and be baptized
for a remission of them, and have
hands laid upon them, they should
receive the Holy Ghost—I want to
ask, gentlemen and ladies, how long
those Elders would have taught
this principle in the nations of the
earth if God Almighty had not
backed up their testimony? How
long would it have been, in the
absence of this backing, until they
would have been found out to
be deceivers? Not a great while.
Is there another set of men on the
face of the earth to-day, that dare
to go forth and make that proclama-
tion to the world? No; because
unless they were called of God to
make it, He would not back up their
testimony, and it would be known
who they were.
Saints because they profess to believe in revelation, in Prophets and
Apostles. This has been the case
ever since the organization of this
Church. De we teach anything
that is contrary to the laws of God?
We do not. Do we believe any-\
thing that is contrary to the Gospel
as taught in the days of the Apostles?
We do not. "But," says one,
"how did you come by this Gospel?"
We came by it through the administration of an angel from God.
the Revelator, in speaking of
the last day—the opening of the
seals—the blowing of the trumpets
—and all that should transpire before the second coming of the Son
of Man—said he saw (among other
things) "another angel fly in the
midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them
that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue,
and people, saying with a loud
voice, Fear God and give glory to
him, for the hour of his judgment
is come." When the angel of God
delivered this message to he told him the heavens were
full of judgments; that the Lord
Almighty had set his hand to establish the kingdom that saw
and prophesied about, as recorded
in the second chapter of Daniel;
and that the Gospel had to be
preached to all nations under heaven
as a witness to them before the end
should come, and that, too, in fulfillment of the revelation of God,
as given here in the Old and New
Testaments. Joseph Smith never
attempted to organize this Church
until he received commandment so
to do from God. He never attempted
to baptize a man until he received
the Aaronic Priesthood under
the hands of (who
was beheaded for the word of God
and the testimony of Jesus). He
never attempted to officiate in any
of the ordinances of the Gospel
until he received the Apostleship
under the hands of ,
and . These men appeared
to him. They laid their hands upon
his head and sealed the Apostleship
upon him with all the power thereof.
And these angels told Joseph Smith
to go forth himself and to call upon
other men to go forth unto the world
and preach the Gospel as taught by
Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and
the Lord would back up their testimony; that when they laid hands
upon those who had been baptized
for the remission of sins, and who
had received their testimony, they
should receive the Holy Ghost.
This was the proclamation to
Joseph Smith 53 years ago.
Now, I want to ask this assembly,
strangers and Latter-day Saints
alike, what position the Elders of
Israel would have been in when
they went forth and made this
promise to the inhabitants of the
earth—the promise that if they
would receive of our testimony,
repent of their sins and be baptized
for a remission of them, and have
hands laid upon them, they should
receive the Holy Ghost—I want to
ask, gentlemen and ladies, how long
those Elders would have taught
this principle in the nations of the
earth if God Almighty had not
backed up their testimony? How
long would it have been, in the
absence of this backing, until they
would have been found out to
be deceivers? Not a great while.
Is there another set of men on the
face of the earth to-day, that dare
to go forth and make that proclamation to the world? No; because
unless they were called of God to
make it, He would not back up their
testimony, and it would be known
who they were.