July 19 1893
^^ I spent the day in the office I received a Letter from
^Prest^ G Q Cannon & one from Owen I met with J F. Smith
& Mitchel & Cluff on Money Matters I got my Artecian
well fixed in the Evening By Brother Wilckin & Cannon
~ Thursday
20 I signed a Dozen Recommends for 2nd Anointing
we got up 126 names to Borrow $1000 cash to help
the church for a season through their difficulty
I met with J. F. Smith & the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer
And we conversed upon the financial condition of the church
I met with the Lawyiers to day upon the water question
^22^ Adjourned one week untill the 29. I returned home
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading we had a Hard
Thunder shower in the Evening Asahel & Alice went
up to the Granite in the Evening. The whole country
~ Monday
24 is in Arms upon the silver question The west
wants silver & the East wants Gold I met the saints at the Tabernacle at 10:30 for a consort I made a
vary short Address followed by the Govornor then the Quire
of singers occupied the forenoon I went home
26. I met a Number of Brethren at the office I met
with Parley P Pratt who had Nothing to Eat we made
arangements for him to get some food at the Tithing office
~ Thursday
27. I met with the Twelve & J F Smith in the Temple for Prayer
~ Wednesday
July 19 1893
[FIGURE] I spent the day in the office I received a Letter from
Prest G Q Cannon & one from Owen I met with J F. Smith
& Mitchel & Cluff on Money Matters I got my Artecian
well fixed in the Evening By Brother Wilckin & Cannon
~ Thursday
20 I signed a Dozen Recommends for 2nd Anointing
we got up 126 names to Borrow $1000 cash to help
the church for a season through their difficulty
I met with J. F. Smith & the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer
And we conversed upon the financial condition of the church
I met with the Lawyiers to day upon the water question
22 Adjourned one week untill the 29. I returned home
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading we had a Hard
Thunder shower in the Evening Asahel & Alice went
up to the Granite in the Evening. The whole country
~ Monday
24 [FIGURE] is in Arms upon the silver question The west
wants silver & the East wants Gold I met the saints
[FIGURE] at the Tabernacle at 10:30 for a consort I made a
vary short Address followed by the Govornor then the Quire
of singers occupied the forenoon I went home
26. I met a Number of Brethren at the office I met
with Parley P Pratt who had Nothing to Eat we made
arangements for him to get some food at the Tithing office
~ Thursday
27. I met with the Twelve & J F Smith in the Temple for Prayer
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," July 19, 1893 - July 27, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/y9wn