I do not know as you can find out this letter for I have to write it mostly with my babe
in my armes and little Sarah around me – she calls aloud for pa-pa many times in a day
but the poor child has no pa to hear her. she is quite lonely like myselfe can you not tell me some
thing near when you shall y come home I shall look for you in the fall. I have written you
three letters before this since you left this continent and d^i^rected them to Preston, Lankinshire, Eng.
and received 2 from you one dated Jan. 12th the other 27th - I should have written you oftener but
my circumstances would not admit of it – it was not for the want of fealing or anx
iety about you for believe me the society of no friends can fill the place of Willford in my heart
for I feal verry lonely of times Yes the briny flood will oft times overflow its banks in spite
of all my endeavours to restrain it but I know that it is the will of God that my compan
ion should labour in the vineyard of the Lord therefore I have tried to be reconciled to the will
of God in all things – I have not been left to murmer or complain once since you left me
but am looking forward to the day when you shall return home once more haveing filled
your mission in the love and fear of God. You are always present with me when I go
before the throne of grace and when I am asking for protection and blessings for myselfe and little
ones I claim a large one for my dear Willford who has gone farfar from me even to a foreign
nation where he is exposed to all the scoffs of those who realize not the inportance importance of the things
of God and the dangers attached there unto– O may the spirit of humility wisdom grace peace and
truth ever rest upon you is the prayr of your Phebe who much desires to see you but cannot
at present. Sarah Emma and little Willford Jun Jr. wrote to you in the letter I sent you by brot
her Hyde I hope you will obtain the letters I have sent you for I mentioned many things
in them relative to my situation. I am now at father Clark’s whome I mentioned in my other
letter am living by myselfe and think of staying here untill fall they are verry kind to me.
I have a girl with me that works for me a part of the time and for herselfe some – [paper damaged]
got along quite comfortable since I came to father Clarks for help food and raime[nt] [paper damaged]
requested me to tell you particulars I would say that my cow has not yet come in [paper damaged]
the calfe you left with me I kept it (although they were not much pleased with it in brother Hawly’s neighbourhood) because you desired me to before you left I have 2 hens and 12 chickens
they compose my stock at present. I hear that brother Joseph is expecting to have some houses built
in Commerce for the families of the 12 Commerce is building up surprizeingly – the emigration
there is said to be much greater than it ever was in Caldwell County, and the work is rolling
on in America with much rapidity – am glad to hear of its progress in England – pitty the
poor people in Eng. – I hope the saints will be patient and weight untill the Lord delivers them
which he will do in his own time and way. I suppose that you get the times and seasons as the Editors
said they sent each of the 12 a paper and by them you will learn of our brethrens success at Congress
and many other things perhapse more correctly than I could inform you. Bishop Partridge has
lately lost a daughter 18 years of age. – brothter Murphy of Tennesse whome you used to be acquainted
there came to lovely street stoped a while then returned to his family and lived but 4 days
afterwards. Sister TaylorYoung &P Pratts familie’s are well. – Sister Kimbal is troubled some
with the ague and I have it every little while. We have lately heard that there has been a battle
fought in Maine between the British and Americans about the boundary line and the Governors son
was killed how it will end I know not – the British requested the Americans to give up the
disputed land forth with but they refuse to do it therefore they are fulfilling the prophecies ancient
and modern. We have heard of no accident happening to N. Orleans – there has been much
destruction of the shipping in this country the past winter and spring – think it must have surp
rized the people much to have seen that light and the earth rise as you mentioned in
your letter. Ephraim Luce and Stephen have a standing with the 70 seventies – brother Stephen
is expecting to go out on a mission this season – his father and mother is expected here this sea
son – she that was Melana Ames and Mary Ames have come back to the church. Brother
and sister Ames have sent for me to come and stay with them untill you return they
live about 60 miles from Commerce – Rufus has been baptised their son – and Volentine has as
much as he can do to get along with his family – lives on the south Island. Mr Mulliner is very
believing yet in this work and it is thought that he will be baptized – brother Hale talks of going
on to the Islands this season – I expect that Sarah Milliken will marry a man
I do not know as you can find out this letter for I have to write it mostly with my babe
in my armes and little Sarah around me – she calls aloud for pa-pa many times in a day
but the poor child has no pa to hear her. she is quite lonely like myselfe can you not tell me some
thing near when you shall come home I shall look for you in the fall. I have written you
three letters before this since you left this continent and directed them to Preston, Lankinshire, Eng.
