& fals rumour from Priest & people of evry sect
and party who hav^e^ deluged the whole land with tracts
pamphlets & newspaper stories against the Saints
but notwithstanding this the work still progresses
throughout that land it is doing well in London Manchester & many other places in England, Scotland, Wales &c Elder Hyde has gone to Germany on his
way to Jerrusalem, Elder P P. Pratt also informed
us in his letter that 50,000 persons have met at
a time in Manchester concerning the corn laws Also
chartist meetings that blood is shed at these cases
& great excitement Prevails
In reading the times &
seasons in the west I learned many things that the
work of the Lord is still progressing in this land
in the midst of all opposition, that all the Twelve
had arived at Nauvoo that was expected but
myself I also learned the painful intelligence that
Sister Alice consort of Oliver Olney aged 41 Died
on the 16th of July Elder Olney is in Connecticut &
knows not of the Death of his wife I had an int-
erview with him a few weeks since at my fathers
house. Also DROWNED in the city of Nauvoo
July 23rd Samuel W. aged 8 years and James F. C.
aged 6 years both children of Stephen and Mary
Luce formerly from fox islands Maine I Baptized
Br & Sister Luce. I also Learned by letter
from R. B. Thompson that DonCarlosSmith the
Editor of the Times & Seasons is Dead this was
truly painful intelligence to me I loved him he
was a worthy man, he has maintained his
integrity unto the end has died in faith & rests in
peace. In addition to having these things to medit-
ate upon during the day I was called upon to preach
three times in the church in the city, the citizens
appear much more opposed against the Saints at the
present time thane ever before since the rise of the
Church not ownly in New York but throughout
the United States as well as Europe it seems as
though all Earth & Hell were making one united effort
to overthrow the Church by deluging the earth
in lies publick meetings are held against us &
Newspapers are constantly publishing falshoods
& fals rumour from Priest & people of evry sect
and party who have deluged the whole land with tracts
pamphlets & newspaper stories against the Saints
but notwithstanding this the work still progresses
throughout that land it is doing well in LondonManchester & many other places in England, Scotland,
Wales &c Elder Hyde has gone to Germany on his
way to Jerrusalem, Elder P P. Pratt also informed
us in his letter that 50,000 persons have met at
a time in Manchester concerning the corn laws also
chartist meetings that blood is shed at these cases
& great excitement Prevails
In reading the times &
seasons in the west I learned many things that the
work of the Lord is still progressing in this land
in the midst of all opposition, that all the Twelve
had arived at Nauvoo that was expected but
myself I also learned the painful intelligence that
Sister Alice consort of Oliver Olney aged 41 Died
on the 16th of July Elder Olney is in Connecticut &
knows not of the death of his wife I had an interview with him a few weeks since at my fathers
house. Also DROWNED in the City of Nauvoo
July 23rd Samuel W. aged 8 years and James F.C.
aged 6 years both children of Stephen and Mary
Luce formerly from fox islands Maine I Baptized
Br & Sister Luce. I also Learned by letter
from R.B. Thompson that DonCarlosSmith the
Editor of the Times & Seasons is Dead this was
truly painful intelligence to me I loved him he
was a worthy man, he has maintained his
integrity unto the end has died in faith & rests in
peace. In addition to having these things to meditate upon during the day I was called upon to preach
three times in the church in the city, the citizens
appear much more opposed against the Saints at the
present time than ever before since the rise of the
church not ownly in New York but throughout
the United States as well as Europe it seems as
though all Earth & Hell were making one united effort
to overthrow the church by deluging the earth
in lies publick meetings are held against us &
Newspapers are constantly publishing falshoods
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," August 22, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/PVW