and received 2 from you one dated Jan. 12th the other 27th - I should have written you oftener but
my circumstances would not admit of it – it was not for the want of fealing or anx
iety about you for believe me the society of no friends can fill the place of Willford in my heart
for I feal verry lonely of times Yes the briny flood will oft times overflow its banks in spite
of all my endeavours to restrain it but I know that it is the will of God that my compan
ion should labour in the vineyard of the Lord therefore I have tried to be reconciled to the will
of God in all things – I have not been left to murmer or complain once since you left me
but am looking forward to the day when you shall return home once more haveing filled
your mission in the love and fear of God. You are always present with me when I go
before the throne of grace and when I am asking for protection and blessings for myselfe and little
ones I claim a large one for my dear Willford who has gone farfar from me even to a foreign
nation where he is exposed to all the scoffs of those who realize not the importance of the things
of God and the dangers attached there unto– O may the spirit of humility wisdom grace peace and
truth ever rest upon you is the prayr of your Phebe who much desires to see you but cannot
at present. Sarah Emma and little Willford Jr. wrote to you in the letter I sent you by brot
her Hyde I hope you will obtain the letters I have sent you for I mentioned many things
in them relative to my situation. I am now at father Clark’s whome I mentioned in my other
letter am living by myselfe and think of staying here untill fall they are verry kind to me.
I have a girl with me that works for me a part of the time and for herselfe some – paper damaged
got along quite comfortable since I came to father Clarks for help food and raiment paper damaged
requested me to tell you particulars I would say that my cow has not yet come in paper damaged
the calfe you left with me I kept it (although they were not much pleased with it in brother
Hawly’s neighbourhood) because you desired me to before you left I have 2 hens and 12 chickens
they compose my stock at present. I hear that brother Joseph is expecting to have some houses built
in Commerce for the families of the 12 Commerce is building up surprizeingly – the emigration
there is said to be much greater than it ever was in Caldwell County, and the work is rolling
on in America with much rapidity – am glad to hear of its progress in England – pitty the
poor people in Eng. – I hope the saints will be patient and weight untill the Lord delivers them
which he will do in his own time and way. I suppose that you get the times and seasons as the Editors
said they sent each of the 12 a paper and by them you will learn of our brethrens success at Congress
and many other things perhapse more correctly than I could inform you. Bishop Partridge has
lately lost a daughter 18 years of age. – brother Murphy of Tennesse whome you used to be acquainted
there came to lovely street stoped a while then returned to his family and lived but 4 days
afterwards. Sister TaylorYoung &P Pratts familie’s are well. – Sister Kimbal is troubled some
with the ague and I have it every little while. We have lately heard that there has been a battle
fought in Maine between the British and Americans about the boundary line and the Governors son
was killed how it will end I know not – the British requested the Americans to give up the
disputed land forth with but they refuse to do it therefore they are fulfilling the prophecies ancient
and modern. We have heard of no accident happening to N. Orleans – there has been much
destruction of the shipping in this country the past winter and spring – think it must have surp
rized the people much to have seen that light and the earth rise as you mentioned in
your letter. Ephraim Luce and Stephen have a standing with the seventies – brother Stephen
is expecting to go out on a mission this season – his father and mother is expected here this sea
son – she that was Melana Ames and Mary Ames have come back to the church. Brother
and sister Ames have sent for me to come and stay with them untill you return they
live about 60 miles from Commerce – Rufus has been baptised their son – and Volentine has as
much as he can do to get along with his family – lives on the south Island. Mr Mulliner is very
believing yet in this work and it is thought that he will be baptized – brother Hale talks of going
on to the Islands this season – I expect that Sarah Milliken will marry a man
"Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 9 May 1840," p. 2, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/EjK